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Creating InterfaceValidator and InterfaceSimulator for Completeness

The InterfaceValidator for Completeness is the basic test case collection for testing the implementation of a harmonized modelling.

After the UML file has been finalized, it gets published.
While the UML file gets published, it gets a release number, date and time (e.g.
This combination of values identifies all the documents that get derived from the agreed UML (e.g. WredTemplateProfile_1.0.0-ts.240626.1430+yang). Same applies on all files that are required for validation purposes.

The following step-by-step guideline shall relate to a purely hypothetical UML modelling.

Preparing the repository
  1. Create an XInterface repository on
  2. Create a develop branch and configure it to be the default branch
  3. Change into the develop branch
  4. Save the following files into develop branch
    • UML (
    • GenDocExport (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+gendoc.1.docx)
    • class diagram (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200-overview.1.png)
  5. Create the following folders into develop branch
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+schema
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simu
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+vali
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+yang
  6. Save the YANG file (result of UML2YANG tool translation) into the XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+yang folder
Preparing the Simulator folder
  1. Save the raw OpenAPI specification (result of YANG to Swagger translation) into the XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simu folder
  2. Rename it to XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+yang2oas.yaml
  3. Check XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+yang2oas.yaml for errors. If there would be errors in some irrelevant path, just delete it, so there is a file free from errors
  4. Create the following files in the XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simu folder
    • .gitignore
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.1.yaml
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness.yaml
  5. Open an existing .gitignore file in a simu folder of another repository and copy its content to the new .gitignore file
  6. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. WredProfile_1.0.0-tsi.240104.1945) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200)
  7. Open an existing file in a simu folder of another repository and copy its content to the new file. if required, reduce its content to references to the ...+yang2oas.yaml, ...+simulator.1.yaml and ...+simulator.completeness.yaml files
  8. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. WredProfile_1.0.0-tsi.240104.1945) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200)
Generic Simulator
  1. Open an existing ...+simulator.1.yaml file of another repository and copy its content to the new ...+simulator.1.yaml file. It makes sense replicating the file of an interface, in case of an interface shall be tested. It makes sense replicating the file of a profile, in case of a profile shall be tested, etc.
  2. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. AirInterface_2.0.0-tsi.240102.1740) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200)
  3. Adapt the version number in the info statement
  4. CTRL+h the old namespace and release number combination (e.g. air-interface-2-0) by x-interface-1-0 for the entire file
  5. CTRL+h the URL notation of the model name (e.g. air-interface) by x-interface for the entire file
  6. CTRL+h the UML notation of the model name (e.g. AirInterface) by XInterface for the entire file
  7. CTRL+h the enumeration notation of the model name (e.g. _AIR_INTERFACE_) by _X_INTERFACE_ for the entire file
  8. Adapt the URLs in the Generic Paths segment to the paths to be tested in the new implementations (if the initial file was wisely chosen, no changes are required)
  9. Delete all example statements from all paths in the Generic Paths segment
  10. Check the API descriptions in the Generic Paths segment for correctness
    • Descriptions of resource paths shall stop with a reference into the Common Components segment below the top level that is comprising the namespace and release number
    • Descriptions of service paths (RPCs) shall be complete
  11. Delete obsolete schema definitions (between errorDescription and securitySchemes) from the Common Components
  12. Create and compose the new schema definitions from the schema definitions in the ...+yang2oas.yaml file
  13. When no further bugs get indicated by the editor, double check all definitions
  14. Click on the "OpenAPI: show preview using the default renderer" button at the upper right corner
  15. Process through all paths:
    • Copy the request body (JSON) from the API preview and paste it into a JSON to YAML translator (e.g.
    • Create an example statement at the respective requestBody in the ...+simulator.1.yaml file, copy the translation result (YAML) and paste it into the example (some quotation marks might have to be deleted)
    • String values are represented by "string". Replace them by "'string'" (incl. quotation marks)
    • Repeat the same process for the response body

The resulting API descriptions should have parameters and headers like applications like the MicroWaveDeviceInventory. Alternative response codes shall be included.

