diff --git a/classes/FSRS.html b/classes/FSRS.html index 145c0d0..e7e6767 100644 --- a/classes/FSRS.html +++ b/classes/FSRS.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ window.__typeDocPluginKatexOptions=undefined; window.addEventListener('load', () => window.renderMathInElement(document.body, window.__typeDocPluginKatexOptions));
paramGet the parameters of the algorithm.
-Set the parameters of the algorithm.
paramGet the parameters of the algorithm.
+Set the parameters of the algorithm.
If fuzzing is disabled or ivl is less than 2.5, it returns the original interval.
+0<request_retention<=1,Requested retention rate
+0<request_retention<=1,Requested retention rate
The formula used is: $$I(r,s) = (r^{\frac{1}{DECAY}} - 1) / FACTOR \times s$$
Requested retention rate should be in the range (0,1]
-Card to be processed
Current time or scheduled time
Should the review count information(reps,lapses) be reset. (Optional)
afterHandler: ((recordLogItem: RecordLogItem) => R)Convert the result to another type. (Optional)
@@ -54,33 +54,33 @@interface RepeatRecordLog {
card: CardUnChecked; //see method: createEmptyCard
log: RevLogUnchecked; //see method: fsrs.repeat()
function forgetAfterHandler(recordLogItem: RecordLogItem): RepeatRecordLog {
return {
card: {
...(recordLogItem.card as Card & { cid: string }),
due: recordLogItem.card.due.getTime(),
state: State[recordLogItem.card.state] as StateType,
last_review: recordLogItem.card.last_review
? recordLogItem.card.last_review!.getTime()
: null,
log: {
cid: (recordLogItem.card as Card & { cid: string }).cid,
due: recordLogItem.log.due.getTime(),
review: recordLogItem.log.review.getTime(),
state: State[recordLogItem.log.state] as StateType,
rating: Rating[recordLogItem.log.rating] as RatingType,
const now = new Date();
const f = fsrs();
const emptyCardFormAfterHandler = createEmptyCard(now, cardAfterHandler); //see method: createEmptyCard
const repeatFormAfterHandler = f.repeat(emptyCardFormAfterHandler, now, repeatAfterHandler); //see method: fsrs.repeat()
const { card } = repeatFormAfterHandler[Rating.Hard];
const forgetFromAfterHandler = f.forget(card, date_scheduler(now, 1, true), false, forgetAfterHandler);
-The formula used is : $$R(t,S) = (1 + \text{FACTOR} \times \frac{t}{9 \cdot S})^{\text{DECAY}}$$
t days since the last review
Stability (interval when R=90%)
r Retrievability (probability of recall)
-Get the retrievability of the card
+The formula used is : +
The formula used is : $$D_0(G) = w_4 - e^{(G-1) \cdot w_5} + 1 $$ $$D_0 = \min \lbrace \max \lbrace D_0(G),1 \rbrace,10 \rbrace$$ where the $$D_0(1)=w_4$$ when the first rating is good.
Grade (rating at Anki) [1.again,2.hard,3.good,4.easy]
Difficulty $$D \in [1,10]$$
-The formula used is : +
The formula used is : $$ S_0(G) = w_{G-1}$$ $$S_0 = \max \lbrace S_0,0.1\rbrace $$
Grade (rating at Anki) [1.again,2.hard,3.good,4.easy]
Stability (interval when R=90%)
-The formula used is : +
Display the collection of cards and logs for the card scheduled at the current time, after applying a specific grade rating.
+Display the collection of cards and logs for the card scheduled at the current time, after applying a specific grade rating.
