diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/CodeScanningDefaultSetupUpdate_languages.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/CodeScanningDefaultSetupUpdate_languages.cs
index 08f48423..9d115c0f 100644
--- a/src/GitHub/Models/CodeScanningDefaultSetupUpdate_languages.cs
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/CodeScanningDefaultSetupUpdate_languages.cs
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ namespace GitHub.Models
public enum CodeScanningDefaultSetupUpdate_languages
#pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "actions")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Actions,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
[EnumMember(Value = "c-cpp")]
#pragma warning disable CS1591
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/CodeScanningDefaultSetup_languages.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/CodeScanningDefaultSetup_languages.cs
index 73a4c0e5..3ed2a15d 100644
--- a/src/GitHub/Models/CodeScanningDefaultSetup_languages.cs
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/CodeScanningDefaultSetup_languages.cs
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ namespace GitHub.Models
public enum CodeScanningDefaultSetup_languages
#pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "actions")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Actions,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
[EnumMember(Value = "c-cpp")]
#pragma warning disable CS1591
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f52ddfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Serialization;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Models
+ ///
+ /// Private registry configuration for an organization
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public partial class OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration : IAdditionalDataHolder, IParsable
+ {
+ /// Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+ public IDictionary AdditionalData { get; set; }
+ /// The created_at property
+ public DateTimeOffset? CreatedAt { get; set; }
+ /// The name of the private registry configuration.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? Name { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ /// The registry type.
+ public global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_registry_type? RegistryType { get; set; }
+ /// The updated_at property
+ public DateTimeOffset? UpdatedAt { get; set; }
+ /// The username to use when authenticating with the private registry.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? Username { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string Username { get; set; }
+ /// Which type of organization repositories have access to the private registry.
+ public global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_visibility? Visibility { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ public OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration()
+ {
+ AdditionalData = new Dictionary();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+ public static global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration CreateFromDiscriminatorValue(IParseNode parseNode)
+ {
+ _ = parseNode ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parseNode));
+ return new global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The deserialization information for the current model
+ ///
+ /// A IDictionary<string, Action<IParseNode>>
+ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
+ {
+ return new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "created_at", n => { CreatedAt = n.GetDateTimeOffsetValue(); } },
+ { "name", n => { Name = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "registry_type", n => { RegistryType = n.GetEnumValue(); } },
+ { "updated_at", n => { UpdatedAt = n.GetDateTimeOffsetValue(); } },
+ { "username", n => { Username = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "visibility", n => { Visibility = n.GetEnumValue(); } },
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Serializes information the current object
+ ///
+ /// Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+ public virtual void Serialize(ISerializationWriter writer)
+ {
+ _ = writer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
+ writer.WriteDateTimeOffsetValue("created_at", CreatedAt);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("name", Name);
+ writer.WriteEnumValue("registry_type", RegistryType);
+ writer.WriteDateTimeOffsetValue("updated_at", UpdatedAt);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("username", Username);
+ writer.WriteEnumValue("visibility", Visibility);
+ writer.WriteAdditionalData(AdditionalData);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e8e8e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Serialization;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Models
+ ///
+ /// Private registry configuration for an organization
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public partial class OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories : IAdditionalDataHolder, IParsable
+ {
+ /// Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+ public IDictionary AdditionalData { get; set; }
+ /// The created_at property
+ public DateTimeOffset? CreatedAt { get; set; }
+ /// The name of the private registry configuration.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? Name { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ /// The registry type.
+ public global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_registry_type? RegistryType { get; set; }
+ /// An array of repository IDs that can access the organization private registry when `visibility` is set to `selected`.
+#nullable enable
+ public List? SelectedRepositoryIds { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public List SelectedRepositoryIds { get; set; }
+ /// The updated_at property
+ public DateTimeOffset? UpdatedAt { get; set; }
+ /// The username to use when authenticating with the private registry.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? Username { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string Username { get; set; }
+ /// Which type of organization repositories have access to the private registry. `selected` means only the repositories specified by `selected_repository_ids` can access the private registry.
