From 5cf3846b1f028c115e4e6e63f50e087a0adfac92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E6=B8=A0=E7=A3=8A?= <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 21:04:34 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] add check task

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-## analyze flt_trace
-### Step 1: 查找疑似慢的sql
-在sql audit中,如果有明确的SQL语句可以通过通过query_sql查到疑似慢sql的 flt_trace_id, 例如:
-```shell script
-OceanBase(root@test)>select query_sql, flt_trace_id from oceanbase.gv$ob_sql_audit where query_sql like 'select @@version_comment limit 1';
-| query_sql                        | flt_trace_id                         |
-| select @@version_comment limit 1 | 00060aa3-d607-f5f2-328b-388e17f687cb |
-1 row in set (0.001 sec)
-### Step 2: 设置配置文件
-```shell script
-obdiag config -h192.168.1.1 -uroot@sys -p***** -P2881
-### Step 3: 执行全链路诊断命令
-```shell script
-$ obdiag analyze flt_trace -h
-Usage: obdiag analyze flt_trace [options]
-  --flt_trace_id=FLT_TRACE_ID
-                        flt trace id, . format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
-                        xxxxxxxxxxxx
-  --files=FILES         specify files
-  --top=TOP             top leaf span
-  --recursion=RECURSION
-                        Maximum number of recursion
-  --output=OUTPUT       Print the result to the maximum output line on the
-                        screen
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
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-## analyze log
-'obdiag analyze log' can specify a time range to analyze the OceanBase logs on the target host and the log files passing OceanBase for analysis.
-$ obdiag analyze log -h
-Usage: obdiag analyze log [options]
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --since=SINCE         Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
-                        or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
-                        example: 1h.
-  --scope=SCOPE         log type constrains, choices=[observer, election,
-                        rootservice, all]
-  --grep=GREP           specify keywords constrain
-  --log_level=LOG_LEVEL
-                        oceanbase logs greater than or equal to this level
-                        will be analyze, choices=[DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WDIAG,
-                        WARN, EDIAG, ERROR]
-  --files=FILES         specify files
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-```shell script
-$ obdiag analyze log --scope observer --from "2023-10-08 10:25:00" --to "2023-10-08 11:30:00"
-| Node           | LogList                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
-|   | ['observer.log.20231008104204260', 'observer.log.20231008111305072', 'observer.log.20231008114410668', '', '', ''] |
-Analyze OceanBase Online Log Summary:
-| Node           | Status    | FileName                                                                     |   ErrorCode | Message                                                                                                                       |   Count |
-|   | Completed | analyze_pack_20231008171201/192_168_2_11/observer.log.20231008104204260      |       -5006 | You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your OceanBase version for the right syntax to use |       2 |
-|   | Completed | analyze_pack_20231008171201/192_168_2_11/observer.log.20231008111305072      |       -5006 | You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your OceanBase version for the right syntax to use |       8 |
-|   | Completed | analyze_pack_20231008171201/192_168_2_11/observer.log.20231008114410668      |       -5006 | You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your OceanBase version for the right syntax to use |      10 |
-|   | Completed | analyze_pack_20231008171201/192_168_2_11/observer.log.20231008114410668      |       -4009 | IO error                                                                                                                      |      20 |
-For more details, please run cmd ' cat analyze_pack_20231008171201/result_details.txt '
-```shell script
-$ ls -lh test/
--rw-r--r--  1 admin  staff   256M Oct  8 17:24 observer.log.20231008104204260
--rw-r--r--  1 admin  staff   256M Oct  8 17:24 observer.log.20231008111305072
--rw-r--r--  1 admin  staff   256M Oct  8 17:24 observer.log.20231008114410668
--rw-r--r--  1 admin  staff    18K Oct  8 17:24
--rw-r--r--  1 admin  staff    19K Oct  8 17:24
--rw-r--r--  1 admin  staff    18K Oct  8 17:24
-$ obdiag analyze log --files test/
-Analyze OceanBase Offline Log Summary:
-| Node      | Status    | FileName                                                              |   ErrorCode | Message                                                                                                                       |   Count |
-| | Completed | analyze_pack_20231008172144/127_0_0_1_/observer.log.20231008104204260 |       -5006 | You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your OceanBase version for the right syntax to use |       2 |
-| | Completed | analyze_pack_20231008172144/127_0_0_1_/observer.log.20231008111305072 |       -5006 | You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your OceanBase version for the right syntax to use |       8 |
-| | Completed | analyze_pack_20231008172144/127_0_0_1_/observer.log.20231008114410668 |       -5006 | You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your OceanBase version for the right syntax to use |      10 |
-| | Completed | analyze_pack_20231008172144/127_0_0_1_/observer.log.20231008114410668 |       -4009 | IO error                                                                                                                      |      20 |
-For more details, please run cmd ' cat analyze_pack_20231008172144/result_details.txt '
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-## analyze sql
-$ obdiag analyze sql [options]
-  --host=HOST           tenant connection host
-  --port=PORT           tenant connection port
-  --password=PASSWORD   tenant connection user password
-  --user=USER           tenant connection user name
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. format: 'yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. format: 'yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --since=SINCE         Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
-                        or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
-                        example: 1h.
