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File metadata and controls

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Fetching resources

Data, including resources and relationships, can be fetched by sending a GET request to an endpoint.


Fetch a single item by id

GET /api/v1/jad/genres/12
{"data":{"id":12,"type":"genre","attributes":{"name":"Easy Listening"}}}

Fetch a collection of items

GET /api/v1/jad/genres

Result might be:

{"data": [
      "id": 1,
      "type": "genre",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "Rock"
      "id": 2,
      "type": "genre",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "Punk"

Sparse fieldset

Return only specific fields in the response on a per-type basis by including a fields[TYPE] parameter.

The value of the fields parameter is a comma-separated list that refers to the name(s) of the fields to be returned.


Only fetch fields city, country and email

GET /api/jad/customers?fields[customers]=city,country,email

As above but include invoices and only fetch invoice-data and total from related invoices

GET /api/jad/customers?include=invoices?fields[customers]=city,country,email&fields[invoices]=invoice-date,total


The sorting parameter consist of two parts, sorting field and direction. Direction defaults to ASC, putting a hyphen - in front of the field indicates DESC ordering.


Order records by first name ascending:

GET /api/v1/jad/customers?sort=first-name

Order records by first name descending:

GET /api/v1/jad/customers?sort=-first-name

Order records by first name ascending, city ascending:

GET /api/v1/jad/customers?sort=first-name,city

Order records by first city ascending, country descending

GET /api/v1/jad/customers?sort=city,-country


To enable pagination on a specific entity, simply set the annotation attribute paginate to truein your entity:

* @JAD\Header(type="tracks", paginate=true)

This will ad pagination links to the resource in question, however this might be expensive depending on your setup. When a table is paginated it will always make two db queries, one for count and one for the selection.

Pagination will still work without the count query but paging links cannot be calculated.


Pagination uses the page strategy and consists of two parameters, size and number.

  • size, number of records per page
  • number, current page number

Note: The size parameter has a hard ceiling (100) for safety. You can override this setting by using the global configuration:

$config = Configure::getInstance();
$config->setConfig('max_page_size', 250);

A normal get with size and page parameters will display paginated content:

GET /api/jad/tracks?page[size]=25&page[number]=2

If size is omitted, the default page size of 25 is used.

Pager links

For all resources that have pagination activated, pager links will be provided in the result:

"links": {
  "self": "http://localhost/api/jad/tracks?page[size]=25&page[number]=1",
  "first": "http://localhost/api/jad/tracks?page[size]=25&page[number]=1",
  "last": "http://localhost/api/jad/tracks?page[size]=25&page[number]=141",
  "next": "http://localhost/api/jad/tracks?page[size]=25&page[number]=2",
  "previous": "http://localhost/api/jad/tracks?page[size]=25&page[number]=2"


Two types of filter are available, simple single filter that filters on one property. Or a column wide conditional filter that spans over multiple columns.

Filters are also available on relations, that is, you can fetch a resource if its relations match certain conditions.

Filter conditionals available:

Conditional SQL equivalent
eq equal = VALUE
neq not equal <> VALUE
lt less than < VALUE
lte less than or equal to <= VALUE
gt greater than > VALUE
gte greater than or equal to >= VALUE
in list IN (VALUE1, VALUE2, ...)
notIn !list NOT IN (VALUE1, VALUE2, ...)
like like %value% LIKE VALUE
notLike !like %value% NOT LIKE VALUE
between between values BETWEEN VALUE1 AND VALUE1

Filter conditions used from Doctrine Expr class


Fetch tracks where price is less than 1:

GET /api/v1/jad/tracks?filter[price][lte]=1

Fetch tracks where price is between 1.5 and 2:

GET /api/v1/jad/tracks?filter[price][between]=1.5,2

Fetch tracks where name is like %and%

GET /api/v1/jad/tracks?filter[price][like]=and

Fetch tracks with id 1, 2, 3 and 4

GET /api/v1/jad/tracks?filter[id][in]=1,2,3,4

Fetch tracks where (price > 0 AND price < 2) OR genre = 5

GET /api/jad/tracks?filter[tracks][and][price][gt]=0&filter[tracks][and][price][lt]=2&filter[tracks][or][genre][eq]=5


Filtering by relationships:

Note! Filtering with relationships will join in the related table

Only fetch tracks which albums name is like %and%

GET /api/v1/jad/tracks?filter[tracks.albums][name][like]=and

Only fetch tracks which albums name is like %taste% AND tracks price is less than 1

GET /api/v1/jad/tracks?filter[tracks.albums][and][name][like]=taste&filter[tracks][and][price][lte]=1