+ public global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_visibility? Visibility { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ public OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories()
+ {
+ AdditionalData = new Dictionary();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+ public static global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories CreateFromDiscriminatorValue(IParseNode parseNode)
+ {
+ _ = parseNode ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parseNode));
+ return new global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The deserialization information for the current model
+ ///
+ /// A IDictionary<string, Action<IParseNode>>
+ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
+ {
+ return new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "created_at", n => { CreatedAt = n.GetDateTimeOffsetValue(); } },
+ { "name", n => { Name = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "registry_type", n => { RegistryType = n.GetEnumValue(); } },
+ { "selected_repository_ids", n => { SelectedRepositoryIds = n.GetCollectionOfPrimitiveValues()?.AsList(); } },
+ { "updated_at", n => { UpdatedAt = n.GetDateTimeOffsetValue(); } },
+ { "username", n => { Username = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "visibility", n => { Visibility = n.GetEnumValue(); } },
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Serializes information the current object
+ ///
+ /// Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+ public virtual void Serialize(ISerializationWriter writer)
+ {
+ _ = writer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
+ writer.WriteDateTimeOffsetValue("created_at", CreatedAt);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("name", Name);
+ writer.WriteEnumValue("registry_type", RegistryType);
+ writer.WriteCollectionOfPrimitiveValues("selected_repository_ids", SelectedRepositoryIds);
+ writer.WriteDateTimeOffsetValue("updated_at", UpdatedAt);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("username", Username);
+ writer.WriteEnumValue("visibility", Visibility);
+ writer.WriteAdditionalData(AdditionalData);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_registry_type.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_registry_type.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bf441c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_registry_type.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Models
+ /// The registry type.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public enum OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_registry_type
+ {
+ [EnumMember(Value = "maven_repository")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Maven_repository,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ }
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_visibility.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_visibility.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d182c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_visibility.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Models
+ /// Which type of organization repositories have access to the private registry. `selected` means only the repositories specified by `selected_repository_ids` can access the private registry.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public enum OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories_visibility
+ {
+ [EnumMember(Value = "all")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ All,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "private")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Private,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "selected")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Selected,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ }
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_registry_type.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_registry_type.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..068314a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_registry_type.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Models
+ /// The registry type.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public enum OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_registry_type
+ {
+ [EnumMember(Value = "maven_repository")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Maven_repository,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ }
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_visibility.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_visibility.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e3c7e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_visibility.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Models
+ /// Which type of organization repositories have access to the private registry.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public enum OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration_visibility
+ {
+ [EnumMember(Value = "all")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ All,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "private")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Private,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "selected")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Selected,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ }
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/Users.cs b/src/GitHub/Models/Users.cs
index ee1970b9..1353411f 100644
--- a/src/GitHub/Models/Users.cs
+++ b/src/GitHub/Models/Users.cs
@@ -14,45 +14,23 @@ public partial class Users : IAdditionalDataHolder, IParsable
/// Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
public IDictionary AdditionalData { get; set; }
- /// The fragment property
+ /// Whether this email address is the primary address.
+ public bool? Primary { get; set; }
+ /// The type of email address.
#nullable enable
- public string? Fragment { get; set; }
+ public string? Type { get; set; }
#nullable restore
- public string Fragment { get; set; }
+ public string Type { get; set; }
- /// The matches property
+ /// The email address.
#nullable enable
- public List? Matches { get; set; }
+ public string? Value { get; set; }
#nullable restore
- public List Matches { get; set; }
- /// The object_type property
-#nullable enable
- public string? ObjectType { get; set; }
-#nullable restore
- public string ObjectType { get; set; }
- /// The object_url property
-#nullable enable
- public string? ObjectUrl { get; set; }
-#nullable restore
- public string ObjectUrl { get; set; }
- /// The property property
-#nullable enable
- public string? Property { get; set; }
-#nullable restore
- public string Property { get; set; }
+ public string Value { get; set; }
/// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
@@ -79,11 +57,9 @@ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
return new Dictionary>
- { "fragment", n => { Fragment = n.GetStringValue(); } },
- { "matches", n => { Matches = n.GetCollectionOfObjectValues(global::GitHub.Models.Users_matches.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue)?.AsList(); } },
- { "object_type", n => { ObjectType = n.GetStringValue(); } },
- { "object_url", n => { ObjectUrl = n.GetStringValue(); } },
- { "property", n => { Property = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "primary", n => { Primary = n.GetBoolValue(); } },
+ { "type", n => { Type = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "value", n => { Value = n.GetStringValue(); } },
@@ -93,11 +69,9 @@ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
public virtual void Serialize(ISerializationWriter writer)
_ = writer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
- writer.WriteStringValue("fragment", Fragment);
- writer.WriteCollectionOfObjectValues("matches", Matches);
- writer.WriteStringValue("object_type", ObjectType);
- writer.WriteStringValue("object_url", ObjectUrl);
- writer.WriteStringValue("property", Property);
+ writer.WriteBoolValue("primary", Primary);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("type", Type);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("value", Value);
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45d7cb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+using GitHub.Models;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Serialization;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Threading;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item
+ ///
+ /// Builds and executes requests for operations under \orgs\{org}\private-registries\{secret_name}
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public partial class WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder : BaseRequestBuilder
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ /// Path parameters for the request
+ /// The request adapter to use to execute the requests.