-  --level=LEVEL         The alarm level, optional parameters [critical, warn,
-                        notice, ok]
-  --output=OUTPUT       The format of the output results, choices=[json, html]
-  --limit=LIMIT         The limit on the number of data rows returned by
-                        sql_audit for the tenant.
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store result, current dir by default.
-  --elapsed_time=ELAPSED_TIME
-                        The minimum threshold for filtering execution time,
-                        measured in microseconds.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
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-## analyze sql_review
-$ obdiag analyze sql_review [options]
-  --host=HOST           tenant connection host
-  --port=PORT           tenant connection port
-  --password=PASSWORD   tenant connection user password
-  --user=USER           tenant connection user name
-  --files=FILES         specify files
-  --level=LEVEL         The alarm level, optional parameters [critical, warn,
-                        notice, ok]
-  --output=OUTPUT       The format of the output results, choices=[json, html]
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store result, current dir by default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
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-## check命令
-## 注意
-## 快速使用
-```shell script
-obdiag check
-### 关联动态可配参数:
-```shell script
-CasesName是对需要执行的巡检项目的集合名,巡检集合保存在"~/.obdiag/{check_target}_check_package.yaml" ,每次仅能选择一个集合
-observer  ->check_package.yaml
-obproxy   ->obproxy_check_package.yaml
-obdiag check --cases= ad
-obdiag check --obproxy_cases= proxy
-obdiag check --cases=ad --obproxy_cases=proxy
-report_type是生成报告的格式,目前支持"table", "json", "xml"三种格式
-### 关联持久化参数:
-```shell script
-```yaml script
-  ignore_version: false
-  work_path: "~/.obdiag/check"
-  report:
-    report_path: "./check_report/"
-    export_type: table
-  package_file: "~/.obdiag/check/check_package.yaml"
-  tasks_base_path: "~/.obdiag/check/tasks/"
-ignore_version: 表示是否需要在执行巡检项时跳过版本匹配
-work_path: 巡检场景的存储目录
-report: 下主要是对报告的参数进行配置
-- report_path: 表示输出报告的路径
-- export_type: 表示输出报告的类型,目前支持table 、json 、xml后续需要支持的可以提交issue
-package_file: 表示巡检项集合的保存路径
-tasks_base_path: 表示巡检项所保存的头路径,下面存储了不同check_target的巡检项目文件
-## task编写教程
-### 开始编写前
-```ssh script
-#先进入${CHECK.tasks_base_path} ,然后创建一个文件夹test,并创建我们的示例文件test.yaml(以observer为测试目标)
-cd ~/.obdiag/check/tasks/observer
-mkdir test
-cd test
-touch test.yaml
-### 开始编写
-```yaml script
-# 首先需要声明下这个场景的作用,为了让大家看得懂
-info: "for test"
-#### task编写
-- 是为了兼容不同版本可能导致的步骤的出入、或者压根这个巡检项目没法有
-| 参数名     | 是否必填 |  |                                                          |  |
-|---------| --- | --- |----------------------------------------------------------| --- |
-| version | 否 | 表示适用的版本,使用方式见下示例 | 用str的形式表示范围,需要完整的数字的版本号,3.x版本为三位,4.x版本为四位如:[3.1.1,3.2.0] |  |
-| steps    | 是 | 所执行步骤 | 为list结构                                                  |  |
-```yaml script
-info: testinfo
-  - version: "[3.1.0,3.2.4]"
-    steps:
-    	{steps_object}
-  - version: [,]
-    steps:
-    	{steps_object}
- ```
-| 参数名       | 是否必填 |                                                                               |
-| type      | 是    | 表示适用的执行类型,目前支持get_system_parameter/ssh/sql,后续会持续增加支持的类型                       |
-| {ssh/sql} | 是    | 根据所选的类型提供的参数,这块比较依赖代码里的对执行类型的逻辑说明,本章节后续会对支持的进行类型进行详细的使用说明                     |
