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+ "%md",
+ "## MovieStream Discovery",
+ "* Who is using the service? And, what types of movies are they purchasing?",
+ "* Can we expect a lift from the Academy Awards?",
+ "* Can we better understand at-risk customers? Who are they? ",
+ "",
+ "### Seemingly simple questions - and they can be if you have the right database and query engine",
+ "#### Avoid falling off the complexity cliff with Autonomous Database and Oracle SQL",
+ "Data is stored across storage tiers and in multiple formats. Autonomous Database is a converged database that allows a single table to capture data of different types (scalar, json, geocoded and more) - stored both in the database as well as in object storage. Combine 1) ADB's ability to shield users and applications from storage complexity and 2) the market's leading SQL capabilities - and you can get fast answers to tough questions from any application."
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+ {
+ "message" : "
MovieStream Discovery
\n\n- Who is using the service? And, what types of movies are they purchasing?
\n- Can we expect a lift from the Academy Awards?
\n- Can we better understand at-risk customers? Who are they?
\nSeemingly simple questions - and they can be if you have the right database and query engine
\nAvoid falling off the complexity cliff with Autonomous Database and Oracle SQL
\nData is stored across storage tiers and in multiple formats. Autonomous Database is a converged database that allows a single table to capture data of different types (scalar, json, geocoded and more) - stored both in the database as well as in object storage. Combine 1) ADB's ability to shield users and applications from storage complexity and 2) the market's leading SQL capabilities - and you can get fast answers to tough questions from any application.
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+ "%md",
+ "## Let's take a look at sales data from our data warehouse",
+ "We have contact information about all of our customers and can see sales by geography"
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+ "title" : "Top Sales by City",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "select c.city, round(sum(actual_price)) as sales",
+ "from customer_contact c, custsales s",
+ "where c.cust_id = s.cust_id",
+ "and c.country = 'United States'",
+ "group by c.city",
+ "order by 2 desc",
+ "fetch first 10 rows only;"
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+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "select * from customer_contact where rownum < 10;"
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+ "%md",
+ "## How to better understand customer profiles",
+ "### Lake House Queries",
+ "What data do we have in our lake house that would help us understand our customers?",
+ "",
+ "**Go to [Data Catalog](https://console.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/datacatalog) to find interesting data.**",
+ "",
+ "In our Data Lake, we have information about customer in the Landing Zone that has not yet been certified - but is still useful for analysis.",
+ "Let's explore **customer demographic** and **customer segmentation** data sets."
+ ],
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+ {
+ "message" : "How to better understand customer profiles
\nLake House Queries
\nWhat data do we have in our lake house that would help us understand our customers?
\nGo to Data Catalog to find interesting data.
\nIn our Data Lake, we have information about customer in the Landing Zone that has not yet been certified - but is still useful for analysis.\n
Let's explore customer demographic and customer segmentation data sets.
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+ "title" : "Customer Segmentation",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "select short_name, 1 as id ",
+ "from dcat$obj_landing.customer_segment cs",
+ ";"
+ ],
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+ "sizeX" : 0,
+ "width" : 8,
+ "title" : "Customer Demographics",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "select * ",
+ "from dcat$obj_landing.customer_extension ce",
+ "where rownum < 100;"
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+ },
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+ "col" : 0,
+ "sizeX" : 0,
+ "width" : 12,
+ "title" : "Let's combine the data in the Warehouse with information from the Data Lake",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "-- Notice that joining data from the lake with the warehouse is transparent to the user/application",
+ "select cs.short_name as segment,",
+ " ce.first_name || ' ' || ce.last_name as full_name,",
+ "\t cc.state_province,",
+ " cc.country,",
+ " ce.age,",
+ " ce.gender,",
+ " ce.marital_status,",
+ " ce.job_type,",
+ " ce.household_size",
+ "from moviestream.customer_contact cc, ",
+ " dcat$obj_landing.customer_segment cs, ",
+ " dcat$obj_landing.customer_extension ce",
+ "where ce.segment_id = cs.segment_id",
+ " and ce.cust_id = cc.cust_id",
+ " and rownum < 100;"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "row" : 0,
+ "col" : 0,
+ "sizeX" : 0,
+ "width" : 12,
+ "title" : "A high level look at our customer movie preferences ----> same query across any data source",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "",
+ "-- Simple query to find out who (customer segment) is buying different types of movies (genres).",
+ "-- Here, data is in the database. But the data for these tables could also be stored in object store (or both).",