+ public WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder(Dictionary pathParameters, IRequestAdapter requestAdapter) : base(requestAdapter, "{+baseurl}/orgs/{org}/private-registries/{secret_name}", pathParameters)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ /// The raw URL to use for the request builder.
+ /// The request adapter to use to execute the requests.
+ public WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder(string rawUrl, IRequestAdapter requestAdapter) : base(requestAdapter, "{+baseurl}/orgs/{org}/private-registries/{secret_name}", rawUrl)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Delete a private registry configuration at the organization-level.OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ /// API method documentation
+ ///
+ /// Cancellation token to use when cancelling requests
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+ /// When receiving a 400 status code
+ /// When receiving a 404 status code
+#nullable enable
+ public async Task DeleteAsync(Action>? requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public async Task DeleteAsync(Action> requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+ var requestInfo = ToDeleteRequestInformation(requestConfiguration);
+ var errorMapping = new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "400", global::GitHub.Models.BasicError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ { "404", global::GitHub.Models.BasicError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ };
+ await RequestAdapter.SendNoContentAsync(requestInfo, errorMapping, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Get the configuration of a single private registry defined for an organization, omitting its encrypted value.OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ /// API method documentation
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// Cancellation token to use when cancelling requests
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+ /// When receiving a 404 status code
+#nullable enable
+ public async Task GetAsync(Action>? requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public async Task GetAsync(Action> requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+ var requestInfo = ToGetRequestInformation(requestConfiguration);
+ var errorMapping = new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "404", global::GitHub.Models.BasicError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ };
+ return await RequestAdapter.SendAsync(requestInfo, global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue, errorMapping, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Updates a private registry configuration with an encrypted value for an organization. Encrypt your secret using [LibSodium](https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/bindings_for_other_languages). For more information, see "[Encrypting secrets for the REST API](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/guides/encrypting-secrets-for-the-rest-api)."OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ /// API method documentation
+ ///
+ /// The request body
+ /// Cancellation token to use when cancelling requests
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+ /// When receiving a 404 status code
+ /// When receiving a 422 status code
+#nullable enable
+ public async Task PatchAsync(global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody body, Action>? requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public async Task PatchAsync(global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody body, Action> requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+ _ = body ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(body));
+ var requestInfo = ToPatchRequestInformation(body, requestConfiguration);
+ var errorMapping = new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "404", global::GitHub.Models.BasicError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ { "422", global::GitHub.Models.ValidationError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ };
+ await RequestAdapter.SendNoContentAsync(requestInfo, errorMapping, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Delete a private registry configuration at the organization-level.OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+#nullable enable
+ public RequestInformation ToDeleteRequestInformation(Action>? requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public RequestInformation ToDeleteRequestInformation(Action> requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+ var requestInfo = new RequestInformation(Method.DELETE, UrlTemplate, PathParameters);
+ requestInfo.Configure(requestConfiguration);
+ requestInfo.Headers.TryAdd("Accept", "application/json, application/scim+json");
+ return requestInfo;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Get the configuration of a single private registry defined for an organization, omitting its encrypted value.OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+#nullable enable
+ public RequestInformation ToGetRequestInformation(Action>? requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public RequestInformation ToGetRequestInformation(Action> requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+ var requestInfo = new RequestInformation(Method.GET, UrlTemplate, PathParameters);
+ requestInfo.Configure(requestConfiguration);
+ requestInfo.Headers.TryAdd("Accept", "application/json");
+ return requestInfo;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Updates a private registry configuration with an encrypted value for an organization. Encrypt your secret using [LibSodium](https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/bindings_for_other_languages). For more information, see "[Encrypting secrets for the REST API](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/guides/encrypting-secrets-for-the-rest-api)."OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The request body
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+#nullable enable
+ public RequestInformation ToPatchRequestInformation(global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody body, Action>? requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public RequestInformation ToPatchRequestInformation(global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody body, Action> requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+ _ = body ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(body));
+ var requestInfo = new RequestInformation(Method.PATCH, UrlTemplate, PathParameters);
+ requestInfo.Configure(requestConfiguration);
+ requestInfo.Headers.TryAdd("Accept", "application/json");
+ requestInfo.SetContentFromParsable(RequestAdapter, "application/json", body);
+ return requestInfo;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns a request builder with the provided arbitrary URL. Using this method means any other path or query parameters are ignored.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The raw URL to use for the request builder.
