Starts the pipeline run.
This task will clone a repo from the provided url into the workspace, and sets the build status of the checked out commit in Bitbucket to "in progress".
If the checked out repositories' ods.y(a)ml
file defines subrepos, those will
be checked out as well into .ods/repos
If an artifact source is given, any artifacts in that Nexus repository for the checked out Git commits are downloaded and
placed into .ods/artifacts
. When subrepos are configured, a successful
pipeline run must exist for each subrepo for the pipeline to continue. If no
such run artifact exists, the pipeline will stop. Users will need to re-run
the pipeline of the subrepo first before running the pipeline of the
umbrella repo again.
This task is automatically added to any pipeline run as the first task
by the pipeline manager. To customize parameters, configure them in the relevant trigger and prefix each param with start.
Parameter | Default | Description |
url |
Git URL to clone |
git-full-ref |
Git revision to checkout (branch, tag, sha, ref, …) |
submodules |
true |
Defines if the resource should initialize and fetch the submodules. |
clone-depth |
Perform a shallow clone where only the most recent commit(s) will be fetched. By default, a full clone is performed. Note that the parameter is of string type, therefore the depth value must be quoted, e.g. |
http-proxy |
Git HTTP proxy server for non-SSL requests. |
https-proxy |
Git HTTPS proxy server for SSL requests. |
no-proxy |
Git no proxy - opt out of proxying HTTP/HTTPS requests. |
project |
Name of the project to build. The project is equal to the Bitbucket project of the repository to clone. |
pr-key |
Bitbucket pull request key. Empty if there is no open PR for the specified Git branch. |
pr-base |
Bitbucket pull request base branch. Empty if there is no open PR for the specified Git branch. |
pipeline-run-name |
Name of pipeline run. |
cache-build-tasks-for-days |
7 |
Number of days build tasks are cached to enable build skipping. A subsequent build reusing the cache resets the time for that cache location. |
artifact-source |
Artifact source respository |