Preparing the Schema folder
  1. Create the following files in the XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+schema folder
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+yaml.yaml
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+json.json
  2. Open an existing file in a schema folder of another repository and copy its content to the new file.
  3. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. WredProfile_1.0.0-tsi.240104.1945) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200)
YAML Schema
  1. Open the ...+yaml.yaml file
  2. Open the ...+simulator.1.yaml file
  3. Repeat for all paths:
    • Copy the URL (really just the URL) from the Generic Paths segment of the ...+simulator.1.yaml file into the ...+yaml.yaml file
    • Copy the description of the response body (200) from beneath the schema statement in the ...+simulator.1.yaml file (starts with type: object ...) directly beneath the URL
    • Headers and other response codes should not be included
    • Example statements are to be deleted
    • References into the Common Components need to be replaced by the concrete definition If there would be no response body (204), nothing shall be copied beneath the URL
JSON Schema
  1. Open the ...+json.json file
  2. Open the ...+yaml.yaml file
  3. Copy the entire content (CTRL+a) of the ...+yaml.yaml file and paste it into a YAML to JSON translator (e.g.
  4. Copy the translation result (JSON) and paste it into the ...+json.json file
Preparing the Validator folder
  1. Create a file in the XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+vali folder
  2. Open an existing file in a ...+vali folder of another repository and copy its content to the new file
  3. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. WredProfile_1.0.0-tsi.240104.1945) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200)
  4. Create a Completeness folder in the XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+vali folder
  5. Create the following files in the Completeness folder
    • .gitignore
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+data.completeness.intern.json
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+data.completeness.json
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+diagram.completeness.plantuml
    • XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+validator.completeness.json
  6. Open an existing .gitignore file in a ...+vali folder of another repository and copy its content to the new .gitignore file
  7. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. WredProfile_1.0.0-tsi.240104.1945) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200)
  1. Open the ...+data.completeness.intern.json file
  2. Open an existing ...+data.completeness.intern.json file in a ...+vali folder of another repository and copy its content to the new ...+data.completeness.intern.json file
  3. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. WredProfile_1.0.0-tsi.240104.1945) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200)
  4. CTRL+h the UML notation of the model name (e.g. AirInterface) by XInterface for the entire file
  5. If the XInterface modelling would not comprise any RPCs
    • remove all instances of server that do comprise "Rpc" in the value of their serverName attribute
    • remove all instances of collection input that do comprise "Rpc" in the value of their collectionName attribute
  6. Open the ...+data.completeness.json file
  7. Copy the entire content (CTRL+a) of the ...+data.completeness.intern.json file and paste it into the ...+data.completeness.json file
  8. Make the following replacements in the ...+data.completeness.json
    • Replace all concrete IP addresses and TCP ports by "IP_ADRESS:PORT"
    • Replace all concrete values of the authorizationCode attributes by "YOUR_BASIC_AUTH_CODE"

Assure the ...+data.completeness.intern.json file being represented in grey letters in VsCode. Otherwise ...+data.completeness.intern.json including the IP addresses and authorization codes will be published while pushing to the public repository. If still black letters used, double check the file names in the .gitignore file

