To convert between formats, first install python-stl
pip install -r requirements.txt
that must be done in a virtualenv, or in the system libs, just once.
Then to convert a dir from
containing a bunch of .stl
files from STL binary
or ASCII format to STL ASCII format saving the results in a dir to
just run
python -m stlfilter.bin2ascii -i from -o to
similarly, to convert a dir from
containing a bunch of .stl
files from STL
binary or ASCII format to RAW format saving the results in a dir to
just run
python -m stlfilter.stl2raw -i from -o to
Observe that since parsing of STL ASCII format is very slow, you can skip
such files adding -s
to the conversion options, as in
python -m stlfilter.stl2raw -si from -o to