+ "-- It's transparent to the application.",
+ "select cs.short_name as segment,",
+ " g.name as genre,",
+ "\t trunc(sum(s.actual_price),0) as sales",
+ "from dcat$obj_landing.customer_extension ce, ",
+ " dcat$obj_landing.customer_segment cs, ",
+ " moviestream.genre g, ",
+ " moviestream.custsales s",
+ "where ce.segment_id = cs.segment_id",
+ " and s.genre_id = g.genre_id",
+ " and ce.cust_id = s.cust_id",
+ "group by cs.short_name, g.name",
+ "order by 1, 2;"
+ ],
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+ "width" : 12,
+ "title" : "What important customers are at risk? Analyze using Recency, Frequency and Monetary trends",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "-- Use RFM - Recency, Frequency and Monetary analysis to categorize customer behavior. Any big spenders that are not active?",
+ "-- Look for customers in a High Spend quintile and Low Recency quintile ",
+ "with rfm as (",
+ " SELECT cs.cust_id,",
+ " c.last_name,",
+ " c.first_name,",
+ " c.gender,",
+ " c.age,",
+ " c.income_level,",
+ " NTILE (5) over (order by sum(cs.actual_price)) AS rfm_monetary,",
+ " NTILE (5) over (order by max(cs.day_id)) AS rfm_recency,",
+ " NTILE (5) over (order by count(1)) AS rfm_frequency",
+ " FROM moviestream.custsales cs, dcat$obj_landing.customer_extension c",
+ " WHERE c.cust_id = cs.cust_id",
+ " GROUP BY cs.cust_id, ",
+ " c.last_name,",
+ " c.first_name,",
+ " c.gender,",
+ " c.age,",
+ " c.income_level",
+ ")",
+ "select *",
+ "from rfm",
+ "where ",
+ " rfm_monetary >= 4",
+ "and rfm_recency <= 2",
+ "order by rfm_monetary desc, rfm_recency asc",
+ "fetch first 200 rows only;"
+ ],
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+ "hasTitle" : false,
+ "message" : [
+ "%md",
+ "## How do the Academy Awards impact sales?",
+ "### Use advanced SQL over JSON sources"
+ ],
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+ "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+ "status" : "SUCCESS",
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "message" : "How do the Academy Awards impact sales?
\nUse advanced SQL over JSON sources
+ "type" : "HTML"
+ }
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+ "title" : "Simple queries over JSON",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "-- What about movie?",
+ "-- There are also complex file types - like movie which is defined over JSON",
+ "-- Let's look at award winning movies",
+ "select m.json_document,",
+ " m.json_document.movie_id,",
+ " m.json_document.title,",
+ " m.json_document.genre,",
+ " m.json_document.views,",
+ " m.json_document.awards,",
+ " decode(m.json_document.awards, null, null, json_value(m.json_document,'$.awards.size()')) num_awards,",
+ " m.json_document.nominations,",
+ " decode (m.json_document.nominations, null, null, json_value(m.json_document,'$.nominations.size()')) num_nominations",
+ "from dcat$obj_gold.movie m ",
+ "where m.json_document.awards is not null;"
+ ],
+ "selectedVisualization" : null,
+ "visualizationConfig" : null,
+ "hideCode" : true,
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+ },
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+ "col" : 0,
+ "sizeX" : 0,
+ "width" : 6,
+ "title" : "JSON is flexible - but can be tricky to use. Analyzing complex fields ",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "-- A movie may receive multiple awards - awards is a JSON array",
+ "-- Other fields are similar - like crew and cast",
+ "select title, awards",
+ "from movie ",
+ "where awards is not null",
+ "order by title"
+ ],
+ "selectedVisualization" : null,
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+ },
+ {
+ "row" : 0,
+ "col" : 0,
+ "sizeX" : 0,
+ "width" : 6,
+ "title" : "Oracle SQL makes JSON look familiar ----> use powerful json transforms",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "-- JSON_TABLE is a powerful function that will perform a lateral join - creating a row for each award for movies",
+ "-- Awards are now easily queried",
+ "select title, award ",
+ "from movie, JSON_TABLE(awards, '$[*]' columns (award path '$')) jt",
+ "where awards is not null",
+ "order by title"
+ ],
+ "selectedVisualization" : null,
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+ },
+ {
+ "row" : 0,
+ "col" : 0,
+ "sizeX" : 0,
+ "width" : 12,
+ "title" : "Is there an Academy Award bump? Let's look at customer interest in previous award winners 2 weeks before and after the event -----> time-series + multi-model queries",
+ "hasTitle" : true,
+ "message" : [
+ "%sql",
+ "",
+ "with academyAwardedMovies as (",
+ " select movie_id, title, year, award ",
+ " from movie, JSON_TABLE(awards, '$[*]' columns (award path '$')) jt",
+ " where lower(award) like '%academy%'",
+ " and year > 2000",
+ "),",
+ "academyMovieSales as (",
+ " select sales.movie_id, sales.day_id",
+ " from moviestream.custsales sales, academyAwardedMovies awm",
+ " where sales.movie_id = awm.movie_id",
+ "),",
+ "before2020Award as (",
+ " select ams1.movie_id, count(1) as before_count",
+ " from academyMovieSales ams1 where day_id between to_date('09/02/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY') -14",
+ " and to_date('09/02/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY')",
+ " group by ams1.movie_id",
+ "),",
+ "after2020Award as (",
+ " select ams2.movie_id, count(1) as after_count",
+ " from academyMovieSales ams2 where day_id between to_date('09/02/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY')",