  1. Open the ...+simulator.1.yaml file and develop a high level idea about how the InterfaceValidator shall proceed
  2. Search the existing diagrams in other repositories for a sequence that is at least very similar to your planning
  3. Open the ...+diagram.completeness.plantuml file of a similar test case sequence, copy its content and paste it into the ...+diagram.completeness.plantuml file of the new XInterface; open Preview Current Diagram preview and pull it to the bottom of your screen (so it gets wider)
  4. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. AirInterface_2.0.0-tsi.240102.1740) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200)
  5. CTRL+h the URL notation of the model name (e.g. air-interface) by x-interface for the entire file
  6. CTRL+h the UML notation of the model name (e.g. AirInterface) by XInterface for the entire file
  7. Check the participant section for correctly representing all the paths you want the InterfaceValidator to address
  8. Add, delete or modify groups according to your needs
  9. Carefully document the information that is written into the Collection and read from there
  10. Document the contents of the request and response bodies. Here you can simplify and focus on the relevant attributes
  11. Outline the assertions to be made
  12. Double check your diagram by going step-by-step through the preview
  13. Create the Export Current Diagram as a png
  14. Double check that the ...+diagram.completeness.png file has been created directly beneath the ...+diagram.completeness.plantuml file in the Completeness folder; if not represented or wrongly named, double check the file name stated in the very first line of the ...+diagram.completeness.plantuml file
  1. Search the existing ...+diagram.completeness.png files in other repositories for the one most similar to your new ...+diagram.completeness.png file
  2. Open the ...+validator.completeness.json file of the validator that is the most similar one in its diagram
  3. Open the ...+validator.completeness.json file of your new validator
  4. Copy the entire content (CTRL+a) of the existing and very similar ...+validator.completeness.json file
  5. Paste it into the ...+validator.completeness.json file of your new validator
  6. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. AirInterface_2.0.0-tsi.240102.1740) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200) for the entire file
  7. CTRL+h the old namespace and release number combination (e.g. air-interface-2-0) by x-interface-1-0 for the entire file
  8. CTRL+h the URL notation of the old model name (e.g. air-interface) by x-interface for the entire file
  9. CTRL+h the UML notation of the model name (e.g. AirInterface) by XInterface for the entire file
  10. CTRL+h the enumeration notation of the old model name (e.g. _AIR_INTERFACE_) by _X_INTERFACE_ for the entire file
  11. Search for potential further occurrences of the old model name by searching for artifacts like "air" or "wred" and replace them too, if required
  12. Save the manipulated ...+validator.completeness.json file
  13. Open Postman application
  14. Push Import button at top of the file tree
  15. Push files in the middle of the import window
  16. Brows through your file system until you reached the Completeness folder in your local copy of the XInterface repository
  17. Select the ...+validator.completeness.json file and open it
  18. Change into the XInterface folder inside the Validation folder
  19. Add (preferably copy/paste), delete or modify the Requests inside the XInterface folder until it matches the diagram you created upfront
  20. Open the individual Requests and adapt the Setting Local Variables and Preparing the Request segments until they create the requests and requestBodies you described in your diagram
  21. Open the individual Requests and adapt the Loading Input Data and the Setting Collection Variables segments until they are all matching the diagram you created upfront
  22. Open the Tests Scripts of those Requests that comprise a schema validation according to your diagram and replace the definition of the reference attribute in the Processing segment by the corresponding schema definition in the +json.json file
  23. Open the individual Pre-request Scripts and adapt the Processing segments until they are generating the required outputs (Local and Collection variables) from the provided inputs
  24. Open the individual Tests Scripts and adapt the Processing segments until they execute the required assertions and generate the required outputs (Collection variables) from the response and the provided inputs
  25. Test your validator implementation against an existing interface implementation (e.g. mediator) in the laboratory
  26. Correct obvious mistakes in your validator implementation
  27. Test against further interface implementations and compare with the UML information model until you have a clear picture about the root causes of failures of your assertions
  28. Correct your Processing segments (calculation of dummy values as well as assertions) until all remaining failures are certainly caused by the interface implementations differing from the UML information model
Completeness Simulator for Application
  1. At the beginning of creating the InterfaceValidator you searched for a very similar validator, open the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file in the same repository
  2. Open the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file of your XInterface
  3. Copy the entire content (CTRL+a) of the existing and very similar ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file
  4. Paste it into the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file of your XInterface
  5. CTRL+h the old UML file name (e.g. AirInterface_2.0.0-tsi.240102.1740) by the new one (XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200) for the entire file
  6. CTRL+h the old namespace and release number combination (e.g. air-interface-2-0) by x-interface-1-0 for the entire file
  7. CTRL+h the URL notation of the old model name (e.g. air-interface) by x-interface for the entire file
  8. CTRL+h the UML notation of the model name (e.g. AirInterface) by XInterface for the entire file
  9. Open the ...+simulator.1.yaml file of your XInterface
  10. Copy the entire Common Components segment from your ...+simulator.1.yaml file
  11. Replace the entire Common Components segment of the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file by the one from your ...+simulator.1.yaml file
  12. Copy all paths in the Generic Paths segment of the ...+simulator.1.yaml file
  13. Replace all paths in the Generic Paths segment of the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file by the ones copied from your ...+simulator.1.yaml file
  14. Prefix all paths of the Generic Paths segment of the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file by replacing " /" by " /generic/"
