Releases: openplans/shareabouts
Releases · openplans/shareabouts
Shareabouts 3.11.1
Fix the survey and support sorting to use the sub-collection instead of the initial data
- This will keep sorting in sync as the user supports places and completes surveys
Shareabouts 3.11.0
Add a list view of places
- Shows a list of places based on the place detail view
- Filterable on place items that are strings
- Sortable by date, survey counts, and support counts
Shareabouts 3.10.3
Add appropriate CSS selectors for input types other than text (e.g. so type=email gets same styles as type=text).
Shareabouts 3.10.2
- Add the ability to send an email to the submitter when a new place is created
- Make a block section for the colphon
Shareabouts 3.10.1
Allow admin to configure help text for place and survey form fields by using the help_text
attribute on any form items in the config
Shareabouts 3.10.0
- Collect user token with new places. This allows for things like correlating places, comments, and support from a given user.
- Add a
handlebars helper for displaying pretty datetimes
Shareabouts 3.9.9
Collect user token with comments. This allows for things like correlating comments and support from a given user.
Shareabouts 3.9.8
Fix bug where the action pagination metadata is reset to page 1 every time new actions were fetched.
Shareabouts 3.9.7
- Allow select options to support label and value for surveys
- Add a Get Started button to the default About page
Shareabouts 3.9.6
Update to shareabouts.js 2.1.3 and use new fetchAllPages method to load all supports and surveys in a place detail view. Addresses bug in issue #70.