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+title: Spring Boot starter
+ [
+ /docs/languages/java/automatic/spring-boot/,
+ /docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot/,
+ ]
+You can use two options to instrument
+[Spring Boot](https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot) applications with
+1. The default choice for instrumenting Spring Boot applications is the
+ [**OpenTelemetry Java agent**](../agent) with byte code instrumentation:
+ - **More out of the box instrumentation** than the OpenTelemetry starter
+2. The **OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter** can help you with:
+ - **Spring Boot Native image** applications for which the OpenTelemetry Java
+ agent does not work
+ - **Startup overhead** of the OpenTelemetry Java agent exceeding your
+ requirements
+ - A Java monitoring agent already used because the OpenTelemetry Java agent
+ might not work with the other agent
+ - **Spring Boot configuration files** (`application.properties`,
+ `application.yml`) to configure the OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter which
+ doesn't work with the OpenTelemetry Java agent
+## Use the OpenTelemetry starter
diff --git a/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/additional-instrumentations.md b/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/additional-instrumentations.md
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+title: Additional instrumentations
+ Additional instrumentations in addition to the out of the box instrumentation
+ of the starter
+weight: 50
+The OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter provides of the box
+instrumentation](../out-of-the-box-instrumentation) that you can complete with
+additional instrumentations.
+## Log4j2 Instrumentation
+You have to add the OpenTelemetry appender to your `log4j2.xml` file:
+You can find more configuration options for the OpenTelemetry appender in the
+instrumentation library.
+| System property | Type | Default | Description |
+| --------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `otel.instrumentation.log4j-appender.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the configuration of the Log4j OpenTelemetry appender with an `OpenTelemetry` instance. |
+## OpenTelemetry instrumentations libraries
+You can configure other instrumentations with
+[OpenTelemetry instrumentations libraries](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/blob/main/docs/supported-libraries.md#libraries--frameworks).
diff --git a/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/annotations.md b/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/annotations.md
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+title: Annotations
+description: Using instrumentation annotations with the Spring starter.
+aliases: [../annotations]
+weight: 60
+For most users, the out-of-the-box instrumentation is completely sufficient and
+nothing more has to be done. Sometimes, however, users wish to create
+[spans](/docs/concepts/signals/traces/#spans) for their own custom code without
+doing too much code change.
+## Available annotations
+This feature uses spring-aop to wrap methods annotated with `@WithSpan` in a
+span. The arguments to the method can be captured as attributed on the created
+span by annotating the method parameters with `@SpanAttribute`.
+> **Note**: this annotation can only be applied to bean methods managed by the
+> spring application context. To learn more about aspect weaving in spring, see
+> [spring-aop](https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#aop).
+| Feature | Property | Default Value | Description |
+| ----------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------- | --------------------------------- |
+| `@WithSpan` | `otel.instrumentation.annotations.enabled` | true | Enables the WithSpan annotations. |
+import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.annotations.SpanAttribute;
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.annotations.WithSpan;
+import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
+import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanKind;
+ * Test WithSpan
+ */
+public class TracedClass {
+ @WithSpan
+ public void tracedMethod() {
+ }
+ @WithSpan(value="span name")
+ public void tracedMethodWithName() {
+ Span currentSpan = Span.current();
+ currentSpan.addEvent("ADD EVENT TO tracedMethodWithName SPAN");
+ currentSpan.setAttribute("isTestAttribute", true);
+ }
+ @WithSpan(kind = SpanKind.CLIENT)
+ public void tracedClientSpan() {
+ }
+ public void tracedMethodWithAttribute(@SpanAttribute("attributeName") String parameter) {
+ }
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+title: Getting Started
+description: Getting Started of the OpenTelemetry starter
+weight: 20
+cSpell:ignore: springboot
+## OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter
+{{% alert title="Note" color="info" %}}
+You can also use the Java agent to instrument your Spring Boot application. The
+pros and cons are described in the [overview page](..).
+{{% /alert %}}
+### Compatibility
+The OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter works with Spring Boot 2.0 and 3.0, and
+Spring Boot native image applications. The
+repository contains an example of a Spring Boot Native image application
+instrumented using the OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter.
+### Dependency management
+A Bill of Material
+ensures that versions of dependencies (including transitive ones) are aligned.
+Importing the `opentelemetry-bom` and `opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha`
+BOMs when using the OpenTelemetry starter is important to ensure version
+alignment across all OpenTelemetry dependencies.
+The following example shows how to import both BOMs using Maven:
+ io.opentelemetry
+ opentelemetry-bom
+ {{% param vers.otel %}}
+ pom
+ import
+ io.opentelemetry.instrumentation
+ opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha
+ {{% param vers.instrumentation %}}-alpha
+ pom
+ import
+With Gradle and Spring Boot, you have
+[two ways](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/gradle-plugin/reference/htmlsingle/)
+to import a BOM.