+ " and to_date('09/02/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY') +14",
+ " group by ams2.movie_id",
+ ")",
+ "select distinct",
+ " awm.title, ",
+ " substr(awm.title, 1, 15) title_label,",
+ " awm.year, ",
+ " bef.before_count as \"before event\", ",
+ " aft.after_count as \"after event\", ",
+ " round((aft.after_count - bef.before_count)/bef.before_count * 100) as \"percent change\"",
+ "from after2020Award aft, before2020Award bef, academyAwardedMovies awm",
+ "where aft.movie_id = bef.movie_id",
+ " and bef.movie_id = awm.movie_id",
+ "order by \"percent change\" DESC;"
+ ],
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+ "visualizationConfig" : null,
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+ "%sql"
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index d4a1bbf4..474fbfd2 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/notebook-imported.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/notebook-imported.png differ
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index 9183ef3a..7b7d9d86 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/notebooks-page.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/notebooks-page.png differ
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index 6f9dcb2c..3cf32db1 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/oml-home.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/oml-home.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8b0daf5
Binary files /dev/null and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/oml-tab.png differ
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index 00000000..6192738b
Binary files /dev/null and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/output-all-displayed.png differ
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index dabe24aa..e9ab8234 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/run-notebook.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/run-notebook.png differ
diff --git a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/run-top-sales.png b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/run-top-sales.png
index 4e177d87..263bd2aa 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/run-top-sales.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/run-top-sales.png differ
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index 8aedb41e..a7c835dc 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/show-code.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/show-code.png differ
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index b70edcb0..2f2d0935 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/show-output.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/show-output.png differ
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index 2483aff2..49057fe3 100644
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index 6d717fca..4e193b6c 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/top-sales-output.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/images/top-sales-output.png differ
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index d5de7d49..bdcda308 100644
--- a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/query-data.md
+++ b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/query-data/query-data.md
@@ -34,38 +34,38 @@ You can import, create, and work with notebooks in Oracle Machine Learning Noteb
-5. On the **Autonomous Database Details** page, click the **Database Actions** button. A **Launch DB Actions** message box is displayed.
- ![The Service Console button is highlighted.](./images/database-actions-new.png " ")
+5. On the **Autonomous Database Details** page, click the **Database actions** drop-down list, and then select **View all database actions**.
+ ![The Service Console button is highlighted.](./images/view-all-db-actions.png " ")
-5. On the **Autonomous Database Details** page, click the **Database Actions** button. A **Launch DB Actions** message box is displayed.
+5. On the **Autonomous Database Details** page, click the **Database actions** drop-down list, and then select **View all database actions**.
- ![The Service Console button is highlighted.](./images/ll-db-actions-new.png " ")
+ ![The Service Console button is highlighted.](./images/view-all-db-actions.png " ")
-6. On the **Database Actions | Launchpad** Home page, in the **Development** section, click the **ORACLE MACHINE LEARNING** card.
+6. On the **Database Actions | Launchpad** Home page, click the **Development** tab, and then click the **Oracle Machine Learning** tab.
- ![From the partial list of displayed cards, the Oracle Machine Learning card is highlighted.](./images/oml-card.png " ")
+ ![From the partial list of displayed cards, the Oracle Machine Learning card is highlighted.](./images/oml-tab.png " ")
7. On the **SIGN IN** page, enter **`moviestream`** in the **Username** field, your password that you chose in **Lab 3 > Task 2** such as **`Training4ADB`** in the **Password** field, and then click **Sign In**.
>**Note:** You specified the password for the `moviestream` user that was created when you ran the PL/SQL script in **Lab 3**, **Task 2: Initialize the Lab**.
- ![On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Sign In page, the database name is blurred. The username (moviestream) and password fields are populated. The Sign In button is highlighted.](./images/login-moviestream.png " ")
+ ![Enter your credentials on the Sign In page.](./images/login-moviestream.png " ")
The **Oracle Machine Learning** Home page is displayed.