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder WithUrl(string rawUrl)
+ {
+ return new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder(rawUrl, RequestAdapter);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f50ea83b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Serialization;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ public partial class WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody : IAdditionalDataHolder, IParsable
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ {
+ /// Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+ public IDictionary AdditionalData { get; set; }
+ /// The value for your secret, encrypted with [LibSodium](https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/bindings_for_other_languages) using the public key retrieved from the [Get private registries public key for an organization](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/private-registries/organization-configurations#get-private-registries-public-key-for-an-organization) endpoint.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? EncryptedValue { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string EncryptedValue { get; set; }
+ /// The ID of the key you used to encrypt the secret.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? KeyId { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string KeyId { get; set; }
+ /// The registry type.
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_registry_type? RegistryType { get; set; }
+ /// An array of repository IDs that can access the organization private registry. You can only provide a list of repository IDs when `visibility` is set to `selected`. This field should be omitted if `visibility` is set to `all` or `private`.
+#nullable enable
+ public List? SelectedRepositoryIds { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public List SelectedRepositoryIds { get; set; }
+ /// The username to use when authenticating with the private registry. This field should be omitted if the private registry does not require a username for authentication.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? Username { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string Username { get; set; }
+ /// Which type of organization repositories have access to the private registry. `selected` means only the repositories specified by `selected_repository_ids` can access the private registry.
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_visibility? Visibility { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ public WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody()
+ {
+ AdditionalData = new Dictionary();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+ public static global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody CreateFromDiscriminatorValue(IParseNode parseNode)
+ {
+ _ = parseNode ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parseNode));
+ return new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The deserialization information for the current model
+ ///
+ /// A IDictionary<string, Action<IParseNode>>
+ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
+ {
+ return new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "encrypted_value", n => { EncryptedValue = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "key_id", n => { KeyId = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "registry_type", n => { RegistryType = n.GetEnumValue(); } },
+ { "selected_repository_ids", n => { SelectedRepositoryIds = n.GetCollectionOfPrimitiveValues()?.AsList(); } },
+ { "username", n => { Username = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "visibility", n => { Visibility = n.GetEnumValue(); } },
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Serializes information the current object
+ ///
+ /// Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+ public virtual void Serialize(ISerializationWriter writer)
+ {
+ _ = writer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
+ writer.WriteStringValue("encrypted_value", EncryptedValue);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("key_id", KeyId);
+ writer.WriteEnumValue("registry_type", RegistryType);
+ writer.WriteCollectionOfPrimitiveValues("selected_repository_ids", SelectedRepositoryIds);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("username", Username);
+ writer.WriteEnumValue("visibility", Visibility);
+ writer.WriteAdditionalData(AdditionalData);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_registry_type.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_registry_type.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d20522e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_registry_type.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item
+ /// The registry type.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public enum WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_registry_type
+ {
+ [EnumMember(Value = "maven_repository")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Maven_repository,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ }
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_visibility.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_visibility.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44cf412a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/Item/WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_visibility.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item
+ /// Which type of organization repositories have access to the private registry. `selected` means only the repositories specified by `selected_repository_ids` can access the private registry.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public enum WithSecret_namePatchRequestBody_visibility
+ {
+ [EnumMember(Value = "all")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ All,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "private")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Private,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "selected")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Selected,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ }
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesGetResponse.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesGetResponse.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49fb73b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesGetResponse.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+using GitHub.Models;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Serialization;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ public partial class PrivateRegistriesGetResponse : IAdditionalDataHolder, IParsable
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ {
+ /// Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+ public IDictionary AdditionalData { get; set; }
+ /// The configurations property
+#nullable enable
+ public List? Configurations { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public List Configurations { get; set; }
+ /// The total_count property
+ public int? TotalCount { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ public PrivateRegistriesGetResponse()
+ {
+ AdditionalData = new Dictionary();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+ public static global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesGetResponse CreateFromDiscriminatorValue(IParseNode parseNode)
+ {
+ _ = parseNode ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parseNode));
+ return new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesGetResponse();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The deserialization information for the current model
+ ///
+ /// A IDictionary<string, Action<IParseNode>>
+ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
+ {
