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Open Mobile Maps

The lightweight and modern Map SDK for Android (6.0+) and iOS (14+)



Open Mobile Maps is available through Swift Package Manager.


For App integration within XCode, add this package to your App target. To do this, follow the step by step tutorial Adding Package Dependencies to Your App.

Swift Package

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Open Mobile Maps as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: .init(stringLiteral: "3.0.0-rc.4"))

How to use


The framework provides a view that can be filled with layers. The simplest case is to add a raster layer. TiledRasterLayer provides a convenience initializer to create raster layer with web mercator tiles.

import MapCore

class MapViewController: UIViewController {
  lazy var mapView = MCMapView()
  override func loadView() { view = mapView }
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    mapView.add(layer: TiledRasterLayer("osm", webMercatorUrlFormat: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png")) MCCoord(lat: 46.962592372639634, lon: 8.378232525377973), zoom: 1000000, animated: true)

Parsing a WMTS Capability

Open Mobile Maps supports the WMTS standard and can parse their Capability XML file to generate raster layer configurations.

let resource = MCWmtsCapabilitiesResource.create(xml)!

The created resource object is then capable of creating a layer object with a given identifier.

let layer = resource.createLayer("identifier", tileLoader: loader)
mapView.add(layer: layer?.asLayerInterface())

This feature is still being improved to support a wider range of WMTS capabilities.

For this example, we also use the default implementation of the TextureLoader, but this can also be implemented by the app itself.

Vector Tiles

Open Mobile Maps supports most of the Vector tiles standard. To add a layer simply reference the style URL.

mapView.add(layer: try! VectorLayer("base-map", styleURL: "")

Additional features and differences will be documented soon.


Polygon layer

Open Mobile Maps provides a simple interface to create a polygon layer. The layer handles the rendering of the given polygons and calls the callback handler in case of user interaction.

let coords : [MCCoord] = [
    /// coordinates
let polygonLayer = MCPolygonLayerInterface.create()
let polygonInfo = MCPolygonInfo(identifier: "switzerland",
                                coordinates: MCPolygonCoord(positions: coords, holes: []),

mapView.add(layer: polygonLayer?.asLayerInterface())

Icon layer

A simple icon layer is implemented as well. This supports displaying textures at the given coordinates. A scale parameter has to be provided which specifies how the icon should be affected by camera movements. In case of user interaction, the given callback handler will be called.

let iconLayer = MCIconLayerInterface.create()
let image = UIImage(named: "image")
let texture = try! TextureHolder(image!.cgImage!)
let icon = MCIconFactory.createIcon("icon",
                         coordinate: coordinate,
                         texture: texture,
                         iconSize: .init(x: Float(texture.getImageWidth()), y: Float(texture.getImageHeight())),
                         scale: .FIXED,
                         blendMode: .NORMAL)
mapView.add(layer: iconLayer?.asLayerInterface())

Line layer

A line layer can be added to the mapView as well. Using the MCLineFactory a LineInfo object can be created. The width can be specified in either SCREEN_PIXEL or MAP_UNIT.

let lineLayer = MCLineLayerInterface.create()

                                        coordinates: coords,
                                        style: MCLineStyle(color: MCColorStateList(normal: UIColor.systemPink.withAlphaComponent(0.5).mapCoreColor,
                                                           gapColor: MCColorStateList(normal:,
                                                                                      highlighted: UIColor.gray.withAlphaComponent(0.5).mapCoreColor),
                                                           opacity: 1.0,
                                                           widthType: .SCREEN_PIXEL,
                                                           width: 50,
                                                           dashArray: [1,1],
                                                           lineCap: .BUTT,
                                                           offset: 0.0)))
    mapView.add(layer: lineLayer?.asLayerInterface())



To use different raster tile services, create your own layer config. The layer config contains the information needed for the layer to compute the visible tiles in the current camera configuration, as well as to load and display them.

import MapCore

class TiledLayerConfig: MCTiled2dMapLayerConfig {
    // Defines both an additional scale factor for the tiles (and if they are scaled 
    // to match the target devices screen density), how many layers above the ideal 
    // one should be loaded an displayed as well, as well as if the layer is drawn,
    // when the zoom is smaller/larger than the valid range
    func getZoomInfo() -> MCTiled2dMapZoomInfo {
      MCTiled2dMapZoomInfo(zoomLevelScaleFactor: 0.65,
                           numDrawPreviousLayers: 1,
                           adaptScaleToScreen: true)