+You can use the Gradle’s native BOM support by adding `dependencies`:
+import org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin.SpringBootPlugin
+plugins {
+ id("java")
+ id("org.springframework.boot") version "3.2.O"
+dependencies {
+ implementation(platform(SpringBootPlugin.BOM_COORDINATES))
+ implementation(platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:{{% param vers.otel %}}"))
+ implementation(platform("io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha:{{% param vers.instrumentation %}}-alpha"))
+The other way with Gradle is to use the `io.spring.dependency-management` plugin
+and to import the BOMs in `dependencyManagement`:
+plugins {
+ id("java")
+ id("org.springframework.boot") version "3.2.O"
+ id("io.spring.dependency-management") version "1.1.0"
+dependencyManagement {
+ imports {
+ mavenBom("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:{{% param vers.otel %}}")
+ mavenBom("io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha:{{% param vers.instrumentation %}}-alpha")
+ }
+{{% alert title="Note" color="info" %}}
+Be careful not to mix up the different ways of configuring things with Gradle.
+For example, don't use
+`implementation(platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:{{% param vers.otel %}}"))`
+with the `io.spring.dependency-management` plugin.
+{{% /alert %}}
+#### OpenTelemetry Starter dependency
+Add the dependency given below to enable the OpenTelemetry starter.
+The OpenTelemetry starter uses OpenTelemetry Spring Boot
+{{< tabpane text=true >}} {{% tab header="Maven (`pom.xml`)" lang=Maven %}}
+ io.opentelemetry.instrumentation
+ opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter
+{{% /tab %}} {{% tab header="Gradle (`gradle.build`)" lang=Gradle %}}
+dependencies {
+ implementation("io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter")
+{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabpane>}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/other-spring-autoconfig.md b/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/other-spring-autoconfig.md
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+title: Other Spring autoconfigurations
+description: Spring autoconfigurations without the OpenTelemetry Spring starter
+cSpell:ignore: autoconfigurations
+weight: 70
+Instead of using the OpenTelemetry Spring starter, you can use the OpenTelemetry
+autoconfiguration features with an annotation or the Zipkin starter.
+## Spring support
+Autoconfiguration is natively supported by Spring Boot applications. To enable
+these features in "vanilla" use `@EnableOpenTelemetry` to complete a component
+scan of this package.
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.spring.autoconfigure.EnableOpenTelemetry;
+import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
+public class OpenTelemetryConfig {}
+## Zipkin starter
+OpenTelemetry Zipkin Exporter Starter is a starter package that includes the
+opentelemetry-api, opentelemetry-sdk, opentelemetry-extension-annotations,
+opentelemetry-logging-exporter, opentelemetry-spring-boot-autoconfigurations and
+spring framework starters required to setup distributed tracing. It also
+provides the
+artifact and corresponding exporter autoconfiguration. Check out
+for the list of supported libraries and features.
+If an exporter is present in the classpath during runtime and a spring bean of
+the exporter is missing from the spring application context, an exporter bean is
+initialized and added to a simple span processor in the active tracer provider.
+Check out the implementation
+{{< tabpane text=true >}} {{% tab header="Maven (`pom.xml`)" lang=Maven %}}
+ io.opentelemetry
+ opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin
+ {{% param vers.otel %}}
+{{% /tab %}} {{% tab header="Gradle (`gradle.build`)" lang=Gradle %}}
+dependencies {
+ implementation("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin:{{% param vers.otel %}}")
+{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabpane>}}
+### Configurations
+| Property | Default Value | ConditionalOnClass |
+| ------------------------------ | ------------- | -------------------- |
+| `otel.exporter.zipkin.enabled` | true | `ZipkinSpanExporter` |
diff --git a/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/out-of-the-box-instrumentation.md b/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/out-of-the-box-instrumentation.md
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+title: Out of the box instrumentation
+description: Out of the box instrumentation for the starter
+aliases: [../annotations]
+weight: 40
+cSpell:ignore: autoconfigurations autoconfigures logback webflux webmvc
+Out of the box instrumentation is available for several frameworks:
+| Feature | Property | Default Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
+| JDBC | `otel.instrumentation.jdbc.enabled` | true |
+| Logback | `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.enabled` | true |
+| Spring Web | `otel.instrumentation.spring-web.enabled` | true |
+| Spring Web MVC | `otel.instrumentation.spring-webmvc.enabled` | true |
+| Spring WebFlux | `otel.instrumentation.spring-webflux.enabled` | true |
+| Kafka | `otel.instrumentation.kafka.enabled` | true |
+| MongoDB | `otel.instrumentation.mongo.enabled` | true |
+| Micrometer | `otel.instrumentation.micrometer.enabled` | false |
+| R2DBC (reactive JDBC) | `otel.instrumentation.r2dbc.enabled` | true |
+## Common instrumentation configuration
+Common properties for all database instrumentations:
+| System property | Type | Default | Description |
+| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| `otel.instrumentation.common.db-statement-sanitizer.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the DB statement sanitization. |
+## JDBC Instrumentation
+| System property | Type | Default | Description |
