The ForwardingNames have to be defined according to the rules stated in Structure of Internal ForwardingNames.
The UUID has to be defined according to the rules stated in Structure of UUIDs.
The ForwardingType has to be chosen from the ones that have been explained in Types of Internal Forwardings.
ManagementRequests are for configuring the Forwarding.
ManagementRequests are a subset of the OperationServers defined in the ServiceList.
OperationClients, ForwardingConstructs or ForwardingConstructPorts are affected by the Management.
OperationServers are invariant.
OperationServers stated in ...
- OperationClientUpdate have to contain all necessary information (e.g. OperationName, IP address and TCP port) about where to send the ConsequentRequest
- FcPortUpdate are used for activating the Forwarding
- FcPortDeletion are used for stopping the Forwarding
- OperationClientDeletion are used for stopping the Forwarding and deleting the OperationClient (if the last OperationClient would be deleted, the HttpClient and the TcpClient would be deleted, too)
These different types of Management are required, because sometimes they are provided by different sources.
An application might wish to receive notifications, so it sends all data about where to send the ConsequentRequest, but sending notifications cannot start until another application approved.
If some Management would cover several types of changes, the same OperationServer would have to be stated multiple times.
InitiatingRequests are for initiating the individual sending of a ConsequentRequest.
They are the event that causes some reaction.
There must always be at least one InitiatingRequest, but there could be many, too.
InitiatingRequests have to be chosen from the list of OperationServers in the ServiceList.
The InitiatingRequest might be identical to the ManagementRequest.
The /v1/register-yourself prompts the application (InitiatingRequests) to register at the RegistryOffice, at the same time the /v1/register-yourself contains IP address and port of the RegistryOffice.
ConsequentRequests are representing the reaction on some event.
There must always be at least one ConsequentRequests, but there could be several.
ConsequentRequests have to be chosen from the list of OperationClients in the ServiceList.