SWM1.9 OpenPlanetary Data Analysis Cafe (public)
Convener: A. P. Rossi
Thu, 21 Sep, 11:00–13:45
The splinter is intended to be a participative workshop with hackathons and collaborative data handling and analysis components using state-of-the-art community-driven open source tools. Both junior and senior scientists willing to share expertise, tools, science use cases and issues are welcome.
- Version control - git & workflow for planetary science
- (Open) Tools for planetary science, see also #vespamap17 short summary:
- Using ArXiv and preprint services for sharing (legally) paywalled articles, e.g. see (old, to be possibly updated) summary
- Making code citable
- OpenPlanetaryMap
- Using Jupyter notebook in your research (and teaching) workflow, e.g. examples from pg-book (work in progress)
- Using VESPA planetary virtual observatory (see also dedicated Session SMW1.3)
- Python for beginners.
- Advanges of specify an Open Source License for your code.
- What are and why are useful DVCS/git/hub/mercurial. People could contribute to your code!
- Getting DOI and distribute your code : expand your user base and get contributor.
Each person will gather people interested in one topic and expand discussion/slides/hands one.
(to be reused/upgraded for other similar events)