![The MOVIESTREAM username is displayed and highlighted in the Oracle ML banner. The How Do I section contains several clickable help topics. The Quick Actions section is highlighted and it contains several clickable icons including the highlighted Notebooks icon.](./images/oml-home.png " ")
## Task 2: Import a Notebook
You can import a notebook from a local disk or from a remote location if you provide the URL. In this task, you will first download an OML notebook to your local machine, and then import this notebook into OML.
-1. Click the following link to download the [workshop-data-lake-accelerator.json](files/workshop-data-lake-accelerator.json?download=1) OML Notebook.
+1. Click the following link to download the [workshop-data-lake-accelerator.dsnb](files/workshop-data-lake-accelerator.dsnb?download=1) OML Notebook.
-2. On the **Oracle Machine Learning** Home page, in the **Quick Actions** section, click the **Notebooks** button. The **Notebooks** page is displayed.
+2. On the **Oracle Machine Learning** Home page, in the **Quick Actions** section, click the **Notebooks** icon. The **OML Notebooks EA (Early Adopter)** page is displayed.
![On the Notebooks page, the Import button is highlighted.](./images/notebooks-page.png " ")
@@ -73,17 +73,21 @@ You can import a notebook from a local disk or from a remote location if you pro
4. Navigate to your local folder where you downloaded the OML notebook, and select the **`workshop-notebook-data-lake-accelerator.json`** notebook file. The file is displayed in the **File name** field. Make sure that the **Custom Files (*.json;\*.ipynb)** type is selected in the second drop-down field, and then click **Open**.
![On the Open dialog box in MS-Windows, the local Downloads folder is highlighted. The Filename field shows the selected .json notebook file in this folder. The Open button is highlighted.](./images/open-dialog.png " ")
If the import is successful, a notification is displayed at the top of the page and the **`Workshop Notebook - Data Lake Accelerator`** notebook is displayed in the list of available notebooks on **Notebooks** page.
![The 1 out of 1 notebooks imported successfully message is displayed. The newly imported notebook name link is displayed and highlighted on the page.](./images/notebook-imported.png " ")
-5. Open the imported notebook. Click the **Workshop - Data Lake Accelerator** notebook link. The notebook is displayed in the Notebook **Editor**.
+5. Open the imported notebook. Click the **Workshop - Data Lake Accelerator** notebook link.
- ![The notebook and the paragraphs it contains is displayed in the Notebook Editor.](./images/notebook-displayed.png " ")
+6. The **User Action Required** dialog box is displayed. Click **Allow Run**.
+ ![The User Action Required dialog box is displayed.](./images/allow-run.png " ")
+ The notebook is displayed in the Notebook **Editor**.
+ ![The notebook and the paragraphs it contains is displayed in the Notebook Editor.](./images/notebook-displayed.png " ")
## Task 3: Set the Interpreter Bindings for the Imported Notebook
@@ -106,7 +110,7 @@ An interpreter is a plug-in that allows you to use a specific data processing la
In this task, you'll review the UI and some of the basic functionality of OML Notebooks. See [Explore Apache Zeppelin UI](https://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.10.0/quickstart/explore_ui.html).
->**Note:** If you are already familiar with OML or Zeppelin Notebooks, you may skip this task.
+>**Note:** If you are already familiar with OML or Zeppelin Notebooks, you may skip this task.
Oracle Machine Learning Notebooks is a web-based interface for data analysis, data discovery, and data visualization. A notebook is made up of one or more paragraphs. A paragraph is a notebook component where you can write SQL statements, run PL/SQL scripts, and run Python commands. A paragraph has an **code** (input) section and an **output** (result) section. In the input section, specify the interpreter to run along with the text and/or code. This information is sent to the interpreter to be run. In the output section, the results of the interpreter are displayed.
When you create a new notebook, it opens automatically and it contains a single paragraph using the default **`%sql`** interpreter. You can change the interpreter by explicitly specifying other interpreters such as **`%script`**, **`%python`**, or **`%md`** (Markdown).
@@ -209,47 +213,47 @@ You can use this drop-down list to do the following:
![The Show/hide the code on the notebook toolbar is shown as clicked.](./images/show-code.png " ")
- The code section of each paragraph is displayed. For example, paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 in the notebook use the **`%md`** (Markdown) interpreter while paragraphs 4 and 5 use the **`%sql`** interpreter.
+ The code section of each paragraph is displayed. For example, paragraphs 1, 2, and 5 in the notebook use the **`%md`** (Markdown) interpreter while paragraphs 3 and 4 use the **`%sql`** interpreter.