+ return new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "configurations", n => { Configurations = n.GetCollectionOfObjectValues(global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfiguration.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue)?.AsList(); } },
+ { "total_count", n => { TotalCount = n.GetIntValue(); } },
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Serializes information the current object
+ ///
+ /// Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+ public virtual void Serialize(ISerializationWriter writer)
+ {
+ _ = writer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
+ writer.WriteCollectionOfObjectValues("configurations", Configurations);
+ writer.WriteIntValue("total_count", TotalCount);
+ writer.WriteAdditionalData(AdditionalData);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cb0d724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Serialization;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ public partial class PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody : IAdditionalDataHolder, IParsable
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ {
+ /// Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+ public IDictionary AdditionalData { get; set; }
+ /// The value for your secret, encrypted with [LibSodium](https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/bindings_for_other_languages) using the public key retrieved from the [Get private registries public key for an organization](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/private-registries/organization-configurations#get-private-registries-public-key-for-an-organization) endpoint.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? EncryptedValue { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string EncryptedValue { get; set; }
+ /// The ID of the key you used to encrypt the secret.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? KeyId { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string KeyId { get; set; }
+ /// The registry type.
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_registry_type? RegistryType { get; set; }
+ /// An array of repository IDs that can access the organization private registry. You can only provide a list of repository IDs when `visibility` is set to `selected`. You can manage the list of selected repositories using the [Update a private registry for an organization](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/private-registries/organization-configurations#update-a-private-registry-for-an-organization) endpoint. This field should be omitted if `visibility` is set to `all` or `private`.
+#nullable enable
+ public List? SelectedRepositoryIds { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public List SelectedRepositoryIds { get; set; }
+ /// The username to use when authenticating with the private registry. This field should be omitted if the private registry does not require a username for authentication.
+#nullable enable
+ public string? Username { get; set; }
+#nullable restore
+ public string Username { get; set; }
+ /// Which type of organization repositories have access to the private registry. `selected` means only the repositories specified by `selected_repository_ids` can access the private registry.
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_visibility? Visibility { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ public PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody()
+ {
+ AdditionalData = new Dictionary();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+ public static global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody CreateFromDiscriminatorValue(IParseNode parseNode)
+ {
+ _ = parseNode ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parseNode));
+ return new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The deserialization information for the current model
+ ///
+ /// A IDictionary<string, Action<IParseNode>>
+ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
+ {
+ return new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "encrypted_value", n => { EncryptedValue = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "key_id", n => { KeyId = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "registry_type", n => { RegistryType = n.GetEnumValue(); } },
+ { "selected_repository_ids", n => { SelectedRepositoryIds = n.GetCollectionOfPrimitiveValues()?.AsList(); } },
+ { "username", n => { Username = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "visibility", n => { Visibility = n.GetEnumValue(); } },
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Serializes information the current object
+ ///
+ /// Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+ public virtual void Serialize(ISerializationWriter writer)
+ {
+ _ = writer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
+ writer.WriteStringValue("encrypted_value", EncryptedValue);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("key_id", KeyId);
+ writer.WriteEnumValue("registry_type", RegistryType);
+ writer.WriteCollectionOfPrimitiveValues("selected_repository_ids", SelectedRepositoryIds);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("username", Username);
+ writer.WriteEnumValue("visibility", Visibility);
+ writer.WriteAdditionalData(AdditionalData);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_registry_type.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_registry_type.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cc66777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_registry_type.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries
+ /// The registry type.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public enum PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_registry_type
+ {
+ [EnumMember(Value = "maven_repository")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Maven_repository,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ }
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_visibility.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_visibility.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6dbdb78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_visibility.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries
+ /// Which type of organization repositories have access to the private registry. `selected` means only the repositories specified by `selected_repository_ids` can access the private registry.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public enum PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody_visibility
+ {
+ [EnumMember(Value = "all")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ All,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "private")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Private,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ [EnumMember(Value = "selected")]
+ #pragma warning disable CS1591
+ Selected,
+ #pragma warning restore CS1591
+ }
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2dd26e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+using GitHub.Models;
+using GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item;
+using GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Serialization;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Threading;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries
+ ///
+ /// Builds and executes requests for operations under \orgs\{org}\private-registries
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public partial class PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder : BaseRequestBuilder
+ {
+ /// The publicKey property
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey.PublicKeyRequestBuilder PublicKey
+ {
+ get => new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey.PublicKeyRequestBuilder(PathParameters, RequestAdapter);
+ }
+ /// Gets an item from the GitHub.orgs.item.privateRegistries.item collection
+ /// The name of the secret.