+| ------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| `otel.instrumentation.jdbc.statement-sanitizer.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the DB statement sanitization. |
+## Logback
+You can enable experimental features with system properties to capture
+attributes :
+| System property | Type | Default | Description |
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental-log-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of experimental log attributes `thread.name` and `thread.id`. |
+| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-code-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of [source code attributes]. Note that capturing source code attributes at logging sites might add a performance overhead. |
+| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-marker-attribute` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of Logback markers as attributes. |
+| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-key-value-pair-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of Logback key value pairs as attributes. |
+| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-logger-context-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of Logback logger context properties as attributes. |
+| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-mdc-attributes` | String | | Comma separated list of MDC attributes to capture. Use the wildcard character `*` to capture all attributes. |
+[source code attributes]:
+ /docs/specs/semconv/general/attributes/#source-code-attributes
+Alternatively, you can enable these features by adding the OpenTelemetry Logback
+appender in your `logback.xml` or `logback-spring.xml` file:
+ %d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ *
+## Spring Web Autoconfiguration
+Provides autoconfiguration for the `RestTemplate` trace interceptor defined in
+This autoconfiguration instruments all requests sent using Spring `RestTemplate`
+beans by applying a `RestTemplate` bean post processor. This feature is
+supported for spring web versions 3.1+. To learn more about the OpenTelemetry
+`RestTemplate` interceptor, see
+The following ways of creating a `RestTemplate` are supported:
+public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
+ return new RestTemplate();
+public MyService(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {
+ this.restTemplate = restTemplateBuilder.build();
+The following ways of creating a `RestClient` are supported:
+public RestClient restClient() {
+ return RestClient.create();
+public MyService(RestClient.Builder restClientBuilder) {
+ this.restClient = restClientBuilder.build();
+## Spring Web MVC Autoconfiguration
+This feature autoconfigures instrumentation for Spring WebMVC controllers by
+adding a
+[telemetry producing servlet `Filter`](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/blob/main/instrumentation/spring/spring-webmvc/spring-webmvc-5.3/library/src/main/java/io/opentelemetry/instrumentation/spring/webmvc/v5_3/WebMvcTelemetryProducingFilter.java)
+bean to the application context. The filter decorates the request execution with
+a server span, propagating the incoming tracing context if received in the HTTP
+request. To learn more about the OpenTelemetry Spring WebMVC instrumentation,
+see the
+[opentelemetry-spring-webmvc-5.3 instrumentation library](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/tree/main/instrumentation/spring/spring-webmvc/spring-webmvc-5.3/library).
+## Spring WebFlux Autoconfiguration
+Provides autoconfigurations for the OpenTelemetry WebClient ExchangeFilter
+defined in
+This autoconfiguration instruments all outgoing HTTP requests sent using
+Spring's WebClient and WebClient Builder beans by applying a bean post
+processor. This feature is supported for spring webflux versions 5.0+. For
+details, see
+The following ways of creating a `WebClient` are supported:
+public WebClient webClient() {
+ return WebClient.create();
+public MyService(WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder) {
+ this.webClient = webClientBuilder.build();
+## Kafka Instrumentation
+Provides autoconfiguration for the Kafka client instrumentation.
+| System property | Type | Default | Description |
+| --------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
+| `otel.instrumentation.kafka.experimental-span-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enables the capture of experimental span attributes. |
+## Micrometer Instrumentation
+Provides autoconfiguration for the Micrometer to OpenTelemetry bridge.
+## MongoDB Instrumentation
+Provides autoconfiguration for the MongoDB client instrumentation.
+| System property | Type | Default | Description |
+| -------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| `otel.instrumentation.mongo.statement-sanitizer.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the DB statement sanitization. |
+## R2DBC Instrumentation
+Provides autoconfiguration for the OpenTelemetry R2DBC instrumentation.
+| System property | Type | Default | Description |
+| -------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| `otel.instrumentation.r2dbc.statement-sanitizer.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the DB statement sanitization. |
diff --git a/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/sdk-configuration.md b/content/en/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/sdk-configuration.md
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+title: SDK configuration
+description: Configure the SDK with the OpenTelemetry starter
+weight: 30
+cSpell:ignore: customizer distro
+This spring starter supports
+[configuration metadata](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/configuration-metadata.html),
+which means that you can see and autocomplete all available properties in your
+## General configuration
+The OpenTelemetry Starter supports all the
+[SDK Autoconfiguration](/docs/languages/java/automatic/configuration/#sdk-autoconfiguration)
+(since 2.2.0).