- ![The first five paragraphs in the notebook are shown with a numbered callout next to each one (1 to 5). The interpreter type at the beginning of each paragraph is highlighted.](./images/code-displayed.png " ")
+ ![The first five paragraphs in the notebook are shown with a numbered callout next to each one](./images/code-displayed.png " ")
In this notebook, the **`%md`** (Markdown) paragraphs provide useful information about the paragraphs. The **`%md`** Markdown interpreter generates static html from plain Markdown text. In this lab, you will review the code in each paragraph one at a time, run that paragraph, and review the results as desired.
>**Note:** To hide the code sections of all paragraphs, click the **Show/hide the code** toggle icon again. Keep the code sections displayed in this lab.
+ ![The Show/hide the output icon on the notebook toolbar is highlighted.](./images/hide-code.png " ")
2. Display the result (output) sections of all paragraphs in the notebook. On the notebook toolbar, click the **Show/hide the output** icon to show the output sections of the paragraphs where the output section is not shown by default. By default, the Markdown paragraphs had their output sections displayed; therefore, click the **Show/hide the output** icon again to show the output sections of all paragraphs including the Markdown paragraphs.
![The Show/hide the output icon on the notebook toolbar is shown as clicked.](./images/show-output.png " ")
The output section of each paragraph is displayed.
- ![The code and output sections for the first four paragraphs are shown. The output sections of each paragraph are highlighted and labeled as Output sections. The code section of the Top Sales by City paragraph is highlighted and labeled as Code section.](./images/output-displayed.png " ")
-3. Hide the code sections for the first three **`%md`** paragraphs. Click **Hide editor** in each paragraph.
+3. Hide the code sections for the first three **`%md`** paragraphs. Click the **Visibility** (eye) icon in each paragraph's toolbar. From the Visibility list, uncheck the **Code** checkbox.
- ![The Hide editor icon of the first paragraph is shown as clicked.](./images/hide-editor.png " ")
+ ![The Hide editor icon of the first paragraph is shown as clicked.](./images/hide-code-paragraph.png " ")
The code sections are hidden. It is a good practice to hide the code section of a **`%md`** paragraph since you are only interested in looking at the formatted output.
- ![The code sections of the first three Markdown paragraphs are hidden.](./images/editor-hidden.png " ")
-4. Run the **Top Sales by City** paragraph. Click **Run this paragraph**.
+4. Run the **Top Sales by City** paragraph. Click the **Run Paragraph** icon.
![The Run this paragraph icon of the Top Sales by City %sql paragraph is highlighted.](./images/run-top-sales.png " ")
- The status of the paragraph goes from `READY` to `PENDING` to `RUNNING` to `FINISHED`. The output is displayed in the result section of the paragraph using the **Area Chart** graph format. You can change the output display format to **Table**, **Bar Chart**, **Pie Chart**, **Line Chart**, **Scatter Chart** formats. You can also use the **Download Data** command icon to download the output using **CSV** and **TSV** formats. Finally, you can use the **settings** link to change the layout of the displayed output.
+ The status of the paragraph goes from `READY` to `PENDING` to `RUNNING` to `FINISHED`. The output is displayed in the result section of the paragraph using the **Table** format. You can change the output display format to **Area Chart**, **Bar Chart**, **Pie Chart**, **Line Chart**, **Scatter Chart** formats. You can also use the **Download Data** command icon to download the output using **CSV** and **TSV** formats. Finally, you can use the **settings** link to change the layout of the displayed output.
![The output is displayed in the result section of the paragraph using the **Area Chart** graph format. The output toolbar that enables you to select a different output format is highlighted.](./images/top-sales-output.png " ")
- >**Note:** If the status of one or more paragraphs shows **ERROR**, reset your notebook connection as follows: Click the **Navigation** menu on the Notebook banner, and then select **Notebook Sessions**. On the **Notebook Sessions** page, select your notebook, and then click **Stop**. Next, re-run the notebook.
5. Click **Bar Chart** on the toolbar to change the output display format.
![The Bar Chart icon is shown as clicked and the bar chart output is displayed.](./images/top-sales-bar-chart.png " ")
-6. Examine, run, and review the output of the remaining paragraphs, as desired. To run the entire notebook, click the **Run all paragraphs** icon on the notebook toolbar. A **Run all** confirmation message box is displayed. Click **OK**.
+6. Examine, run, and review the output of the remaining paragraphs, as desired. To run the entire notebook, click the **Run Paragraphs** icon on the notebook toolbar. A **Run all paragraphs** confirmation message box is displayed. Click **Confirm**.
- ![The code and result sections of all paragraphs are displayed.](./images/run-notebook.png " ")
+ ![Click run notebook.](./images/run-notebook.png " ")
+ The result of each paragraph in the notebook is displayed.