+ /// A
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder this[string position]
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ var urlTplParams = new Dictionary(PathParameters);
+ urlTplParams.Add("secret_name", position);
+ return new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.Item.WithSecret_nameItemRequestBuilder(urlTplParams, RequestAdapter);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ /// Path parameters for the request
+ /// The request adapter to use to execute the requests.
+ public PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder(Dictionary pathParameters, IRequestAdapter requestAdapter) : base(requestAdapter, "{+baseurl}/orgs/{org}/private-registries{?page*,per_page*}", pathParameters)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ /// The raw URL to use for the request builder.
+ /// The request adapter to use to execute the requests.
+ public PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder(string rawUrl, IRequestAdapter requestAdapter) : base(requestAdapter, "{+baseurl}/orgs/{org}/private-registries{?page*,per_page*}", rawUrl)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Lists all private registry configurations available at the organization-level without revealing their encryptedvalues.OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ /// API method documentation
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// Cancellation token to use when cancelling requests
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+ /// When receiving a 400 status code
+ /// When receiving a 404 status code
+#nullable enable
+ public async Task GetAsync(Action>? requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public async Task GetAsync(Action> requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+ var requestInfo = ToGetRequestInformation(requestConfiguration);
+ var errorMapping = new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "400", global::GitHub.Models.BasicError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ { "404", global::GitHub.Models.BasicError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ };
+ return await RequestAdapter.SendAsync(requestInfo, global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesGetResponse.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue, errorMapping, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Creates a private registry configuration with an encrypted value for an organization. Encrypt your secret using [LibSodium](https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/bindings_for_other_languages). For more information, see "[Encrypting secrets for the REST API](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/guides/encrypting-secrets-for-the-rest-api)."OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ /// API method documentation
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The request body
+ /// Cancellation token to use when cancelling requests
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+ /// When receiving a 404 status code
+ /// When receiving a 422 status code
+#nullable enable
+ public async Task PostAsync(global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody body, Action>? requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public async Task PostAsync(global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody body, Action> requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+ _ = body ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(body));
+ var requestInfo = ToPostRequestInformation(body, requestConfiguration);
+ var errorMapping = new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "404", global::GitHub.Models.BasicError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ { "422", global::GitHub.Models.ValidationError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ };
+ return await RequestAdapter.SendAsync(requestInfo, global::GitHub.Models.OrgPrivateRegistryConfigurationWithSelectedRepositories.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue, errorMapping, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Lists all private registry configurations available at the organization-level without revealing their encryptedvalues.OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+#nullable enable
+ public RequestInformation ToGetRequestInformation(Action>? requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public RequestInformation ToGetRequestInformation(Action> requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+ var requestInfo = new RequestInformation(Method.GET, UrlTemplate, PathParameters);
+ requestInfo.Configure(requestConfiguration);
+ requestInfo.Headers.TryAdd("Accept", "application/json");
+ return requestInfo;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Creates a private registry configuration with an encrypted value for an organization. Encrypt your secret using [LibSodium](https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/bindings_for_other_languages). For more information, see "[Encrypting secrets for the REST API](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/guides/encrypting-secrets-for-the-rest-api)."OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The request body
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+#nullable enable
+ public RequestInformation ToPostRequestInformation(global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody body, Action>? requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public RequestInformation ToPostRequestInformation(global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesPostRequestBody body, Action> requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+ _ = body ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(body));
+ var requestInfo = new RequestInformation(Method.POST, UrlTemplate, PathParameters);
+ requestInfo.Configure(requestConfiguration);
+ requestInfo.Headers.TryAdd("Accept", "application/json");
+ requestInfo.SetContentFromParsable(RequestAdapter, "application/json", body);
+ return requestInfo;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns a request builder with the provided arbitrary URL. Using this method means any other path or query parameters are ignored.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The raw URL to use for the request builder.