+You can update the configuration with properties in the `application.properties`
+or the `application.yaml` file, or with environment variables.
+`application.properties` example:
+`application.yaml` example:
+ propagators:
+ - tracecontext
+ - b3
+ resource:
+ attributes:
+ deployment.environment: dev
+ service:
+ name: cart
+ namespace: shop
+Environment variables example:
+export OTEL_PROPAGATORS="tracecontext,b3"
+export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="deployment.environment=dev,service.name=cart,service.namespace=shop"
+## Overriding Resource Attributes
+As usual in Spring Boot, you can override properties in the
+`application.properties` and `application.yaml` files with environment
+For example, you can set or override the `deployment.environment` resource
+attribute (not changing `service.name` or `service.namespace`) by setting the
+standard `OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES` environment variable:
+export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="deployment.environment=prod"
+environment variable to set or override a single resource attribute:
+The second option supports
+Note that `DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT` gets converted to `deployment.environment` by
+Spring Boot's
+[Relaxed Binding](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/features.html#features.external-config.typesafe-configuration-properties.relaxed-binding.environment-variables).
+## Disable the OpenTelemetry Starter
+{{% config_option name="otel.sdk.disabled" %}}
+Set the value to `true` to disable the starter, e.g. for testing purposes.
+{{% /config_option %}}
+## Programmatic configuration
+You can use the `AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider` for programmatic
+configuration. Programmatic configuration is recommended for advanced use cases,
+which are not configurable using properties.
+### Exclude actuator endpoints from tracing
+As an example, you can customize the sampler to exclude health check endpoints
+from tracing:
+{{< tabpane text=true >}} {{% tab header="Maven (`pom.xml`)" lang=Maven %}}
+ io.opentelemetry.contrib
+ opentelemetry-samplers
+ 1.33.0-alpha
+{{% /tab %}} {{% tab header="Gradle (`gradle.build`)" lang=Gradle %}}
+dependencies {
+ implementation("io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-samplers:1.33.0-alpha")
+{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabpane>}}
+import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanKind;
+import io.opentelemetry.contrib.sampler.RuleBasedRoutingSampler;
+import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider;
+import io.opentelemetry.semconv.SemanticAttributes;
+import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
+import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
+public class OpenTelemetryConfig {
+ @Bean
+ public AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider otelCustomizer() {
+ return p ->
+ p.addSamplerCustomizer(
+ (fallback, config) ->
+ RuleBasedRoutingSampler.builder(SpanKind.SERVER, fallback)
+ .drop(SemanticAttributes.URL_PATH, "^/actuator")
+ .build());
+ }
+### Configure the exporter programmatically
+You can also configure OTLP exporters programmatically. This configuration
+replaces the default OTLP exporter and adds a custom header to the requests.
+import io.opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.http.trace.OtlpHttpSpanExporter;
+import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
+import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
+public class OpenTelemetryConfig {
+ @Bean
+ public AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider otelCustomizer() {
+ return p ->
+ p.addSpanExporterCustomizer(
+ (exporter, config) -> {
+ if (exporter instanceof OtlpHttpSpanExporter) {
+ return ((OtlpHttpSpanExporter) exporter)
+ .toBuilder().setHeaders(this::headers).build();
+ }
+ return exporter;
+ });
+ }
+ private Map headers() {
+ return Collections.singletonMap("Authorization", "Bearer " + refreshToken());
+ }
+ private String refreshToken() {
+ // e.g. read the token from a kubernetes secret
+ return "token";
+ }
+## Resource Providers
+The OpenTelemetry Starter includes the same resource providers as the Java
+- [Common resource providers](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/tree/main/instrumentation/resources/library)
+- [Resource providers that are disabled by default](/docs/languages/java/automatic/configuration/#enable-resource-providers-that-are-disabled-by-default)
+In addition, the OpenTelemetry Starter includes the following Spring Boot
+specific resource providers:
+### Distribution Resource Provider
+| Attribute | Value |
+| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
+| `telemetry.distro.name` | `opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter` |
+| `telemetry.distro.version` | version of the starter |
+### Spring Resource Provider
+| Attribute | Value |
+| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `service.name` | `spring.application.name` or `build.version` from `build-info.properties` (see [Service name](#service-name)) |
+| `service.version` | `build.name` from `build-info.properties` |
+## Service name
+Using these resource providers, the service name is determined by the following
+precedence rules, in accordance with the OpenTelemetry
+1. `otel.service.name` spring property or `OTEL_SERVICE_NAME` environment
+ variable (highest precedence)
+2. `service.name` in `otel.resource.attributes` system/spring property or
+ `OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES` environment variable
+3. `spring.application.name` spring property
+4. `build-info.properties`
+5. `Implementation-Title` from META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+6. The default value is `unknown_service:java` (lowest precedence)
+Use the following snippet in your pom.xml file to generate the
+`build-info.properties` file:
+{{< tabpane text=true >}} {{% tab header="Maven (`pom.xml`)" lang=Maven %}}
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ org.springframework.boot
+ spring-boot-maven-plugin
+ build-info
+ repackage
+{{% /tab %}} {{% tab header="Gradle (`gradle.build`)" lang=Gradle %}}
+springBoot {
+ buildInfo {
+ }
+{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabpane>}}
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-title: Spring Boot
-description: Spring Boot instrumentation for OpenTelemetry Java
-aliases: [/docs/languages/java/automatic/spring-boot/]
-# prettier-ignore
-cSpell:ignore: autoconfigurations autoconfigures customizer datasource distro logback springboot webflux webmvc
-## How to instrument Spring Boot with OpenTelemetry
-The [OpenTelemetry Java agent](..) with byte code instrumentation can cover most
-of your needs when instrumenting
-[Spring Boot](https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot) applications.