+ ![The code and result sections of all paragraphs are displayed.](./images/output-all-displayed.png " ")
You may now proceed to the next lab.
@@ -267,15 +271,14 @@ You can use this drop-down list to do the following:
* [Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/GSG/Concepts/baremetalintro.htm)
* [Using Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless](https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/autonomous-database/adbsa/index.html)
## Acknowledgements
-* **Author:** Lauran Serhal, Consulting User Assistance Developer, Oracle Autonomous Database and Big Data
+* **Author:** Lauran K. Serhal, Consulting User Assistance Developer
* **Contributor:** Marty Gubar, Product Manager, Server Technologies
-* **Last Updated By/Date:** Lauran Serhal, March 2023
+* **Last Updated By/Date:** Lauran Serhal, May 2024
Data about movies in this workshop were sourced from Wikipedia.
-Copyright (C) Oracle Corporation.
+Copyright (C) 2024, Oracle Corporation.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled [GNU Free Documentation License](https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/adb/shared/adb-15-minutes/introduction/files/gnu-free-documentation-license.txt)
diff --git a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/images/click-default-domain.png b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/images/click-default-domain.png
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index 00000000..43452498
Binary files /dev/null and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/images/click-default-domain.png differ
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index a91e1d59..8d8e4581 100644
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index d2d22619..9c5bea99 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/images/navigate-compartment.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/images/navigate-compartment.png differ
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index 00000000..41d6f558
Binary files /dev/null and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/images/navigate-domains.png differ
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index 00000000..f6fd43ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/images/overview-in-default-domain.png differ
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index 2439f1b9..bea40c2b 100644
--- a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/setup-workshop-environment.md
+++ b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/setup-workshop-environment/setup-workshop-environment.md
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ In this lab, you will:
* Import a Glossary into your Data Catalog instance.
* Create an Autonomous Database instance.
### Prerequisites
* An Oracle Cloud Account - Please view this workshop's LiveLabs landing page to see which environments are supported.
@@ -87,7 +86,11 @@ See [Signing In to the Console](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content
A Cloud Administrator can optionally create a compartment in your tenancy to help organize the Data Catalog resources. In this lab, as a Cloud Administrator, you will create a new compartment that will group all of your Data Catalog resources that you will use in the workshop.
-1. Open the **Navigation** menu and click **Identity & Security**. Under **Identity**, click **Compartments**.
+1. Open the **Navigation** menu.
+ ![Click the Navigation menu.](./images/click-navigation-menu.png " ")
+2. Click **Identity & Security**. Under **Identity**, click **Compartments**.
![The Navigation menu is clicked. The navigation path to Compartments is displayed.](./images/navigate-compartment.png "Click the Navigation menu, and navigate to Compartments.")
@@ -219,59 +222,69 @@ In this task, you create a new and empty business glossary in the newly created
The import file is small; therefore, the job finishes instantly and the imported glossary is displayed. If the import file is large, you can monitor the status of the job from the Jobs tab. When the job is completed successfully, the contents of the Excel file are imported into your glossary.
- ![The Summary tab of the imported glossary displays the glossary details. In the Glossary Hierarchy pane on the left, the Refresh glossary link and MovieStream Application name link are highlighted.](./images/glossary-imported.png " ")
+ ![The Summary tab of the imported glossary displays the glossary details.](./images/glossary-imported.png " ")
8. The imported glossary is displayed in the **Glossary Hierarchy** pane on the left. You can also click **Expand all** to view all of the details. The children of the **MovieStream Application** glossary are displayed. If the glossary details are not displayed, click **Refresh glossary**.
- ![In the Glossary Hierarchy pane, the Expand all and MovieStream Application name link are highlighted. The MovieStream Application is expanded to show some of its immediate children and descendants.](./images/expand-all.png " ")
+ ![In the Glossary Hierarchy pane, the Expand all and MovieStream Application name link are highlighted.](./images/expand-all.png =50%x*)
>**Note:** The categories and terms created within a glossary are displayed in the **Glossary Hierarchy** tree navigation list. Expand each category to view terms created within that category. The summary information changes as you click different nodes in the glossary tree. You can use Expand All or Collapse All to expand or collapse all the nodes available in the glossary respectively. You can also use the search bar to search for categories and terms. If the glossary children are not displayed, click **Refresh glossary**.
9. Close the **Glossaries** and **MovieStream Application** tabs.
## Task 5: Create a Dynamic Group
Dynamic groups allow you to group Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compute instances as "principal" actors (similar to user groups). You can then create policies to permit instances to make API calls against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. When you create a dynamic group, rather than adding members explicitly to the group, you instead define a set of matching rules to define the group members. For example, a rule could specify that all instances in a particular compartment are members of the dynamic group. The members can change dynamically as instances are launched and terminated in that compartment.