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder WithUrl(string rawUrl)
+ {
+ return new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder(rawUrl, RequestAdapter);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Lists all private registry configurations available at the organization-level without revealing their encryptedvalues.OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public partial class PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
+ {
+ /// The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "[Using pagination in the REST API](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/using-the-rest-api/using-pagination-in-the-rest-api)."
+ [QueryParameter("page")]
+ public int? Page { get; set; }
+ /// The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "[Using pagination in the REST API](https://docs.github.com/enterprise-cloud@latest//rest/using-the-rest-api/using-pagination-in-the-rest-api)."
+ [QueryParameter("per_page")]
+ public int? PerPage { get; set; }
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Models/Users_matches.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PublicKey/PublicKeyGetResponse.cs
similarity index 63%
rename from src/GitHub/Models/Users_matches.cs
rename to src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PublicKey/PublicKeyGetResponse.cs
index 02c4f2f4..075a5ae1 100644
--- a/src/GitHub/Models/Users_matches.cs
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PublicKey/PublicKeyGetResponse.cs
@@ -5,47 +5,47 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System;
-namespace GitHub.Models
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
#pragma warning disable CS1591
- public partial class Users_matches : IAdditionalDataHolder, IParsable
+ public partial class PublicKeyGetResponse : IAdditionalDataHolder, IParsable
#pragma warning restore CS1591
/// Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
public IDictionary AdditionalData { get; set; }
- /// The indices property
+ /// The Base64 encoded public key.
#nullable enable
- public List? Indices { get; set; }
+ public string? Key { get; set; }
#nullable restore
- public List Indices { get; set; }
+ public string Key { get; set; }
- /// The text property
+ /// The identifier for the key.
#nullable enable
- public string? Text { get; set; }
+ public string? KeyId { get; set; }
#nullable restore
- public string Text { get; set; }
+ public string KeyId { get; set; }
- /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
- public Users_matches()
+ public PublicKeyGetResponse()
AdditionalData = new Dictionary();
/// Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
- /// A
+ /// A
/// The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
- public static global::GitHub.Models.Users_matches CreateFromDiscriminatorValue(IParseNode parseNode)
+ public static global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey.PublicKeyGetResponse CreateFromDiscriminatorValue(IParseNode parseNode)
_ = parseNode ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parseNode));
- return new global::GitHub.Models.Users_matches();
+ return new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey.PublicKeyGetResponse();
/// The deserialization information for the current model
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
return new Dictionary>
- { "indices", n => { Indices = n.GetCollectionOfPrimitiveValues()?.AsList(); } },
- { "text", n => { Text = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "key", n => { Key = n.GetStringValue(); } },
+ { "key_id", n => { KeyId = n.GetStringValue(); } },
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ public virtual IDictionary> GetFieldDeserializers()
public virtual void Serialize(ISerializationWriter writer)
_ = writer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
- writer.WriteCollectionOfPrimitiveValues("indices", Indices);
- writer.WriteStringValue("text", Text);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("key", Key);
+ writer.WriteStringValue("key_id", KeyId);
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PublicKey/PublicKeyRequestBuilder.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PublicKey/PublicKeyRequestBuilder.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4261238c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/PrivateRegistries/PublicKey/PublicKeyRequestBuilder.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+using GitHub.Models;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.Serialization;
+using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Threading;
+using System;
+namespace GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey
+ ///
+ /// Builds and executes requests for operations under \orgs\{org}\private-registries\public-key
+ ///
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Kiota", "1.19.0")]
+ public partial class PublicKeyRequestBuilder : BaseRequestBuilder
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ /// Path parameters for the request
+ /// The request adapter to use to execute the requests.