-Alternatively, the OpenTelemetry [Spring Boot starter] can help you in the
-following cases:
-- Spring Boot Native image applications for which the OpenTelemetry Java agent
- does not work
-- Startup overhead of the OpenTelemetry Java agent exceeds your requirements
-- OpenTelemetry Java agent might not work if your application already uses
- another Java monitoring agent
-- You can use the Spring Boot configuration files (`application.properties`,
- `application.yml`) to configure the OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter which
- doesn't work with the OpenTelemetry Java agent
-[Spring Boot starter]:
- https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#using.build-systems.starters
-The OpenTelemetry Java agent has more automatic instrumentation features than
-the OpenTelemetry starter.
-You can use
-[OpenTelemetry instrumentations libraries](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/blob/main/docs/supported-libraries.md#libraries--frameworks)
-to complete the automatic instrumentation of the Spring Boot starter.
-## OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter
-### Compatibility
-The OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter works with Spring Boot 2.0 and 3.0, and
-Spring Boot native image applications. The
-repository contains an example of a Spring Boot Native image application
-instrumented using the OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter.
-### Dependency management
-A Bill of Material
-ensures that versions of dependencies (including transitive ones) are aligned.
-Importing the `opentelemetry-bom` and `opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha`
-BOMs when using the OpenTelemetry starter is important to ensure version
-alignment across all OpenTelemetry dependencies.
-The following example shows how to import both BOMs using Maven:
- io.opentelemetry
- opentelemetry-bom
- {{% param vers.otel %}}
- pom
- import
- io.opentelemetry.instrumentation
- opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha
- {{% param vers.instrumentation %}}-alpha
- pom
- import
-With Gradle and Spring Boot, you have
-[two ways](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/gradle-plugin/reference/htmlsingle/)
-to import a BOM.
-You can use the Gradle’s native BOM support by adding `dependencies`:
-import org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin.SpringBootPlugin
-plugins {
- id("java")
- id("org.springframework.boot") version "3.2.O"
-dependencies {
- implementation(platform(SpringBootPlugin.BOM_COORDINATES))
- implementation(platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:{{% param vers.otel %}}"))
- implementation(platform("io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha:{{% param vers.instrumentation %}}-alpha"))
-The other way with Gradle is to use the `io.spring.dependency-management` plugin
-and to import the BOMs in `dependencyManagement`:
-plugins {
- id("java")
- id("org.springframework.boot") version "3.2.O"
- id("io.spring.dependency-management") version "1.1.0"
-dependencyManagement {
- imports {
- mavenBom("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:{{% param vers.otel %}}")
- mavenBom("io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-instrumentation-bom-alpha:{{% param vers.instrumentation %}}-alpha")
- }
-{{% alert title="Note" color="info" %}}
-Be careful not to mix up the different ways of configuring things with Gradle.
-For example, don't use
-`implementation(platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:{{% param vers.otel %}}"))`
-with the `io.spring.dependency-management` plugin.
-{{% /alert %}}
-#### OpenTelemetry Starter dependency
-Add the dependency given below to enable the OpenTelemetry starter.
-The OpenTelemetry starter uses OpenTelemetry Spring Boot
-{{< tabpane text=true >}} {{% tab header="Maven (`pom.xml`)" lang=Maven %}}
- io.opentelemetry.instrumentation
- opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter
-{{% /tab %}} {{% tab header="Gradle (`gradle.build`)" lang=Gradle %}}
-dependencies {
- implementation("io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter")
-{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabpane>}}
-### Configuration
-This spring starter supports
-[configuration metadata](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/configuration-metadata.html),
-which means that you can see and autocomplete all available properties in your
-#### General configuration
-The OpenTelemetry Starter supports all the
-[SDK Autoconfiguration](/docs/languages/java/automatic/configuration/#sdk-autoconfiguration)
-(since 2.2.0).
