This is a step by step cookbook for creating the ProfileList.
Please, read the background information about the Concept of Profiles and the Concept of the ProfileList before working on the ProfileList.
- Assure that there is a copy of the latest template for the ProfileList in the develop branch of your application's repository. The latest ApplicationPattern+profiles.yaml can be downloaded from the ApplicationPattern repository.
- Rename the file, by replacing "ApplicationPattern" by your application's name.
- If not yet existing, create an Issue for elaborating the ProfileList.
- Open a local feature branch for elaborating the ProfileList.
- The ActionProfile and the GenericResponseProfile are needed for representing the application in the GenericRepresentation application, which is obligatory. Consequently, the ActionProfile and the GenericResponseProfile must be kept in the ProfileList.
- Remove unnecessary Profile definitions from the template.
- Add required Profile definitions according to the specifications made in Concept of Profiles and Concept of the ProfileList at the end of the file.
- Re-using already existing definitions of Profiles from ProfileLists of other applications is recommended.
- Define patterns for String attributes, wherever reasonable (Potentially this documentation might be helpful. Test the Regex.).
- Put attributes, which are invariant during runtime of the application into a capability section.
- Put attributes, which shall be available for configuration during runtime of the application into a configuration section.
- Double check your ProfileList.
- Commit to your local feature branch.
- Push your local feature branch to the remote repository.
- Create a Pull-Request.
- Please, regard the test results of the YAML linting in the Pull-Request. Correct the syntax of the ProfileList, if errors are indicated (warnings need not to be regarded), and commit and push again until the ProfileList in the remote repository is successfully validated.
- Select a Reviewer from the team.
- Assign the Pull-Request to yourself.