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@vasharma05 vasharma05 released this 05 Dec 09:19

What's Changed

v5.3.2 is a patch release of Core with backwards-compatible bug fixes. The main highlights are:

Fixed frontend build issues

The frontend build was failing due to a dependency issue with @carbon/icons-react upstream. This release fixes that issue by pinning the version of @carbon/icons-react to ^10.16.0. Thanks, @ibacher, for the fix!

Error logging for failed builds

The Webpack build process now logs errors in a readable format, so that developers can easily see what went wrong during the build process. Thanks, @jayasanka-sack, for this fix!

Fixed snackbar container positioning on tablet

Thanks to @hadijahkyampeire for fixing the snackbar container positioning on tablet!


Thanks to everyone for the quick turnaround on this release! 🎉

Full Changelog: v5.3.1...v5.3.2