-You can update the configuration with properties in the `application.properties`
-or the `application.yaml` file, or with environment variables.
-`application.properties` example:
-`application.yaml` example:
- propagators:
- - tracecontext
- - b3
- resource:
- attributes:
- deployment.environment: dev
- service:
- name: cart
- namespace: shop
-Environment variables example:
-export OTEL_PROPAGATORS="tracecontext,b3"
-export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="deployment.environment=dev,service.name=cart,service.namespace=shop"
-#### Overriding Resource Attributes
-As usual in Spring Boot, you can override properties in the
-`application.properties` and `application.yaml` files with environment
-For example, you can set or override the `deployment.environment` resource
-attribute (not changing `service.name` or `service.namespace`) by setting the
-standard `OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES` environment variable:
-export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="deployment.environment=prod"
-environment variable to set or override a single resource attribute:
-The second option supports
-Note that `DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT` gets converted to `deployment.environment` by
-Spring Boot's
-[Relaxed Binding](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/features.html#features.external-config.typesafe-configuration-properties.relaxed-binding.environment-variables).
-#### Disable the OpenTelemetry Starter
-{{% config_option name="otel.sdk.disabled" %}}
-Set the value to `true` to disable the starter, e.g. for testing purposes.
-{{% /config_option %}}
-#### Programmatic configuration
-You can use the `AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider` for programmatic
-configuration. Programmatic configuration is recommended for advanced use cases,
-which are not configurable using properties.
-##### Exclude actuator endpoints from tracing
-As an example, you can customize the sampler to exclude health check endpoints
-from tracing:
-{{< tabpane text=true >}} {{% tab header="Maven (`pom.xml`)" lang=Maven %}}
- io.opentelemetry.contrib
- opentelemetry-samplers
- 1.33.0-alpha
-{{% /tab %}} {{% tab header="Gradle (`gradle.build`)" lang=Gradle %}}
-dependencies {
- implementation("io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-samplers:1.33.0-alpha")
-{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabpane>}}
-import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanKind;
-import io.opentelemetry.contrib.sampler.RuleBasedRoutingSampler;
-import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider;
-import io.opentelemetry.semconv.SemanticAttributes;
-import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
-import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
-public class OpenTelemetryConfig {
- @Bean
- public AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider otelCustomizer() {
- return p ->
- p.addSamplerCustomizer(
- (fallback, config) ->
- RuleBasedRoutingSampler.builder(SpanKind.SERVER, fallback)
- .drop(SemanticAttributes.URL_PATH, "^/actuator")
- .build());
- }
-##### Configure the exporter programmatically
-You can also configure OTLP exporters programmatically. This configuration
-replaces the default OTLP exporter and adds a custom header to the requests.
-import io.opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.http.trace.OtlpHttpSpanExporter;
-import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
-import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
-public class OpenTelemetryConfig {
- @Bean
- public AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider otelCustomizer() {
- return p ->
- p.addSpanExporterCustomizer(
- (exporter, config) -> {
- if (exporter instanceof OtlpHttpSpanExporter) {
- return ((OtlpHttpSpanExporter) exporter)
- .toBuilder().setHeaders(this::headers).build();
- }
- return exporter;
- });
- }
- private Map headers() {
- return Collections.singletonMap("Authorization", "Bearer " + refreshToken());
- }
- private String refreshToken() {
- // e.g. read the token from a kubernetes secret
- return "token";
- }
-#### Resource Providers
-The OpenTelemetry Starter includes the same resource providers as the Java
-- [Common resource providers](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/tree/main/instrumentation/resources/library)
-- [Resource providers that are disabled by default](/docs/languages/java/automatic/configuration/#enable-resource-providers-that-are-disabled-by-default)
-In addition, the OpenTelemetry Starter includes the following Spring Boot
-specific resource providers:
-##### Distribution Resource Provider
-| Attribute | Value |
-| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
-| `telemetry.distro.name` | `opentelemetry-spring-boot-starter` |
-| `telemetry.distro.version` | version of the starter |
-##### Spring Resource Provider
-| Attribute | Value |
-| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `service.name` | `spring.application.name` or `build.version` from `build-info.properties` (see [Service name](#service-name)) |
-| `service.version` | `build.name` from `build-info.properties` |
-#### Service name
-Using these resource providers, the service name is determined by the following
-precedence rules, in accordance with the OpenTelemetry
-1. `otel.service.name` spring property or `OTEL_SERVICE_NAME` environment
- variable (highest precedence)
-2. `service.name` in `otel.resource.attributes` system/spring property or
- `OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES` environment variable
-3. `spring.application.name` spring property
-4. `build-info.properties`
-5. `Implementation-Title` from META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
-6. The default value is `unknown_service:java` (lowest precedence)
-Use the following snippet in your pom.xml file to generate the
