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mysql_version: '10.2'
mysql_root_password: 'root-password'
  - { section: 'client', option: 'port', value: '3306' }
  - { section: 'mysqld', option: 'max_connections', value: '150' }
  - { section: 'mysqld', option: 'key_buffer_size', value: '256M' }
  - { section: 'mysqld', option: 'max_allowed_packet', value: '64M' }
  - name: 'deployer'
    host: '%'
    password: 'strong-password'
    priv: 'my-database.*:ALL'
  - name: 'oldclient'
    state: 'absent'
  - name: 'application_database'
    encoding: 'utf8'
    collation: 'utf8_general_ci'
  - name: 'old_database'
    state: 'absent'

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):


The launchpad PPA to add to APT. Which would allow a non-official package of MySQL to be installed.

mysql_version: '10.2'

The MySQL package version you want to install.

mysql_repo_state: 'present'

The desired MySQL repository state, valid values are present, or absent.

mysql_repo_uid: 'mariadb'

The unique repository identifier for RedHat/CentOS .

mysql_repo_name: 'MariaDB'

The human readable repository name for RedHat/CentOS.

mysql_repo_baseurl: '{{ mysql_version }}/centos/{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}/$basearch/'

The repository URL for RedHat/CentOS.

mysql_repo_gpgkey: ''

The GPG key URL for RedHat/CentOS.

mysql_repo_gpgcheck: '1'

Whether GPG signature checking is enabled or disabled for RedHat/CentOS.

mysql_repo_enabled: '1'

Whether the repository is enabled or disabled globally for RedHat/CentOS.

mysql_repo_url: 'deb{{ mysql_version }}/ubuntu {{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }} main'

The repository URL for Debian/Ubuntu.

mysql_repo_key_id: '1BB943DB'

The repository key identifier for Debian/Ubuntu.

mysql_repo_key_server: ''

The keyserver to provide the GPG key for Debian/Ubuntu.


The name of the daemon under which MySQL runs. Typically this can be omitted since it's automatically determined based on the target operating system. For RedHat/CentOS this is mysqld and Debian/Ubuntu it's mysql.

mysql_service_state: 'started'

The desired MySQL service state, valid values are started, stopped, restarted or reloaded.

mysql_service_enabled: 'yes'

Whether the MySQL service should start on boot, valid values are yes, or no.


A list of the MySQL packages to install. Each package supports all parameters from the apt or yum modules. If the value remains omitted, the following packages will be installed by default.

Debian/Ubuntu RedHat/CentOS
mariadb-client MariaDB-client
mariadb-server MariaDB-server
mysql_pid_path: '/var/run/mysqld'

The location for storing MySQL pid files.

mysql_log_path: '/var/log/mysql'

The location for storing MySQL log files.


The file name of the MySQL configuration file. Typically this can be omitted since it's automatically determined based on the target operating system. For RedHat/CentOS this is /etc/my.cnf and Debian/Ubuntu it's /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

mysql_global_config_file_refresh: no

Whether to refresh the MySQL configuration file by overriding it with the contents with mysql_global_config_template.

mysql_global_config_template: 'my.cnf.j2'

The name of the MySQL configuration template. Typically you won't need to override this value since it's only used as an initial replacement, for normalising settings across different operating systems.


An array of option hashes used to customise the global MySQL configuration settings. Each option expects three parameters, section which is the section name in CNF file, option if set (required for changing a value), is the name of the option and can be omitted if adding/removing a whole section. Then finally value, a string value to be associated with an option, this can also be omitted when removing an option.

mysql_root_config_file: '/root/.my.cnf'

The file name of the root user MySQL configuration file.

mysql_root_config_template: ''

The name of the root user MySQL configuration template.

mysql_root_username: 'root'

The MySQL root user account username.

mysql_root_password: 'root'

The MySQL root user account password.

mysql_old_root_password: ''

The old MySQL root user account password.

mysql_update_root_password: no

Whether the MySQL root user's password should be updated. This role by default, will only change the root user's password when MySQL is first configured. You can force an update by setting this to yes.

mysql_resize_innodb_log_files: no

Whether the InnoDB log files should be resized, which requires the MySQL server to be shut down and restarted after changing the MySQL configuration setting innodb_log_file_size.


A list of the MySQL users to manage. Each user supports all parameters from the mysql_user module.


A list of the MySQL databases to manage. Each database supports all parameters from the mysql_db module.