Card to be processed
Current time or scheduled time
Rating of the review (Again, Hard, Good, Easy)
@@ -91,33 +91,33 @@interface RevLogUnchecked
extends Omit<ReviewLog, "due" | "review" | "state" | "rating"> {
cid: string;
due: Date | number;
state: StateType;
review: Date | number;
rating: RatingType;
interface NextRecordLog {
card: CardUnChecked; //see method: createEmptyCard
log: RevLogUnchecked;
function nextAfterHandler(recordLogItem: RecordLogItem) {
const recordItem = {
card: {
...(recordLogItem.card as Card & { cid: string }),
due: recordLogItem.card.due.getTime(),
state: State[recordLogItem.card.state] as StateType,
last_review: recordLogItem.card.last_review
? recordLogItem.card.last_review!.getTime()
: null,
log: {
cid: (recordLogItem.card as Card & { cid: string }).cid,
due: recordLogItem.log.due.getTime(),
review: recordLogItem.log.review.getTime(),
state: State[recordLogItem.log.state] as StateType,
rating: Rating[recordLogItem.log.rating] as RatingType,
return recordItem
const card: Card = createEmptyCard(new Date(), cardAfterHandler); //see method: createEmptyCard
const f = fsrs();
const recordLogItem = f.repeat(card, new Date(), Rating.Again, nextAfterHandler);
-The formula used is : $$\text{next}_d = D - w_6 \cdot (g - 3)$$ $$D^\prime(D,R) = w_7 \cdot D_0(4) +(1 - w_7) \cdot \text{next}_d$$
Difficulty $$D \in [1,10]$$
Grade (rating at Anki) [1.again,2.hard,3.good,4.easy]
-The formula used is : +
The formula used is : $$S^\prime_f(D,S,R) = w_{11}\cdot D^{-w_{12}}\cdot ((S+1)^{w_{13}}-1) \cdot e^{w_{14}\cdot(1-R)}$$
Difficulty D \in [1,10]
Stability (interval when R=90%)
Retrievability (probability of recall)
S^\prime_f new stability after forgetting
-Stability (interval when R=90%)
+Stability (interval when R=90%)
t days since the last review
The formula used is : FSRSAlgorithm.calculate_interval_modifier
-The formula used is : $$S^\prime_r(D,S,R,G) = S\cdot(e^{w_8}\cdot (11-D)\cdot S^{-w_9}\cdot(e^{w_{10}\cdot(1-R)}-1)\cdot w_{15}(\text{if} G=2) \cdot w_{16}(\text{if} G=4)+1)$$
Difficulty D \in [1,10]
Stability (interval when R=90%)
Retrievability (probability of recall)
Grade (Rating[0.again,1.hard,2.good,3.easy])
S^\prime_r new stability after recall
-The formula used is : +
The formula used is : $$S^\prime_s(S,G) = S \cdot e^{w_{17} \cdot (G-3+w_{18})}$$
Stability (interval when R=90%)
Grade (Rating[0.again,1.hard,2.good,3.easy])
params_Display the collection of cards and logs for the four scenarios after scheduling the card at the current time.
Card to be processed
Current time or scheduled time
afterHandler: ((recordLog: IPreview) => R)Convert the result to another type. (Optional)
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@interface RevLogUnchecked
extends Omit<ReviewLog, "due" | "review" | "state" | "rating"> {
cid: string;
due: Date | number;
state: StateType;
review: Date | number;
rating: RatingType;
interface RepeatRecordLog {
card: CardUnChecked; //see method: createEmptyCard
log: RevLogUnchecked;
function repeatAfterHandler(recordLog: RecordLog) {
const record: { [key in Grade]: RepeatRecordLog } = {} as {
[key in Grade]: RepeatRecordLog;
for (const grade of Grades) {
record[grade] = {
card: {
...(recordLog[grade].card as Card & { cid: string }),
due: recordLog[grade].card.due.getTime(),
state: State[recordLog[grade].card.state] as StateType,
last_review: recordLog[grade].card.last_review
? recordLog[grade].card.last_review!.getTime()
: null,
log: {
cid: (recordLog[grade].card as Card & { cid: string }).cid,
due: recordLog[grade].log.due.getTime(),
review: recordLog[grade].log.review.getTime(),
state: State[recordLog[grade].log.state] as StateType,
rating: Rating[recordLog[grade].log.rating] as RatingType,
return record;
const card: Card = createEmptyCard(new Date(), cardAfterHandler); //see method: createEmptyCard
const f = fsrs();
const recordLog = f.repeat(card, new Date(), repeatAfterHandler);
-Reschedules the current card and returns the rescheduled collections and reschedule item.
+Reschedules the current card and returns the rescheduled collections and reschedule item.
The type of the record log item.
The current card to be rescheduled.
The array of FSRSHistory objects representing the reviews.
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ const f = fsrs()
const grades: Grade[] = [Rating.Good, Rating.Good, Rating.Good, Rating.Good]
const reviews_at = [
new Date(2024, 8, 13),
new Date(2024, 8, 13),
new Date(2024, 8, 17),
new Date(2024, 8, 28),
const reviews: FSRSHistory[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
rating: grades[i],
review: reviews_at[i],
const results_short = scheduler.reschedule(
skipManual: false,
-const now = new Date();
const f = fsrs();
const emptyCardFormAfterHandler = createEmptyCard(now);
const repeatFormAfterHandler = f.repeat(emptyCardFormAfterHandler, now);
const { card, log } = repeatFormAfterHandler[Rating.Hard];
const rollbackFromAfterHandler = f.rollback(card, log);
@@ -147,4 +147,4 @@ ExampleExample
const now = new Date();
const f = fsrs();
const emptyCardFormAfterHandler = createEmptyCard(now, cardAfterHandler); //see method: createEmptyCard
const repeatFormAfterHandler = f.repeat(emptyCardFormAfterHandler, now, repeatAfterHandler); //see method: fsrs.repeat()
const { card, log } = repeatFormAfterHandler[Rating.Hard];
const rollbackFromAfterHandler = f.rollback(card, log, cardAfterHandler);