Clockwork Typescript SDK
For a quickstart guide and in depth tutorials, see the Clockwork Docs. To jump straight to examples, go here. For the latest Rust API documentation, see Clockwork Rust SDK.
- Clockwork SDK is in active development, so all APIs are subject to change.
- This code is unaudited. Use at your own risk.
First, initialize a ClockworkProvider
const wallet = new NodeWallet(new Keypair());
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"));
const clockworkProvider = new ClockworkProvider(wallet, connection);
const anchorProvider = new anchor.AnchorProvider(
const provider = new ClockworkProvider.fromAnchorProvider(provider);
Get Thread Address
const [pubkey, bump] = provider.getThreadPDA(
Initialize a Thread
const ix = await provider.threadCreate(
wallet.publicKey, // authority
"ThreadProgramTest", // id
[], // instructions to execute
{ now: {} }, // thread trigger
0.1 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL // amount to send to the thread
const tx = new Transaction().add(ix);
const signature = await provider.anchorProvider.sendAndConfirm(tx);
Get Thread Data Deserialized
const threadAccount = await provider.getThreadAccount(threadPubkey);
Pause/Resume/Reset/Delete/ Thread
const ix = await provider.threadPause(wallet.publicKey, threadPubkey);
const ix = await provider.threadResume(wallet.publicKey, threadPubkey);
const ix = await provider.threadReset(wallet.publicKey, threadPubkey);
const ix = await provider.threadDelete(wallet.publicKey, threadPubkey);
Update a Thread
const ix = await provider.threadUpdate(wallet.publicKey, threadPubkey, {
name: "TestUpdateThread",
rateLimit: new BN(32),
trigger: { now: {} },
const tx = new Transaction().add(ix);
const signature = await provider.anchorProvider.sendAndConfirm(tx);
Withdraw from Thread
const ix = await provider.threadWithdraw(
const tx = new Transaction().add(ix);
const signature = await provider.anchorProvider.sendAndConfirm(tx);