This is a step by step cookbook for creating the ProfileInstanceList.
Please, read the background information about the Concept of Profiles and the Concept of the ProfileInstanceList before working at the ProfileList.
- Assure that there is a copy of the latest template of the ProfileInstanceList in the develop branch of your application's repository. The latest ApplicationPattern+profileInstances.yaml can be downloaded from the ApplicationPattern repository.
- Rename the file, by replacing "ApplicationPattern" by your application's name.
- If not yet existing, create an Issue for elaborating the ProfileInstanceList.
- Open a local feature branch for elaborating the ProfileInstanceList.
- Re-using already existing descriptions of instances of Profiles from ProfileInstanceLists of other applications is very much recommended.
- Check your ServiceList for services that are implementing the concept of GenericRepresentation.
- If you would need to add further instances of ActionProfile please look into existing applications' ProfileInstanceLists and the template to get familiar with the concept.
- Copy/paste and alter additional instances of ActionProfile for configuring a step-by-step-clicking-through-process after starting with /v1/start-application-in-generic-representation.
- Finally, just delete the form that waits for completion.
- The ProfileName shall be set on "ActionProfile".
- The UUID shall follow the Structure of UUIDs.
- The LayerID shall be set on "action".
- The ObjectType shall be set on "p" (Profile).
- The SequenceNumber shall start at "000" and must be unique within the scope of instances of Profiles with the same LayerID.
- Fill in the name of the operation (e.g. /v1/start-application-in-generic-representation) that shall transport the information about labels, input values and consequent requests in its response body to the GenericRepresentation.
- Fill in the text (e.g. 'Inform about Application') that shall be printed on a button, which shall be represented in the GenericRepresentation.
- If the request needs to send parameters in its body, these parameters have to be defined in the InputValueList.
- Don't represent the InputValueList, if not required.
- Be aware that the FieldName will not just be sent as an attribute's name in the body of the request, but also be represented by the GenericRepresentation besides an input field.
- Fill in the FieldName in UpperCamelCase notation.
- The Unit will be represented by the GenericRepresentation besides an input field.
- Don't represent this stereotype, if not required.
- Usually, DisplayInNewBrowserWindow is set on false and the response to the described request will be presented in the same browser window.
- If the response to clicking the button shall be represented in a new window of the GenericRepresentation, DisplayInNewBrowserWindow has to be set on true.
- Operation that shall be called, whenever the button gets pressed in the GenericRepresentation.
- Because several parts (e.g. IP address, TCP port, OperationName) of the URL that has to be called by the GenericRepresentation might be subject to configuration in your application, there shall be just a reference to the operation here. The actual URL will then be generated by your application right before responding on a request reaching the OperationName.
- UUIDs comprised in the references have to match the ServiceList content (otherwise the application will fill wrong data into the response bodies of the GenericRepresentationRequests during run-time).
- Whenever your application is supposed to use one or several files for storing data, a corresponding number of instances of FileProfile is required.
- Just copy/paste the form prepared for completion or copy from existing ProfileInstanceLists of other applications.
- Finally, just delete the form that waits for completion.
- The ProfileName shall be set on "FileProfile".
- The UUID shall follow the Structure of UUIDs.
- The LayerID shall be set on "file".
- The ObjectType shall be set on "p" (Profile).
- The SequenceNumber shall start at "000" and must be unique within the scope of instances of Profiles with the same LayerID.
- Document an invariant identifier of the file.
- If the application uses just one file for storing its data, 'applicationData' might be a good choice.
- Document the content of the file.
- Even if the exact format of the information is to be defined by the implementer, the information could be listed here.
- The content of this field is actually determined by the implementer.
- Maybe, 'application-data.json' is a good choice for being a default value.
- This field allows restricting the access rights of the application to the file.
- Values are to be chosen from 'read', 'write' or 'off'.
- In case of updating an existing application, it is recommended to configure 'off' for supporting harmfree handover of the already existing data file during the embedding process.
- Check your ServiceList for services that are implementing the concept of GenericRepresentation.
- If you would need to add further instances of GenericResponseProfile please look into existing applications' ProfileInstanceLists and the template to get familiar with the concept.
- Copy/paste and alter additional instances of GenericResponseProfile for configuring the responses given by the GenericRepresentationRequests.
- Finally, just delete the form that waits for completion.
- The ProfileName shall be set on "GenericResponseProfile".
- The UUID shall follow the Structure of UUIDs.