-| result    | 否    | 结构为一个单独的对象,用于对这个步骤结束后需要进行的操作进行解析,如校验结果逻辑,逻辑不通过时需要报错的文本信息进行说明等等。具体本章节后续会进行详细说明 |
-各种类型示例如下,"step:" 仅为一个标记,无实际作用
-##### get_system_parameter
-  type: get_system_parameter
-  parameter_name: parameter
-  result:
-    set_value: servervm.max_map_count
-##### ssh
-  type: ssh
-  ssh: wc -l /proc/${task_OBServer_pid}/maps | awk '{print $1}'
-  result:
-    set_value: observerMaps
-##### sql
- type: sql
- sql: select tenant_name from oceanbase.__all_tenant from where tenant_id=${taskTenantId};
- result:
-  set_value: tenant_name
-### result(verify功能)
-| 参数名         | 是否必填 |                                 |                                                                  |
-| set_value   | 否    | 将执行后的值赋值,作为一个适用于整个task的变量       | 例如set_value: max_map_count                                       |
-| verify_type | 否    | 默认为base,一般需要和verify联动           | 用于设置验证的方式,base即为通过verify的表达式进行验证,true或false,同时提供了以下常见的判断类型,减少编写量 |
-| verify      | 否    | 服务于verify_type                  | 用于验证执行结果是否符合预期,若不符合,会输出errMsg部分的信息。                              |
-| report_type | 否    | 用于设置本步骤若出现verify为false需要执行的告警级别 | 默认告警级别为critical                                                  |
-| err_msg     | 否    | 用于非正常执行时答应的日志,支持配置全局变量          | 在verify为false的时候所输出的msg建议配置了verify,就一定要配上err_msg                 |
-if ${new_expr}; then
-    echo "true"
-    echo "false"
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-## gather admin命令
-$ obdiag gather clog -h
-Usage: obdiag gather clog [options]
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --since=SINCE         Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
-                        or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
-                        example: 1h.
-  --encrypt=ENCRYPT     Whether the returned results need to be encrypted,
-                        choices=[true, false]
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-```shell script
-$ obdiag gather clog --from "2023-01-16 18:25:00" --to "2023-01-17 01:30:00"
-Gather clog Summary:
-| Node           | Status    | Size    | Time   | PackPath                                                             |
-|   | Completed | 15.762K | 6 s    | gather_pack_20230118002457/clog_192.168.2.11    |
-$ obdiag gather slog -h
-Usage: obdiag gather slog [options]
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --since=SINCE         Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
-                        or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
-                        example: 1h.
-  --encrypt=ENCRYPT     Whether the returned results need to be encrypted,
-                        choices=[true, false]
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-```shell script
-$ obdiag gather slog --from "2023-01-16 18:25:00" --to "2023-01-17 01:30:00"
-Gather slog Summary:
-| Node           | Status    | Size    | Time   | PackPath                                                             |
-|   | Completed | 15.762K | 6 s    | gather_pack_20230118002457/slog_192.168.2.11    |
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-## gather all命令
-```shell script
- $ obdiag gather all -h
-Usage: obdiag gather all [options]
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --since=SINCE         Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
-                        or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
-                        example: 1h.