-`build-info.properties` file:
-{{< tabpane text=true >}} {{% tab header="Maven (`pom.xml`)" lang=Maven %}}
- ${project.artifactId}
- org.springframework.boot
- spring-boot-maven-plugin
- build-info
- repackage
-{{% /tab %}} {{% tab header="Gradle (`gradle.build`)" lang=Gradle %}}
-springBoot {
- buildInfo {
- }
-{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabpane>}}
-### Automatic instrumentation
-Automatic instrumentation is available for several frameworks:
-| Feature | Property | Default Value |
-| --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
-| JDBC | `otel.instrumentation.jdbc.enabled` | true |
-| Logback | `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.enabled` | true |
-| Spring Web | `otel.instrumentation.spring-web.enabled` | true |
-| Spring Web MVC | `otel.instrumentation.spring-webmvc.enabled` | true |
-| Spring WebFlux | `otel.instrumentation.spring-webflux.enabled` | true |
-| Kafka | `otel.instrumentation.kafka.enabled` | true |
-| MongoDB | `otel.instrumentation.mongo.enabled` | true |
-| Micrometer | `otel.instrumentation.micrometer.enabled` | false |
-| R2DBC (reactive JDBC) | `otel.instrumentation.r2dbc.enabled` | true |
-#### Common instrumentation configuration
-Common properties for all database instrumentations:
-| System property | Type | Default | Description |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| `otel.instrumentation.common.db-statement-sanitizer.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the DB statement sanitization. |
-#### JDBC Instrumentation
-| System property | Type | Default | Description |
-| ------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| `otel.instrumentation.jdbc.statement-sanitizer.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the DB statement sanitization. |
-#### Logback
-You can enable experimental features with system properties to capture
-attributes :
-| System property | Type | Default | Description |
-| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental-log-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of experimental log attributes `thread.name` and `thread.id`. |
-| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-code-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of [source code attributes]. Note that capturing source code attributes at logging sites might add a performance overhead. |
-| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-marker-attribute` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of Logback markers as attributes. |
-| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-key-value-pair-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of Logback key value pairs as attributes. |
-| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-logger-context-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enable the capture of Logback logger context properties as attributes. |
-| `otel.instrumentation.logback-appender.experimental.capture-mdc-attributes` | String | | Comma separated list of MDC attributes to capture. Use the wildcard character `*` to capture all attributes. |
-[source code attributes]:
- /docs/specs/semconv/general/attributes/#source-code-attributes
-Alternatively, you can enable these features by adding the OpenTelemetry Logback
-appender in your `logback.xml` or `logback-spring.xml` file:
- %d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
- false
- true
- true
- true
- true
- *
-#### Spring Web Autoconfiguration
-Provides autoconfiguration for the `RestTemplate` trace interceptor defined in
-This autoconfiguration instruments all requests sent using Spring `RestTemplate`
-beans by applying a `RestTemplate` bean post processor. This feature is
-supported for spring web versions 3.1+. To learn more about the OpenTelemetry
-`RestTemplate` interceptor, see
-The following ways of creating a `RestTemplate` are supported:
-public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
- return new RestTemplate();
-public MyService(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {
- this.restTemplate = restTemplateBuilder.build();
-The following ways of creating a `RestClient` are supported:
-public RestClient restClient() {
- return RestClient.create();
-public MyService(RestClient.Builder restClientBuilder) {
- this.restClient = restClientBuilder.build();
-#### Spring Web MVC Autoconfiguration
-This feature autoconfigures instrumentation for Spring WebMVC controllers by
-adding a
-[telemetry producing servlet `Filter`](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/blob/main/instrumentation/spring/spring-webmvc/spring-webmvc-5.3/library/src/main/java/io/opentelemetry/instrumentation/spring/webmvc/v5_3/WebMvcTelemetryProducingFilter.java)
-bean to the application context. The filter decorates the request execution with
-a server span, propagating the incoming tracing context if received in the HTTP
-request. To learn more about the OpenTelemetry Spring WebMVC instrumentation,
-see the
-[opentelemetry-spring-webmvc-5.3 instrumentation library](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/tree/main/instrumentation/spring/spring-webmvc/spring-webmvc-5.3/library).
-#### Spring WebFlux Autoconfiguration
-Provides autoconfigurations for the OpenTelemetry WebClient ExchangeFilter
-defined in
-This autoconfiguration instruments all outgoing HTTP requests sent using
-Spring's WebClient and WebClient Builder beans by applying a bean post
-processor. This feature is supported for spring webflux versions 5.0+. For
-details, see
-The following ways of creating a `WebClient` are supported:
-public WebClient webClient() {
- return WebClient.create();
-public MyService(WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder) {
- this.webClient = webClientBuilder.build();
-#### Kafka Instrumentation
-Provides autoconfiguration for the Kafka client instrumentation.
