We think that we have a very unique concept of seeking out non-profits, figuring out what technology can solve for them, getting a bunch of people together for a weekend, and then following through to ensure the best ideas become a reality.
There are a bunch of websites and other non-profits that are similar, and we try to catalog them here. One day we may combine forces for a weekend or forever, who knows.
techrepublic summarizes all of the things that tech people can do to help their community including
- catchafire to volunteer time to write code
- hashtagcharity another tech-giving website
- One of the only hackathon for charity websites we have found: hackersforcharity
- Launched in 2015, Microsoft has Tech Talent for Good
- Intel has something similar
fullstackacademy talks about:
- Volunteer tracking app - trackitforward
- Matching up volunteers to charities - volunteermatch
donatecode allows for people to write code that will help non-profits.
socialcoder is also very similar and has a similar pairing up of people with software engineering backgrounds
onlinevolunteering is more broad and looks for people to help non-profits using their computer in an online-only format.
techjobsforgood was created for people looking to be paid to work for charities.