-  --scope=SCOPE         log type constrains, choices=[observer, election,
-                        rootservice, all]
-  --grep=GREP           specify keywords constrain
-  --encrypt=ENCRYPT     Whether the returned results need to be encrypted,
-                        choices=[true, false]
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-```shell script
- $ obdiag gather all --from "2022-07-28 16:25:00" --to "2022-07-28 18:30:00" --encrypt true
-| Node          | LogSize   |
-|  | 29.874M   |
-| Node           | LogSize   |
-|  | 143.229M  |
-# 指定时间段内日志收集汇总
-| Node           | Status    | Size     | Password         | Time   | PackPath                                                                           |
-|   | Completed | 29.874M  | fB7FrrzTGl4EK5Hl | 20 s   | gather_pack_20220729170718/   |
-|   | Completed | 143.229M | SGRbXvMyA7lrnFW1 | 74 s   | gather_pack_20220729170718/   |
-# observer所在主机当前时间的主机信息收集汇总
-| Node           | Status    | Size    | Time   | PackPath                                                             |
-|   | Completed | 45.276K | 5 s    | gather_pack_20220729170856/   |
-|   | Completed | 42.152K | 6 s    | gather_pack_20220729170856/   |
-# observer当前的堆栈信息
-| Node           | Status    | Size    | Time   | PackPath                                                              |
-|   | Completed | 22.693K | 13 s   | gather_pack_20220729170902/   |
-|  | Completed | 19.902K | 13 s   | gather_pack_20220729170902/    |
-Gather Perf Summary:
-| Node           | Status    | Size     | Time   | PackPath                                                          |
-|   | Completed | 368.178K | 90 s   | gather_pack_20230117140836/   |
-|   | Completed | 368.178K | 90 s   | gather_pack_20230117140836/   |
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-## gather ash命令
-$obdiag gather ash -h
-Usage: obdiag gather ash [options]
-  --trace_id=TRACE_ID   The TRACE.ID of the SQL to be sampled, if left blank
-                        or filled with NULL, indicates that TRACE.ID is not
-                        restricted.
-  --sql_id=SQL_ID       The SQL.ID, if left blank or filled with NULL,
-                        indicates that SQL.ID is not restricted.
-  --wait_class=WAIT_CLASS
-                        Event types to be sampled.
-  --report_type=REPORT_TYPE
-                        Report type, currently only supports text type.
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. format: 'yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. format: 'yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-```shell script
-obdiag gather ash 
-gather_ash_report start ...
-gather from_time: 2024-05-08 11:18:59, to_time: 2024-05-08 11:48:59
-from_time: 2024-05-08 11:18:59, to_time: 2024-05-08 11:48:59, sql_id: None, trace_id: None, report_type: TEXT, wait_class: None, store_dir: ./
-save ash report file name: ./gather_pack_20240508114859/ash_report_20240508114859.txt
-Gather ash_report results stored in this directory: ./gather_pack_20240508114859
-Trace ID: e6af30b2-0ced-11ef-89ff-02420b9e4df1
-If you want to view detailed obdiag logs, please run: obdiag display-trace e6af30b2-0ced-11ef-89ff-02420b9e4df1
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-## gather awr命令
-$ obdiag gather awr -h
-Usage: obdiag gather awr [options]
-  --cluster_name=CLUSTER_NAME
-                        cluster_name from ocp
-  --cluster_id=CLUSTER_ID
-                        cluster_id from ocp
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. format: 'yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. format: 'yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --since=SINCE         Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
-                        or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
-                        example: 1h.
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-```shell script
-obdiag gather awr --cluster_name obtest --cluster_id 1
-Gather AWR Summary:
-| Cluster   | Status    | Size   | Time   | PackPath                                                                               |
-| demo1     | Completed | 4.602M | 29 s   | gather_pack_20220627005659/OBAWR_obcluster_demo1_20220625160100_20220625180100.html    |
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-## gather log命令
-通过 gather log命令,可以指定时间范围的来去搜集目标主机上的OceanBase日志(后续会陆续开放除OceanBase运行日志外其他信息的搜集)。
-$ obdiag gather log -h
-Usage: obdiag gather log [options]
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --since=SINCE         Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
-                        or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
-                        example: 1h.
