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Teams subcommittee and collectives

Pavel Shamis (Pasha) edited this page Jun 14, 2018 · 17 revisions

Topic Areas

OpenSHMEM teams (a.k.a. communicator) and collective operations
Subcommittee chair: Pavel Shamis, Gorentla Venkata, Manjunath

Meeting Information

Bi-Weekly on Thursdays, 11-12AM CST starting on March. 22, 2018.

To join the Meeting:

To join via Room System:

Video Conferencing System: -or-

Meeting ID : 992774292

To join via phone :

  1. Dial:

            +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
            +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
            +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
            (see all numbers -
  2. Enter Conference ID : 992774292

Active Topics

The following topics are under active discussion for the next version of the OpenSHMEM specification:

  • Teams proposal
  • Teams integration with context
  • Teams integration with collective API

Meeting Minutes



On going debate - do we want to maintain shmem_team_t as a standalone object that is passed as a separate argument to all p2p and collective operations or it should be a part of context.

1. shmem_team_t as a stand alone argument:


  • shmem_team_t and context a conceptually two different concept and object. The team represent collection of resources where context represents isolated communication conduit (typically allocated per-thread)
  • Allows any mix-and-match combinations of teams and context


  • Adds extra argument to all p2p operations

2. shmem_team_t as an object attached to context:


  • We can leverage existing context argument for passing team to p2p.


  • The notion and concept of context becomes rather very confusing. It is not cleat what it actually represents.
  • Will require additional team-to-context attach/detach routines. This routines will have the overhead of "quiet" on the context before we actually can change the team.

Teams API draft

Draft Here

Teams, Contexts, and Symmetric Heaps

WIP: API and examples sketch considering teams, contexts, and team-based symmetric heaps

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