- git clone <https://repository-link> -> Clone in local a repository.
- git branch -> Branch visualization.
- git branch <branch-name> -> Create branch.
- git branch --list -> Branch list.
- git branch -d <branch-name> -> Delete target branch.
- git checkout <branch-name> -> Change in use branch.
- git checkout -b <branch-name> -> Create a branch and move to it.
- git status -> Show the status of the repository.
- git add <file> -> Stage target file.
- git add -A or git add * -> Stage all files in the scope.
- git commit -m "title" - m "description" -> Commit the changes with a descriptive message.
- git push <remote-name> <branch-name> -> Upload the committed changes to origin.
- git push -u <remote-name> <branch-name> -> Upload the committed changes to origin setting upstream.
- git pull <remote-name> <branch-name> -> Update local repository from remote.
- git log
- git revert
- git rebase
- git merge <branch-name> -> Merge actual branch to target branch.