-  --scope=SCOPE         log type constrains, choices=[observer, election,
-                        rootservice, all]
-  --grep=GREP           specify keywords constrain
-  --encrypt=ENCRYPT     Whether the returned results need to be encrypted,
-                        choices=[true, false]
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-```shell script
-$ obdiag gather log --scope observer --from "2022-06-25 10:25:00" --to "2022-06-25 18:30:00" --grep STORAGE --encrypt true
-| Node           | LogSize   |
-|   | 36.184M   |
-| Node           | LogSize   |
-|   | 44.176M   |
-Gather Ob Log Summary:
-| Node           | Status    | Size     | Password         | Time   | PackPath                                                            |
-|   | Completed | 36.762M  | **************** | 19 s   | gather_pack_20220701183246/   |
-|   | Completed | 638.200M | **************** | 718 s  | gather_pack_20220701183246/   |
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-## gather stack命令
-$ obdiag gather stack [-h]
-Example: obdiag gather stack
-```shell script
-Example: obdiag gather stack
-| Node           | Status    | Size    | Time   | PackPath                                                              |
-|   | Completed | 19.926K | 10 s   | gather_pack_20220729163951/   |
-|   | Completed | 22.803K | 12 s   | gather_pack_20220729163951/   |
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-## gather obproxy_log命令
-通过 gather obproxy_log命令,可以指定时间范围的来去搜集目标主机上的ObProxy日志。
-$ obdiag gather obproxy_log -h
-Usage: obdiag gather obproxy_log [options]
-  --from=FROM           specify the start of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-
-                        dd hh:mm:ss'
-  --to=TO               specify the end of the time range. 'format: yyyy-mm-dd
-                        hh:mm:ss'
-  --since=SINCE         Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
-                        or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
-                        example: 1h.
-  --scope=SCOPE         log type constrains, choices=[observer, election,
-                        rootservice, all]
-  --grep=GREP           specify keywords constrain
-  --encrypt=ENCRYPT     Whether the returned results need to be encrypted,
-                        choices=[true, false]
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-```shell script
-$ obdiag gather obproxy_log --scope obproxy --from "2022-06-25 10:25:00" --to "2022-06-25 18:30:00" --encrypt true
-| Node           | LogSize   |
-|   | 36.184M   |
-| Node           | LogSize   |
-|   | 44.176M   |
-Gather ObProxy Log Summary:
-| Node           | Status    | Size     | Password         | Time   | PackPath                                                                 |
-|   | Completed | 36.762M  | **************** | 19 s   | gather_pack_20220701183246/   |
-|   | Completed | 638.200M | **************** | 718 s  | gather_pack_20220701183246/   |
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-## gather perf命令
-- 支持一键获取observer进程的"扁鹊图" ,ob运行态的调用关系,用"sample"代指
-- 支持一键获取observer进程的"perf 火焰图", 用"flame"代指
-$ obdiag gather perf [-h]
-Example: obdiag gather perf --scope all
-```shell script
-Example: obdiag gather perf --scope all
-Gather Perf Summary:
-| Node           | Status    | Size     | Time   | PackPath                                                          |
-|   | Completed | 368.178K | 90 s   | gather_pack_20230117140836/   |
-|   | Completed | 368.178K | 90 s   | gather_pack_20230117140836/   |
-scope 可选项: ["sample", "flame", "all"]
-- sample:表示采集扁鹊图
-- flame: 表示采集ob的Perf火焰图
-- all: 表示扁鹊图、ob的perf火焰图,默认值
-## 查看结果
-收集到的数据是通过perf工具进行采集的,可以通过Flame Graph中的工具对数据进行图形转化
-### 图形转化步骤
-1. 解压收集到的数据
-```shell script
-flame.viz sample.viz
-- flame.viz(perf 火焰图)
-- sample.viz(扁鹊图)
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-## gather scenes 命令
-## 查看当前支持的场景
-```shell script
-obdiag gather scene list
-obdiag gather scene list
-[Other Problem Gather Scenes]:
-command                                                      info_en               info_cn
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=other.application_error   [application error]   [应用报错问题]
-[Obproxy Problem Gather Scenes]:
-command                                           info_en             info_cn
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=obproxy.restart   [obproxy restart]   [obproxy无故重启]
-[Observer Problem Gather Scenes]:
-command                                                                                                              info_en                         info_cn
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.backup                                                                      [backup problem]                [数据备份问题]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.backup_clean                                                                [backup clean]                  [备份清理问题]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.clog_disk_full                                                              [clog disk full]                [clog盘满]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.compaction                                                                  [compaction]                    [合并问题]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.cpu_high                                                                    [High CPU]                      [CPU高]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.delay_of_primary_and_backup                                                 [delay of primary and backup]   [主备库延迟]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.log_archive                                                                 [log archive]                   [日志归档问题]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.long_transaction                                                            [long transaction]              [长事务]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.memory                                                                      [memory problem]                [内存问题]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.perf_sql --env "{db_connect: '-hxx -Pxx -uxx -pxx -Dxx', trace_id: 'xx'}"   [SQL performance problem]       [SQL性能问题]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.recovery                                                                    [recovery]                      [数据恢复问题]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.restart                                                                     [restart]                       [observer无故重启]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.rootservice_switch                                                               [rootservice switch]            [有主改选或者无主选举的切主]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.sql_err --env "{db_connect: '-hxx -Pxx -uxx -pxx -Dxx', trace_id: 'xx'}"    [SQL execution error]           [SQL 执行出错]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.suspend_transaction                                                         [suspend transaction]           [悬挂事务]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.unit_data_imbalance                                                         [unit data imbalance]           [unit迁移/缩小 副本不均衡问题]
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.unknown                                                                     [unknown problem]               [未能明确问题的场景]
-## 快速使用
-```shell script
-obdiag gather scene run --scene={SceneName}
-### 关联动态可配参数:
-```shell script
-obdiag gather scene run --scene=observer.unknown
-## task编写教程
-### 开始编写前
-可以先进入~/.obdiag/inner_config.yml文件中设置 gather.scenes_base_path 所标识的目录里,看下编写的采集场景是否属于已有的大类,若没有就创建一个文件夹用于声明这个大类
-```ssh script
-#先进入${gather.scenes_base_path} ,并创建我们的示例文件test.yaml(以observer为测试目标)
-cd ~/.obdiag/gather/tasks/observer
-touch test.yaml
-### 开始编写
-```yaml script
-# 首先需要声明下这个场景的作用,为了让大家看得懂
-info: "for test"
-#### task编写
-- 是为了兼容不同版本可能导致的步骤的不同
-| 参数名     | 是否必填 |  |                                                          |  |
-|---------| --- | --- |----------------------------------------------------------| --- |
-| version | 否 | 表示适用的版本,使用方式见下示例 | 用str的形式表示范围,需要完整的数字的版本号,3.x版本为三位,4.x版本为四位如:[3.1.1,3.2.0],版本支持遵循左开又闭的原则 |  |
-| steps    | 是 | 所执行步骤 | 为list结构                                                  |  |
-```yaml script
-info: testinfo
-  - version: "[3.1.0,3.2.4]"
-    steps:
-    	{steps_object}
-  - version: [,]
-    steps:
-    	{steps_object}
- ```
-| 参数名       | 是否必填 |                                                                               |
-| type      | 是    | 表示适用的执行类型,目前支持 ssh/sql/log/obproxy_log/sysstat, 后续会持续增加支持的类型                       |
-| {ssh/sql/log/obproxy_log/sysstat} | 是    | 根据所选的类型提供的参数,这块比较依赖代码里的对执行类型的逻辑说明,本章节后续会对支持的进行类型进行详细的使用说明                     |
-各种类型示例如下,"step:" 仅为一个标记,无实际作用
-##### ssh
-  type: ssh
-  ssh: wc -l /proc/${task_OBServer_pid}/maps | awk '{print $1}'
-##### sql
- type: sql
- sql: select tenant_name from oceanbase.__all_tenant from where tenant_id=${taskTenantId};
-##### log
- type: log
- grep: "" # 过滤字段
-##### obproxy_log
-收集 obproxy 的日志
- type: obproxy_log
- grep: "" # 过滤字段
-##### sysstat
- type: sysstat
- sysstat: ""
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-## gather plan_monitor命令
-```shell script
-$ obdiag gather plan_monitor -h
-Usage: obdiag gather plan_monitor [options]
-  --trace_id=TRACE_ID   sql trace id
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  --env=ENV             env, eg: "{env1=xxx, env2=xxx}"
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
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-## gather sysstat命令
-$ obdiag gather sysstat -h
-Usage: obdiag gather sysstat [options]
-  --store_dir=STORE_DIR
-                        the dir to store gather result, current dir by
-                        default.
