Embed the widget to use nyris search on your website.
npm install @nyris/nyris-widget
Embed widget.js
in your website and provide
a nyrisSettings
window.nyrisSettings = {
// Required
apiKey: '<YOUR_API_KEY>',
// Optional
xOptions: 'default', // See "general request options" https://docs.nyris.io/#general-request-options
baseUrl: '', // Use different server URL
jpegQuality: 0.9, // Quality of the scaled image sent to the api
maxWidth: 500, // Maximal size of the scaled image
maxHeight: 500,
responseFormat: 'application/offers.complete+json', // See "response type" https://docs.nyris.io/#response-type
instantRedirectPatterns: [ 'mysite.com' ] // If exactly one result is returned and it contains `mysite.com`,go directly to the link.
<script src="node_modules/@nyris/nyris-widget/dist/widget.js"></script>
Follow the steps on main README initialize all packages.
Then in this directory, run npm start
for a local development server or npm run build
to build a minified widget.js