- The LayerID shall be set on "response".
- The ObjectType shall be set on "p" (Profile).
- The SequenceNumber shall start at "000" and must be unique within the scope of instances of Profiles with the same LayerID.
- Fill in the path of the request that shall contain provide the response.
- The response will be represented in a field. This field will have a name/title. If this field name would be static, you could state it here.
- The response will be represented in a field. This field will have a name/title. If this field name would be stored somewhere in the internal data tree, you could reference this possition here.
- This attribute is just for documenting the meaning of the defined field.
- It is explanatory only and will not be passed to the GenericRepresentation.
- Fill in the datatype of the response value.
- Chose from 'string', 'integer', 'boolean'.
- The response will represent a value. If this value would be static, you could state it here.
- The value has to be transported as a string, but might be interpreted according to the Datatype at the receiving side.
- The response will represent a value. If this value would be stored somewhere in the internal data tree, you could reference this possition here.
- The value has to be transported as a string, but might be interpreted according to the Datatype at the receiving side.
- Whenever you would like to make an aspect of the application's behavior configurable and this aspect can be expressed as an Integer value, an additional instance of IntegerProfile is required.
- Just copy/paste the form prepared for completion or copy from existing ProfileInstanceLists of other applications.
- Finally, just delete the form that waits for completion.
- The ProfileName shall be set on "IntegerProfile".
- The UUID shall follow the Structure of UUIDs.
- The LayerID shall be set on "integer".
- The ObjectType shall be set on "p" (Profile).
- The SequenceNumber shall start at "000" and must be unique within the scope of instances of Profiles with the same LayerID.
- Document the attribute's name.
- Document the attribute's unit.
- Don't represent this stereotype, if not required.
- Fill in the minimum value that shall be accepted, while configuring the attribute via the individual OaM section of the REST API.
- Don't represent this stereotype, if not required.
- Fill in the maximum value that shall be accepted, while configuring the attribute via the individual OaM section of the REST API.
- Don't represent this stereotype, if not required.
- Fill in the current value, respectively the value that shall be applied right after instantiating the application.
- Whenever you would like to make an aspect of the application's behavior configurable and this aspect needs to be expressed as a String, an additional instance of StringProfile is required.
- Just copy/paste the form prepared for completion or copy from existing ProfileInstanceLists of other applications.
- Finally, just delete the form that waits for completion.
- The ProfileName shall be set on "StringProfile".
- The UUID shall follow the Structure of UUIDs.
- The LayerID shall be set on "string".
- The ObjectType shall be set on "p" (Profile).
- The SequenceNumber shall start at "000" and must be unique within the scope of instances of Profiles with the same LayerID.
- Document the attribute's name.
- If only a predefined set of values (e.g. operation modes) shall be accepted, while configuring the attribute via the individual OaM section of the REST API, put a comma separated list of these values into cornered brackets here.
- Don't represent this stereotype, if not required.
- If only strings that are following a generic definition shall be accepted, while configuring the attribute via the individual OaM section of the REST API, a Regex expression can be defined as a pattern.
- Formulating Regex is not easy. Potentially this documentation might be helpful.
- Test the Regex.
- Don't represent this stereotype, if not required.
- Fill in the current value, respectively the value that shall be applied right after instantiating the application.
- You are free to instantiate as many objects based on the self-defined Profiles as you like.
- Just copy/paste the lines for ProfileName and UUID from an existing definition and the additional stereotypes of your attribute or composed datatype.
- Be aware that you just need to describe the structuring of configuration information. Application data shall be encapsulated by the application.
- The ProfileName shall comply with the rules stated in Concept of Profiles.
- The UUID shall follow the Structure of UUIDs.
- Choose a meaningful LayerID.
- The ObjectType shall be set on "p" (Profile).
- The SequenceNumber shall start at "000" and must be unique within the scope of instances of Profiles with the same LayerID.
Further Stereotypes
- Add the stereotypes of your Profile definition.
- Don't forget to define the attribute's value during instantiation of the application.
- Double check your ProfileInstanceList.
- Commit to your local feature branch.
- Push your local feature branch to the remote repository.
- Create a Pull-Request.
- Please, regard the test results of the YAML linting in the Pull-Request. Correct the syntax of the ProfileList, if errors are indicated (warnings need not to be regarded), and commit and push again until the ProfileList in the remote repository is successfully validated.
- Select a Reviewer from the team.
- Assign the Pull-Request to yourself.