diff --git a/owl-reason/README.md b/owl-reason/README.md index c9ffd77..c2d132b 100644 --- a/owl-reason/README.md +++ b/owl-reason/README.md @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Args: -n, --indent NUMBER Number of spaces to indent by [optional, default=2] -r, --report-path PATH Path/to/reasoning.xml [required] -oi, --output-iris-path path to a .txt file listing all analyzed ontology IRIs (one per line) +-min, --check-min-cardinality whether to check min cardinality restrictions (optional, default=true) ``` Note: the | char separating algorithms in the `spec` argument is not a logical OR; it is just a list delimiter. @@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ task owlReason(type:io.opencaesar.owl.reason.OwlReasonTask) { indent = number [optional, default=2] reportPath = file('path/to/reasoning.xml') [required] outputOntologyIrisPath = file('path/to/iris.txt') [optional, path to a .txt file listing all analyzed ontology IRIs (one per line)] + checkMinimumCardinality = false [Optional, default = true] } ```