-  -c C                  obdiag custom config
-  -h, --help            Show help and exit.
-  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output.
-Example: obdiag gather sysstat
-| Node           | Status    | Size    | Time   | PackPath                                                               |
-|   | Completed | 45.209K | 5 s    | gather_pack_20220729164233/     |
-|   | Completed | 42.170K | 5 s    | gather_pack_20220729164233/     |
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-## rca命令
-## 快速使用
-```shell script
-obdiag rca run --scene={scene_name}
-obdiag rca list
-### 关联动态可配参数:
-```shell script
-scene_name是需要执行的根因分析场景的名称,可以通过obdiag rca list获取
-### 关联持久化参数:
-```shell script
-```yaml script
-  result_path: "./obdiag_rca/" # rca报告保存的地址
diff --git a/plugins/check/tasks/observer/cluster/datafile_next.yaml b/plugins/check/tasks/observer/cluster/datafile_next.yaml
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+info: "Check node'parameter 'datafile_maxsize'. When the datafile_maxsize is set and is greater than datafile_size, check if datafile_next is 0. If this value is 0, then the data file will not grow. issue #573"
+  - version: "[,*]"
+    steps:
+    - type: sql
+      sql: "select value from oceanbase.gv$ob_parameters where name = 'datafile_next' and svr_ip = '#{remote_ip}' and svr_port = '#{remote_port}';"
+      result:
+        set_value: datafile_next
+        report_type: warning
+        verify_type: min
+        verify: 0
+        err_msg: "node: #{remote_ip} datafile_next is 0, the data file will not grow. More info:"
diff --git a/plugins/check/tasks/observer/cluster/major.yaml b/plugins/check/tasks/observer/cluster/major.yaml
index 6439301c..e5341e49 100644
--- a/plugins/check/tasks/observer/cluster/major.yaml
+++ b/plugins/check/tasks/observer/cluster/major.yaml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ FROM (
         set_value: major_hold_nu
         verify_type: equal
         verify: 0
-        err_msg: 'major have hold'
+        err_msg: 'major have hold. please check it. And you can execute "obdiag rca run --scene=major_hold" to check it.'
diff --git a/plugins/check/tasks/observer/err_code/find_err_4108.yaml b/plugins/check/tasks/observer/err_code/find_err_4108.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+info: 'Check whether Error 4108 is reported when enable_sql_audit is set to True.'
+  - version: "[,*]"
+    steps:
+    - type: sql
+      sql: 'select count(0) from oceanbase.GV$OB_PARAMETERS where NAME="enable_sql_audit" and VALUE<>"True" ;'
+      result:
+        set_value: sql_audit
+        # report_type: warning
+        verify: "[ '0' ==  ${sql_audit} ]"
+        err_msg: 'Unable to proceed because enable_sql_audit is set to False'
+    - type: sql
+      sql: 'select count(0) from oceanbase.GV$OB_SQL_AUDIT where RET_CODE ="-4108";'
+      result:
+        set_value: err_4108
+        verify_type: equal
+        verify: 0
+        err_msg: 'number of sql_error_4108 is #{err_4108}. maybe the disk is damaged.'
+    - type: ssh
+      ssh: "grep \"checksum error\"  #{remote_home_path}/log/observer.log | awk '{print $1}'"
+      result:
+        set_value: checksum_error_log
+        verify: '[ -z "$checksum_error_log" ]'
+        err_msg: "node #{remote_ip} has checksum error log in #{remote_home_path}/log/observer.log . maybe the disk is damaged. please check it."