We will be using chef-zero as a lightweight local chef server. This is an in-memory fast chef server implementation designed for testing and development. We will need to make sure you have chef-zero available on your system.
- chef 11.8.x
You are lucky! chef-zero is included with chef 11.8.0 and newer. You are all set!
Create a symlink to ensure that chef-zero is in your path.
sudo ln -s /opt/chef/bin/chef-zero /usr/bin/chef-zero
Then start up chef-zero:
chef-zero -H -l debug
- chef 11.6.x or older
You will need to install chef-zero as it is not bundled with your version.
- if you use omnibus install, just update to 11.8.0:
curl -L https://www.opscode.com/chef/install.sh | sudo bash
- if you use rmv/gems just install the chef-zero gem:
gem install chef-zero