    // Defines to map coordinate system of the layer
    public func getCoordinateSystemIdentifier() -> Int32 {

    // Defines the bounds of the layer
    func getBounds() -> MCRectCoord {
      let identifer = MCCoordinateSystemIdentifiers.epsg3857()
      let topLeft = MCCoord(systemIdentifier: identifer, 
                            x: -20037508.34, 
                            y: 20037508.34, z: 0.0)
      let bottomRight = MCCoord(systemIdentifier: identifer, 
                                x: 20037508.34, 
                                y: -20037508.34, z: 0.0)
      return MCRectCoord(
        topLeft: topLeft,
        bottomRight: bottomRight)

    // Defines the url-pattern to load tiles. Enter a valid OSM tile server here
    func getTileUrl(_ x: Int32, y: Int32, zoom: Int32) -> String {
      return "\(zoom)/\(x)/\(y).png"

    // The Layername
    func getLayerName() -> String {
        "OSM Layer"

    // List of valid zoom-levels and their target zoom-value, the tile size in
    // the layers coordinate system, the number of tiles on that level and the
    // zoom identifier used for the tile-url (see getTileUrl above)
    func getZoomLevelInfos() -> [MCTiled2dMapZoomLevelInfo] {
            .init(zoom: 559082264.029, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 40_075_016, numTilesX: 1, numTilesY: 1, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 0, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 279541132.015, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 20_037_508, numTilesX: 2, numTilesY: 2, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 1, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 139770566.007, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 10_018_754, numTilesX: 4, numTilesY: 4, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 2, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 69885283.0036, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 5_009_377.1, numTilesX: 8, numTilesY: 8, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 3, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 34942641.5018, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 2_504_688.5, numTilesX: 16, numTilesY: 16, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 4, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 17471320.7509, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 1_252_344.3, numTilesX: 32, numTilesY: 32, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 5, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 8735660.37545, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 626_172.1, numTilesX: 64, numTilesY: 64, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 6, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 4367830.18773, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 313_086.1, numTilesX: 128, numTilesY: 128, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 7, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 2183915.09386, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 156_543, numTilesX: 256, numTilesY: 256, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 8, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 1091957.54693, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 78271.5, numTilesX: 512, numTilesY: 512, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 9, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 545978.773466, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 39135.8, numTilesX: 1024, numTilesY: 1024, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 10, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 272989.386733, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 19567.9, numTilesX: 2048, numTilesY: 2048, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 11, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 136494.693366, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 9783.94, numTilesX: 4096, numTilesY: 4096, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 12, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 68247.3466832, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 4891.97, numTilesX: 8192, numTilesY: 8192, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 13, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 34123.6733416, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 2445.98, numTilesX: 16384, numTilesY: 16384, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 14, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 17061.8366708, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 1222.99, numTilesX: 32768, numTilesY: 32768, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 15, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 8530.91833540, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 611.496, numTilesX: 65536, numTilesY: 65536, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 16, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 4265.45916770, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 305.748, numTilesX: 131_072, numTilesY: 131_072, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 17, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 2132.72958385, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 152.874, numTilesX: 262_144, numTilesY: 262_144, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 18, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 1066.36479193, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 76.437, numTilesX: 524_288, numTilesY: 524_288, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 19, bounds: getBounds()),
            .init(zoom: 533.18239597, tileWidthLayerSystemUnits: 38.2185, numTilesX: 1_048_576, numTilesY: 1_048_576, numTilesT: 1, zoomLevelIdentifier: 20, bounds: getBounds()),

Change map projection

To render the map using a different coordinate system, initialize the map view with a Map Config. The library provides a factory for the EPSG3857 Coordinate system and others, which we can use to initialize the map view. Layers can have a different projection than the map view itself.

MCMapView(mapConfig: .init(mapCoordinateSystem: MCCoordinateSystemFactory.getEpsg2056System()))

How to build

If you'd like to build Open Mobile Maps yourself, make sure you have all submodules initialized and updated. To do this, use

git submodule init
git submodule update

Updating Djinni bridging files

The bridging interface between Kotlin and C++ are defined in the djinni files under djinni. After modifying those files, the new bridging code can be generated by running

make clean djinni

in the folder djinni. This generates the Kotlin bindings, the C++ header files as well as all the Objective C glue code.

Building the iOS Package.

The Package.swift file can be opened in Xcode and build directly from there.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MPL 2 license. See the LICENSE file.