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Deploying onos-config

This guide deploy onos-config through it's Helm chart assumes you have a Kubernetes cluster running with an atomix controller deployed in a namespace.
onos-config Helm chart is based on Helm 3.0 version, with no need for the Tiller pod to be present.
If you don't have a cluster running and want to try on your local machine please follow first the Kubernetes setup steps outlined to deploy with Helm. The following steps assume you have the setup outlined in that page, including the micro-onos namespace configured.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart in the micro-onos namespace run from the root directory of the onos-helm-charts repo the command:

helm install -n micro-onos onos-config onos-config

The output should be:

NAME: onos-config
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Nov 26 13:38:20 2019
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

helm install assigns a unique name to the chart and displays all the k8s resources that were created by it. To list the charts that are installed and view their statuses, run helm ls:

helm ls
NAME          	REVISION	UPDATED                 	STATUS  	CHART                    	APP VERSION	NAMESPACE
jumpy-tortoise	1       	Tue May 14 18:56:39 2019	DEPLOYED	onos-config-0.0.1	        0.0.1      	default

Onos Config Deployment

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
atomix-controller-6bb9555f48-6qckx   1/1     Running   0          18h
device-simulator-597559fdd4-s6z8w    1/1     Running   0          14h
onos-cli-5ffc6748cc-zfm74            1/1     Running   0          18h
onos-config-85d6bd66b4-jmjnx         5/5     Running   0          18h
onos-config-consensus-1-0            1/1     Running   0          18h
onos-gui-6f849cc8f5-mth2s            2/2     Running   0          18h
onos-topo-757855bcf-z7vwn            1/1     Running   0          18h
onos-topo-consensus-1-0              1/1     Running   0          18h

onos-config is dependent on the onos-topo service which has been started here through its own Helm chart. Also a device-simulator has been started - it supports the gNMI interface and is configured with the Devicesim-1.0.0 model

Note here that onos-config is showing 5 containers in the pod - 1 for onos-config itself and 4 model plugins have been loaded. In addition another pod "consensus" is running to connect to the "atomix-controller".

One can customize the number of partitions and replicas by modifying, in values.yaml the values of:

store.consensus.partitions: 1
store.consensus.backend.replicas: 1

Installing the chart in a different namespace.

Issue the helm install command substituting micro-onos with your namespace.

helm install -n <your_name_space> onos-config onos-config

Installing the chart with debug.

onos-config offers the capability to open a debug port (4000) to the image. To enable the debug capabilities please set the debug flag to true in values.yaml or pass it to helm install

helm install -n micro-onos onos-config onos-config --set debug=true


If your chart does not install or the pod is not running for some reason and/or you modified values Helm offers two flags to help you debug your chart:

  • --dry-run check the chart without actually installing the pod.
  • --debug prints out more information about your chart
helm install -n micro-onos onos-config --debug --dry-run onos-topo

Also to verify how template values are expanded, run:

helm install template onos-config

Uninstalling the chart

To remove the onos-config pod issue

 helm delete -n micro-onos onos-config

Including configuration model plugins

To include specific configuration model plugins as part of the onos-config pod, list their names, their image name and the desired gRPC port in the modelPlugins section of the values.yaml file of the onos-config chart. See below:

  - name: devicesim-1
    image: onosproject/devicesim:0.5.5-devicesim-1.0.0
    endpoint: localhost
    port: 5152
  - name: testdevice-1
    image: onosproject/testdevice:0.5.5-testdevice-1.0.0
    endpoint: localhost
    port: 5153
  - name: testdevice-2
    image: onosproject/testdevice:0.5.5-testdevice-2.0.0
    endpoint: localhost
    port: 5154

This value map will be processed during deployment time and will start each given model plugin as a sidecar in the onos-config pod, with the appropriate gRPC port number.

Pod Information

To view the pods that are deployed, run kubectl -n micro-onos get pods:

> kubectl -n micro-onos get pods
NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
onos-config-655964cbf5-tkcfb           1/1     Running   0          52s

You can view more detailed information about the pod and other resources by running kubectl describe:

> kubectl -n micro-onos describe pod onos-config-655964cbf5-tkcfb
Name:               onos-config-655964cbf5-tkcfb
Namespace:          default
Priority:           0
PriorityClassName:  <none>
Node:               minikube/
Start Time:         Tue, 14 May 2019 18:56:39 -0700

The onos-config pods are reached through a Service which load balances requests to the application. To view the services, run kubectl get services:

> kubectl -n micro-onos get svc
NAME                                        DATA   AGE
onos-config-config           5      86s

The application's configuration is stored in a ConfigMap which can be viewed by running kubectl get configmaps:

> kubectl -n micro-onos get cm
NAME                                        DATA   AGE
onos-config-config           5      97s

And TLS keys and certs are stored in a Secret resource:

> kubectl -n micro-onos get secrets
NAME                                        TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
onos-config-secret           Opaque                                4      109s