The csv files contain the results of Danish general elections 1953-2015 including number of votes and number of seats in parliament. Election results from Greenland and the Faroe Islands are not included.
Party names in Danish | Party names in English | |
S | Socialdemokratiet | The Social Democratic Party |
RV | Det Radikale Venstre | The Social Liberal Party |
K | Det Konservative Folkeparti | The Conservative People's Party |
CD | Centrum-Demokraterne | The Centre Democrats |
Rfb | Retsforbundet | Justice Party |
SF | Socialistisk Folkeparti | Socialist People's Party |
DKP | Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti | Communist Party of Denmark |
DF | Dansk Folkparti | Danish People's Party |
FK | Fælles Kurs | Common Course |
LC | Liberalt Centrum | Liberal Centre |
KD | Kristendemokraterne | Christian Democrats |
SP | Slesvigsk Parti | Schleswig Party |
U | De Uafhængige | Independent Party |
V | Venstre | The Liberal Party |
VS | Venstresocialisterne | Left Socialists |
FP | Fremskridtspartiet | Progress Party |
EL | Enhedslisten | The Red-Green Alliance |
LA | Liberal Alliance | Liberal Alliance |
Alt | Alternativet | The Alternativ |
[Data source] (