+ public PublicKeyRequestBuilder(Dictionary pathParameters, IRequestAdapter requestAdapter) : base(requestAdapter, "{+baseurl}/orgs/{org}/private-registries/public-key", pathParameters)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Instantiates a new and sets the default values.
+ ///
+ /// The raw URL to use for the request builder.
+ /// The request adapter to use to execute the requests.
+ public PublicKeyRequestBuilder(string rawUrl, IRequestAdapter requestAdapter) : base(requestAdapter, "{+baseurl}/orgs/{org}/private-registries/public-key", rawUrl)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Gets the org public key, which is needed to encrypt private registry secrets. You need to encrypt a secret before you can create or update secrets.OAuth tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ /// API method documentation
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// Cancellation token to use when cancelling requests
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+ /// When receiving a 404 status code
+#nullable enable
+ public async Task GetAsync(Action>? requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public async Task GetAsync(Action> requestConfiguration = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
+ {
+ var requestInfo = ToGetRequestInformation(requestConfiguration);
+ var errorMapping = new Dictionary>
+ {
+ { "404", global::GitHub.Models.BasicError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue },
+ };
+ return await RequestAdapter.SendAsync(requestInfo, global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey.PublicKeyGetResponse.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue, errorMapping, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// > [!NOTE]> This endpoint is in public preview and is subject to change.Gets the org public key, which is needed to encrypt private registry secrets. You need to encrypt a secret before you can create or update secrets.OAuth tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the `admin:org` scope to use this endpoint.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+#nullable enable
+ public RequestInformation ToGetRequestInformation(Action>? requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+#nullable restore
+ public RequestInformation ToGetRequestInformation(Action> requestConfiguration = default)
+ {
+ var requestInfo = new RequestInformation(Method.GET, UrlTemplate, PathParameters);
+ requestInfo.Configure(requestConfiguration);
+ requestInfo.Headers.TryAdd("Accept", "application/json");
+ return requestInfo;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns a request builder with the provided arbitrary URL. Using this method means any other path or query parameters are ignored.
+ ///
+ /// A
+ /// The raw URL to use for the request builder.
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey.PublicKeyRequestBuilder WithUrl(string rawUrl)
+ {
+ return new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PublicKey.PublicKeyRequestBuilder(rawUrl, RequestAdapter);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
diff --git a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/WithOrgItemRequestBuilder.cs b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/WithOrgItemRequestBuilder.cs
index 65008eb4..74f67832 100644
--- a/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/WithOrgItemRequestBuilder.cs
+++ b/src/GitHub/Orgs/Item/WithOrgItemRequestBuilder.cs
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
using GitHub.Orgs.Item.Packages;
using GitHub.Orgs.Item.PersonalAccessTokenRequests;
using GitHub.Orgs.Item.PersonalAccessTokens;
+using GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries;
using GitHub.Orgs.Item.Projects;
using GitHub.Orgs.Item.Properties;
using GitHub.Orgs.Item.Public_members;
@@ -247,6 +248,11 @@ public partial class WithOrgItemRequestBuilder : BaseRequestBuilder
get => new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PersonalAccessTokens.PersonalAccessTokensRequestBuilder(PathParameters, RequestAdapter);
+ /// The privateRegistries property
+ public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder PrivateRegistries
+ {
+ get => new global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.PrivateRegistries.PrivateRegistriesRequestBuilder(PathParameters, RequestAdapter);
+ }
/// The projects property
public global::GitHub.Orgs.Item.Projects.ProjectsRequestBuilder Projects
diff --git a/src/GitHub/kiota-lock.json b/src/GitHub/kiota-lock.json
index 278d76e7..57f218c5 100644
--- a/src/GitHub/kiota-lock.json
+++ b/src/GitHub/kiota-lock.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "descriptionHash": "F94BFB679AB485E50D630C793DF9DD71FCDED74ABEE8669F15904A391A069694B7A82A114CE9EEE6C825CC35F342C3175223C4D4D37837F8E4DAC3CCF6FC8005",
+ "descriptionHash": "227AA9495DA3105FF81582DD86965B767B1026AC103961C834D82B7C09FC012448B70C448DF745E5AAC9F194124DDC5D2B5AEA49E0734E7CF8DA37FFB4E5A523",
"descriptionLocation": "../../../../../schemas/ghec.json",
"lockFileVersion": "1.0.0",
"kiotaVersion": "1.19.0",