In this task, you create a dynamic group that includes the specific compartment OCID as a resource in the group.
-1. Open the **Navigation** menu and click **Identity & Security**. Under **Identity**, click **Dynamic Groups**.
+1. Open the **Navigation** menu. Click **Identity & Security**. Under **Identity**, click **Domains**.
+ ![The Navigation menu is clicked. The navigation path to Dynamic Groups is displayed and highlighted.](./images/navigate-domains.png " ")
- ![The Navigation menu is clicked. The navigation path to Dynamic Groups is displayed and highlighted.](./images/navigate-dynamic-group.png " ")
+2. On the **Domains** page, click the **Default** (Current domain) link.
-2. On the **Dynamic Groups** page, click **Create Dynamic Group**.
+ ![Click the Default domain.](./images/click-default-domain.png " ")
+3. On the **Overview in Default Domain** page, under **Identity domain**,
+click **Dynamic groups**.
+ ![Click the Default domain.](./images/overview-in-default-domain.png " ")
+4. On the **Dynamic Groups in Default Domain** page, click **Create dynamic group**.
![The Create Dynamic Group button is highlighted.](./images/dynamic-group-page.png " ")
-3. In the **Create Dynamic Group** dialog box, specify the following:
+5. In the **Create Dynamic Group** dialog box, specify the following:
+ **Name:** Enter **`moviestream-dynamic-group`**.
+ **Description:** Enter **`Training Compartment Dynamic Group`**.
- + In the **Matching Group** section, accept the default **Match any rules defined below** option.
+ + In the **Matching rules** section, accept the default **Match any rules defined below** option.
+ Click the **Copy** button in the following code box to copy the dynamic rule, and then paste it in the **Rule 1** text box. This rule specifies that any _resource defined in this compartment is a member of this dynamic group_. You will substitute the _your-compartment-ocid_ with your own **training-dcat-instance** compartment OCID that you will identify in the next step. Make sure you don't delete the single quotation marks around the OCID value.
-4. To find your _Compartment OCID_, copy the URL in the address bar of your current browser tab where the **Create Dynamic Group** page is displayed. Open a new browser tab. For example, in Chrome, you click the **New tab** (plus sign) icon.
+6. To find your _Compartment OCID_, copy the URL in the address bar of your current browser tab where the **Create Dynamic Group** page is displayed. Open a new browser tab. For example, in Chrome, you click the **New tab** (plus sign) icon.
![The URL on the current tab in Chrome is highlighted and copied and labeled as 1. Next, the New tab icon (plus icon) is clicked to create a new tab and labeled as 2.](./images/copy-url-new-tab.png " ")
-5. Paste the copied URL into the address bar of the new tab.
+7. Paste the copied URL into the address bar of the new tab.
![The copied URL is pasted in the new tab's address bar.](./images/paste-url-new-tab.png " ")
-6. In the new tab, open the **Navigation** menu and click **Identity & Security**. Under **Identity**, click **Compartments**. On the **Compartments** page, in the row for your **training-dcat-compartment**, hover over the **OCID link** in the **OCID** column, and then click **Copy** to copy the OCID for the **training-dcat-compartment**. You can close this tab.
+8. In the new tab, open the **Navigation** menu and click **Identity & Security**. Under **Identity**, click **Compartments**. On the **Compartments** page, in the row for your **training-dcat-compartment**, hover over the **OCID link** in the **OCID** column, and then click **Copy** to copy the OCID for the **training-dcat-compartment**. You can close this tab.
![In the row for the training-dcat-compartment, hover over the OCID link in the OCID column, and then click the Copy link.](./images/copy-compartment-ocid.png " ")
-7. Click the original tab in your web browser where you were creating the dynamic group policy. Paste the copied compartment OCID value to replace the **'your-compartment-ocid'** placeholder in the **Rule 1** text box.
+9. Click the original tab in your web browser where you were creating the dynamic group policy. Paste the copied compartment OCID value to replace the **'your-compartment-ocid'** placeholder in the **Rule 1** text box.
-8. Click **Create**.
+10. Click **Create**.
![The completed Create Dynamic Group dialog box is displayed. Rule 1 field and the Create button are highlighted.](./images/moviestream-dynamic-group-db.png " ")
-9. The **Dynamic Group Details** page is displayed. Click **Dynamic Groups** in the breadcrumbs to re-display the **Dynamic Groups** page.
