This is a tool to prototype and develop web sites easily. At the begining it was developed for teaching purposes, nowadays it surpasses this function with a complete set of features.
The project is server agnostic, despite it uses NodeJS as a web server. You can move the "tool" folder to any other kind of server.
There is an online (and slow to load) version where you can test this tool at:
Obviously, with the online version, all the paths and URLs must be from Internet.
You can use this tool as an app:
Download and run it, remember that the server files are located at:
This tool can be used from any server, for example the nodejs one provided at the 'server' folder.
The tool itself is at '...server/public/tool' and can be moved to any other server
Download from this repo:
git clone
Get into the server
cd server
Install project's dependencies:
npm install
When done, run the included web server with:
npm start
Or with an observer:
npm run app
When running, to use the tool, navigate to:
Place your public files at "public" folder (like ".css", ".js" and images), and reference them with its base path from the tool. For example:
"/file.png" is located at "./public/file.png"
Also, test the files generated by the tool, moving these files to the "public" folder.
sudo apt install npm
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
sudo n latest