-| System property | Type | Default | Description |
-| --------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
-| `otel.instrumentation.kafka.experimental-span-attributes` | Boolean | false | Enables the capture of experimental span attributes. |
-#### Micrometer Instrumentation
-Provides autoconfiguration for the Micrometer to OpenTelemetry bridge.
-#### MongoDB Instrumentation
-Provides autoconfiguration for the MongoDB client instrumentation.
-| System property | Type | Default | Description |
-| -------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| `otel.instrumentation.mongo.statement-sanitizer.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the DB statement sanitization. |
-#### R2DBC Instrumentation
-Provides autoconfiguration for the OpenTelemetry R2DBC instrumentation.
-| System property | Type | Default | Description |
-| -------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| `otel.instrumentation.r2dbc.statement-sanitizer.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the DB statement sanitization. |
-### Additional Instrumentations
-#### Log4j2 Instrumentation
-You have to add the OpenTelemetry appender to your `log4j2.xml` file:
-You can find more configuration options for the OpenTelemetry appender in the
-instrumentation library.
-| System property | Type | Default | Description |
-| --------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `otel.instrumentation.log4j-appender.enabled` | Boolean | true | Enables the configuration of the Log4j OpenTelemetry appender with an `OpenTelemetry` instance. |
-#### Instrumentation Annotations
-This feature uses spring-aop to wrap methods annotated with `@WithSpan` in a
-span. The arguments to the method can be captured as attributed on the created
-span by annotating the method parameters with `@SpanAttribute`.
-> **Note**: this annotation can only be applied to bean methods managed by the
-> spring application context. To learn more about aspect weaving in spring, see
-> [spring-aop](https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#aop).
-| Feature | Property | Default Value | Description |
-| ----------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| `@WithSpan` | `otel.instrumentation.annotations.enabled` | true | Enables the WithSpan annotations. |
-import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
-import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.annotations.SpanAttribute;
-import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.annotations.WithSpan;
-import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
-import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanKind;
- * Test WithSpan
- */
-public class TracedClass {
- @WithSpan
- public void tracedMethod() {
- }
- @WithSpan(value="span name")
- public void tracedMethodWithName() {
- Span currentSpan = Span.current();
- currentSpan.addEvent("ADD EVENT TO tracedMethodWithName SPAN");
- currentSpan.setAttribute("isTestAttribute", true);
- }
- @WithSpan(kind = SpanKind.CLIENT)
- public void tracedClientSpan() {
- }
- public void tracedMethodWithAttribute(@SpanAttribute("attributeName") String parameter) {
- }
-#### OpenTelemetry instrumentations libraries
-You can configure other instrumentations with
-[OpenTelemetry instrumentations libraries](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/blob/main/docs/supported-libraries.md#libraries--frameworks).
-## Other solutions
-Instead of using the OpenTelemetry Spring starter, you can use the OpenTelemetry
-autoconfiguration features with an annotation or the Zipkin starter.
-### Spring support
-Autoconfiguration is natively supported by Spring Boot applications. To enable
-these features in "vanilla" use `@EnableOpenTelemetry` to complete a component
-scan of this package.
-import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.spring.autoconfigure.EnableOpenTelemetry;
-import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
-public class OpenTelemetryConfig {}
-### Zipkin starter
-OpenTelemetry Zipkin Exporter Starter is a starter package that includes the
-opentelemetry-api, opentelemetry-sdk, opentelemetry-extension-annotations,
-opentelemetry-logging-exporter, opentelemetry-spring-boot-autoconfigurations and
-spring framework starters required to setup distributed tracing. It also
-provides the
-artifact and corresponding exporter autoconfiguration. Check out
-for the list of supported libraries and features.
-If an exporter is present in the classpath during runtime and a spring bean of
-the exporter is missing from the spring application context, an exporter bean is
-initialized and added to a simple span processor in the active tracer provider.
-Check out the implementation
-{{< tabpane text=true >}} {{% tab header="Maven (`pom.xml`)" lang=Maven %}}
- io.opentelemetry
- opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin
- {{% param vers.otel %}}
-{{% /tab %}} {{% tab header="Gradle (`gradle.build`)" lang=Gradle %}}
-dependencies {
- implementation("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin:{{% param vers.otel %}}")
-{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabpane>}}
-#### Configurations
-| Property | Default Value | ConditionalOnClass |
-| ------------------------------ | ------------- | -------------------- |
-| `otel.exporter.zipkin.enabled` | true | `ZipkinSpanExporter` |