+11. The **Dynamic Group Details** page is displayed. Click **Dynamic Groups** in the breadcrumbs to re-display the **Dynamic Groups** page.
![On the Dynamic Group Details page, the breadcrumbs are displayed at the top of the page. The Dynamic Group Information and Matching Rules sections are displayed.](./images/dynamic-group-details.png " ")
@@ -280,6 +293,7 @@ In this task, you create a dynamic group that includes the specific compartment
![The new dynamic group is displayed on the Dynamic Groups page.](./images/dynamic-group-created.png " ")
## Task 6: Create Access Policy for Dynamic Group
After you have created a dynamic group, you need to create a policy to permit the dynamic group to access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. In this task, you create a policy to allow any resource in the dynamic group to access and manage your Data Catalog in the `training-dcat-compartment` using the aggregate resource-type **`data-catalog-family`** as follows:
1. If you are still on the **Dynamic Groups** page from the previous task, click **Policies** in the **Identity** section on the left; otherwise, open the **Navigation** menu and click **Identity & Security**. Under **Identity**, select **Policies**.
@@ -407,12 +421,13 @@ You may now proceed to the next lab.
* [Using Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless](https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/autonomous-database/adbsa/index.html)
## Acknowledgements
-* **Author:** Lauran Serhal, Consulting User Assistance Developer, Oracle Database and Big Data
+* **Author:** Lauran K. Serhal, Consulting User Assistance Developer
* **Contributor:** Marty Gubar, Product Manager, Server Technologies
-* **Last Updated By/Date:** Lauran Serhal, August 2023
+* **Last Updated By/Date:** Lauran Serhal, May 2024
Data about movies in this workshop were sourced from Wikipedia.
-Copyright (C) Oracle Corporation.
+Copyright (C) 2024, Oracle Corporation.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled [GNU Free Documentation License](https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/adb/shared/adb-15-minutes/introduction/files/gnu-free-documentation-license.txt)
diff --git a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/images/click-db-actions-sql.png b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/images/click-db-actions-sql.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2385b190
Binary files /dev/null and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/images/click-db-actions-sql.png differ
diff --git a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/images/ll-db-actions-new.png b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/images/ll-db-actions-new.png
index 53807d95..31d2a352 100644
Binary files a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/images/ll-db-actions-new.png and b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/images/ll-db-actions-new.png differ
diff --git a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/sync-adb-dcat.md b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/sync-adb-dcat.md
index 11f84502..6a719e79 100644
--- a/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/sync-adb-dcat.md
+++ b/shared/data-catalog/dcat-adb-integrate/sync-adb-dcat/sync-adb-dcat.md
@@ -43,18 +43,14 @@ This lab assumes that you have successfully completed all of the preceding labs
![On the Autonomous Databases page, the Autonomous Database that you provisioned is displayed and highlighted.](./images/click-db-dcat.png " ")
-4. On the **Autonomous Database details** page, click **Database actions**.
+4. On the **Autonomous Database details** page, click the **Database actions** drop-down list, and then select **SQL**.
![On the partial Autonomous Database Details page, the Database Actions button is highlighted.](./images/ll-db-actions-new.png " ")
- ![On the partial Autonomous Database Details page, the Database Actions button is highlighted.](./images/click-db-actions.png " ")
+ ![On the partial Autonomous Database Details page, the Database Actions button is highlighted.](./images/click-db-actions-sql.png " ")
-5. A **Launch DB actions** message box with the message **Please wait. Initializing DB Actions** is displayed. Next, the **Database Actions | Launchpad** Home page is displayed in a new tab in your browser. In the **Development** section, click the **SQL** card.
- ![The Database Actions Launchpad Home page is displayed. The SQL card in the Development section is highlighted.](./images/ll-launchpad.png " ")
>**Note:** If you are prompted for a username and password, enter the LiveLabs username and password that were provided for you in **Reservation Information** panel that is accessed from the **Run Workshop Access the Data Lake using Autonomous Database and Data Catalog** tab.
@@ -763,10 +759,10 @@ You may now proceed to the next lab.
* **Author:** Lauran Serhal, Consulting User Assistance Developer, Oracle Autonomous Database and Big Data
* **Contributor:** Marty Gubar, Product Manager, Server Technologies
-* **Last Updated By/Date:** Lauran Serhal, March 2023
+* **Last Updated By/Date:** Lauran Serhal, May 2024
Data about movies in this workshop were sourced from Wikipedia.
-Copyright (C) Oracle Corporation.
+Copyright (C) 2024, Oracle Corporation.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled [GNU Free Documentation License](https://oracle-livelabs.github.io/adb/shared/adb-15-minutes/introduction/files/gnu-free-documentation-license.txt)