  15. Add (preferably copy/paste), delete or modify the paths in the Application part of the "XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness in static reference mode" segment until they match the diagram you created upfront, respectively in such a way that they response to all the requests sent by your validator
  16. CTRL+h the MountName, UUIDs and LocalIds until they are matching with your diagram
  17. Execute on every individual path
    • Check, whether the parameters are matching the ones that would be expected by applications like e.g. MWDI; add or delete UUIDs, LocalIds etc.
    • Check, whether the operationId and summary are properly updated
    • Check, whether the description statements beneath the response code are properly updated
    • If the path is a specific version of a generic path, replace the entire schemas of requestBody (if applicable) and responseBody (if applicable) by the schemas of the corresponding path in the Generic Paths segment
    • If applicable, replace the values in the example statement of the requestBody by the concrete values that will be sent by the InterfaceValidator
    • If applicable, replace the values in the example statement of the responseBody by concrete values that could actually be expected from a device (even if stored in the MWDI, or forwarded by MWDG)
    • Check, whether the headers matching the ones that would be sent by an application
    • Check that there are no alternative response codes defined
  18. After updating the Application part of the "XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness in static reference mode" segment of the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file in such a way that it is properly responding to every request send by the InterfaceValidator, save the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file
  19. Open Mockoon
  20. Push "Import Swagger v2/OpenAPI v3 (JSON or YAML)" from the "Import/Export" menu and execute the following steps
    • Brows through your file system until you reached the ...+simu folder in your local copy of the XInterface repository
    • Select the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file
    • CTRL+c the file name
    • Open it
    • Brows through your file system until you reached the ...+simu folder in your local copy of the XInterface repository
    • CTRL+v the file name
    • Delete the .yaml extension
    • Save it
  21. Double check that
    • The simulator file ...%2Bsimulator.completeness.json has been created inside the ...+simu folder
    • The ...%2Bsimulator.completeness.json file is marked in grey letters (otherwise it will be pushed to public repository); if not marked in grey letters, check file name and check file name inside the .gitignore file
  22. Activate the mock server by pushing the green triangle in Mockoon, so it changes into a red square
  23. Double check that the TCP port in the server attribute (e.g. "server": "http://localhost:3002") of the server definition with serverName "application in XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness" being identical with the one assigned by Mockoon
  24. Change the collectionInput in the ...+data.completeness.intern.json file in such a way that the validator will address the server definition with serverName "application in XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness"
  25. Test your validator implementation against the Application definition in the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file
  26. Correct glitches in the Simulator, respectively the InterfaceValidator until no assertion fails
  27. Whenever the Simulator needs to be updated
    • Deactivate the mock server by pushing the red square in Mockoon, so it changes into a green triangle
    • Delete the mock server definition from Mockoon
    • Make the corrections in ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file in VsCode
    • Repeat the steps described above for importing the Simulator into Mockoon and activating it
  28. If all assertions pass
    • Deactivate the mock server by pushing the red square in Mockoon, so it changes into a green triangle
    • Delete the mock server definition from Mockoon
Completeness Simulator for Controller
  1. Open the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file of your XInterface
  2. Add (preferably copy/paste other paths from the Controller part), delete or modify the paths in the Controller part of the "XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness in static reference mode" segment until they match the diagram you created upfront, respectively in such a way that they response to all the requests sent by your validator
  3. CTRL+h the MountName, UUIDs and LocalIds until they are matching with your diagram
  4. Execute on every individual path
    • Check, whether the parameters are matching the ones that would be expected by the controller; add or delete UUIDs, LocalIds etc.
    • Check, whether the operationId and summary are properly updated
    • Check, whether the description statements beneath the response code are properly updated
    • If the path is a specific version of a generic path, replace the entire schemas of requestBody (if applicable) and responseBody (if applicable) by the schemas of the corresponding path in the Application part
    • Check, whether there are no headers and no alternative response codes defined
  5. After updating the Controller part of the "XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness in static reference mode" segment of the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file in such a way that it is properly responding to every request send by the InterfaceValidator, save the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file
  6. Open Mockoon
  7. Execute the same steps like above for importing and activating the mock server
  8. Double check that the TCP port in the server attribute (e.g. "server": "http://localhost:3002") of the server definition with serverName "controller in XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness" being identical with the one assigned by Mockoon
  9. Change the collectionInput in the ...+data.completeness.intern.json file in such a way that the validator will address the server definition with serverName "controller in XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+simulator.completeness"
  10. Test your validator implementation against the Controller definition in the ...+simulator.completeness.yaml file
  11. Proceed as described above until all glitches in the Simulator, respectively the InterfaceValidator are fixed and no assertion fails
  12. If all assertions pass clean up Mockoon as described above and close it
  1. Make a final check on the InterfaceValidator in Postman
  2. Replace the "XInterface_1.0.0-ts.250102.1200+validator.completeness.json" file in the ...+vali folder while exporting the InterfaceValidator from Postman
  3. Open the top level from the XInterface repository
  4. Open a top level from another repository on the side
  5. Update the top level from the XInterface with the same structure and links.
  6. Check all links in all file
  7. Make a final check on all files
  8. Commit and publish
  9. Double check all and links on GitHub