Last Update: xx December 2023
The OpenC2 core language is extended using actuator profiles (APs). This registry tracks the status of currently defined AP specifications, plus functions for profiles under consideration.
- Each AP is assigned a short name when it is identified as a work product; the TC's practice is to use these short names in namespaces and as namespace identifiers (NSIDs)
- Each specification is assigned a unique identifier (Namespace) in the form of an IRI.
- A Namespace can be abbreviated using a Namespace Prefix when referencing types defined within it.
- Namespaced property sets (e.g., Targets, Args, Results) are identified by ID or Name, depending on serialization, in OpenC2 messages.
- The Property ID/Name (NSID) used in type references and the Namespace Prefix defined in a package's "namespaces" info are distinct and can have different values, but they are normally the same.
A more detailed explanation of OpenC2's use of namespaces can be found in Appendix F of the OpenC2 Architecture Specification.
Namespaces are assigned according to OASIS Naming Directives for XML namespaces: