From a5c31e35c4a5522a55ff518d5c7c3f55234f0883 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian David Schmidt <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 15:18:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] feat: enable customization of folder browser

---                                     | 26 +++++++++--------
 lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser.lua    | 28 +++++++++++++++++--
 .../_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua      | 12 ++++++--
 .../_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua       |  1 +
 4 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 2f8eb82d..8312a138 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,21 +30,25 @@ Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim'
 You can configure the `telescope-file-browser` like any other `telescope.nvim` picker. Please see `:h telescope-file-browser.picker` for the full set of options dedicated to the picker. For instance, you of course can map `theme` and [mappings](#remappings) as you are used to from `telescope.nvim`.
+The setup below shows the defaults. You do not need to set any of the `file_browser` configuration. `require("telescope").load_extension "file_browser"` suffices for the default setup.
--- You don't need to set any of these options.
--- IMPORTANT!: this is only a showcase of how you can set default options!
 require("telescope").setup {
   extensions = {
     file_browser = {
-      theme = "ivy",
-      mappings = {
-        ["i"] = {
-          -- your custom insert mode mappings
-        },
-        ["n"] = {
-          -- your custom normal mode mappings
-        },
-      },
+      theme = "ivy", 
+      mappings = {}                 -- See mappings section
+      files = true,                 -- Start in file_browser mode
+      hidden = false,
+      respect_gitignore = false,    -- expensive with plenary, true if `fd` found
+---@field files boolean: start in file (true) or folder (false) browser (default: true)
+---@field add_dirs boolean: whether the file browser shows folders (default: true)
+---@field depth number: file tree depth to display, `false` for unlimited depth (default: 1)
+---@field dir_icon string: change the icon for a directory (default: )
+---@field hidden boolean: determines whether to show hidden files or not (default: false)
+---@field respect_gitignore boolean: induces slow-down w/ plenary finder (default: false, true if `fd` available)
+---@field browse_files function: custom override for the file browser (default: |fb_finders.browse_files|)
+---@field browse_folders function: custom override for the folder browser (default: |fb_finders.browse_folders|)
diff --git a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser.lua b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser.lua
index 66a83a72..00d48df6 100644
--- a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser.lua
+++ b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser.lua
@@ -94,15 +94,39 @@ local pconf = {
       -- test whether selected entry is directory
       local entry = action_state.get_selected_entry()
-      return entry and entry.Path:is_dir()
+      local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr)
+      local finder = current_picker.finder
+      return entry and (entry.Path:is_dir() or finder.files == false)
     end, function()
-      local path = vim.loop.fs_realpath(action_state.get_selected_entry().path)
+      local entry = action_state.get_selected_entry()
+      local is_dir = entry.Path:is_dir()
+      local path = is_dir and entry.Path:absolute() or entry.Path:parent():absolute()
       local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr)
       local finder = current_picker.finder
       finder.files = true
       finder.path = path
       current_picker:refresh(finder, { reset_prompt = true, multi = current_picker._multi })
+      if not is_dir then
+        vim.schedule(function()
+          local index = 1
+          for e in current_picker.manager:iter() do
+            if index > current_picker.max_results then
+              break
+            end
+            if e.value == entry.value then
+              vim.schedule(function()
+                vim.schedule(function()
+                  current_picker:set_selection(current_picker:get_row(index))
+                end)
+              end)
+              break
+            end
+            index = index + 1
+          end
+        end)
+      end
     return true
diff --git a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua
index a9686ee7..d79b7744 100644
--- a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua
+++ b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua
@@ -81,11 +81,15 @@ fb_finders.browse_folders = function(opts)
   -- returns copy with properly set cwd for entry maker
   local cwd = opts.cwd_to_path and opts.path or opts.cwd
   local entry_maker = opts.entry_maker { cwd = cwd }
-  if has_fd then
-    local args = { "-t", "d", "-a" }
+  if has_fd == 0 then
+    local args = { "-a" }
     if opts.hidden then
       table.insert(args, "-H")
+    for _, type_ in ipairs(opts.types) do
+      table.insert(args, "-t")
+      table.insert(args, type_)
+    end
     if opts.respect_gitignore == false then
       table.insert(args, "--no-ignore-vcs")
@@ -100,7 +104,8 @@ fb_finders.browse_folders = function(opts)
     local data = scan.scan_dir(opts.cwd, {
       hidden = opts.hidden,
-      only_dirs = true,
+      add_dirs = vim.tbl_contains(opts.types, "directory"),
+      only_dirs = not vim.tbl_contains(opts.types, "file"),
       respect_gitignore = opts.respect_gitignore,
     table.insert(data, 1, opts.cwd)
@@ -135,6 +140,7 @@ fb_finders.finder = function(opts)
     files = vim.F.if_nil(opts.files, true), -- file or folders mode
     grouped = vim.F.if_nil(opts.grouped, false),
     -- ensure we forward make_entry opts adequately
+    types = vim.F.if_nil(opts.types, { "directory" }),
     entry_maker = vim.F.if_nil(opts.entry_maker, function(local_opts)
       return fb_make_entry(vim.tbl_extend("force", opts, local_opts))
diff --git a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua
index 49e610d5..cf35f510 100644
--- a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua
+++ b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ local fb_picker = {}
 ---@field dir_icon string: change the icon for a directory (default: )
 ---@field hidden boolean: determines whether to show hidden files or not (default: false)
 ---@field respect_gitignore boolean: induces slow-down w/ plenary finder (default: false, true if `fd` available)
+---@filed types table: table incl. {"file", "directory"}, (default: { "directory" })
 ---@field browse_files function: custom override for the file browser (default: |fb_finders.browse_files|)
 ---@field browse_folders function: custom override for the folder browser (default: |fb_finders.browse_folders|)
 fb_picker.file_browser = function(opts)

From f42c3de458a51bab6f0549a45ce88938dfe556a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian David Schmidt <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:11:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] fix: clean up diff

---                                     | 26 ++++++++-----------
 .../_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua      |  2 +-
 .../_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua       |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 8312a138..2f8eb82d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,25 +30,21 @@ Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim'
 You can configure the `telescope-file-browser` like any other `telescope.nvim` picker. Please see `:h telescope-file-browser.picker` for the full set of options dedicated to the picker. For instance, you of course can map `theme` and [mappings](#remappings) as you are used to from `telescope.nvim`.
-The setup below shows the defaults. You do not need to set any of the `file_browser` configuration. `require("telescope").load_extension "file_browser"` suffices for the default setup.
+-- You don't need to set any of these options.
+-- IMPORTANT!: this is only a showcase of how you can set default options!
 require("telescope").setup {
   extensions = {
     file_browser = {
-      theme = "ivy", 
-      mappings = {}                 -- See mappings section
-      files = true,                 -- Start in file_browser mode
-      hidden = false,
-      respect_gitignore = false,    -- expensive with plenary, true if `fd` found
----@field files boolean: start in file (true) or folder (false) browser (default: true)
----@field add_dirs boolean: whether the file browser shows folders (default: true)
----@field depth number: file tree depth to display, `false` for unlimited depth (default: 1)
----@field dir_icon string: change the icon for a directory (default: )
----@field hidden boolean: determines whether to show hidden files or not (default: false)
----@field respect_gitignore boolean: induces slow-down w/ plenary finder (default: false, true if `fd` available)
----@field browse_files function: custom override for the file browser (default: |fb_finders.browse_files|)
----@field browse_folders function: custom override for the folder browser (default: |fb_finders.browse_folders|)
+      theme = "ivy",
+      mappings = {
+        ["i"] = {
+          -- your custom insert mode mappings
+        },
+        ["n"] = {
+          -- your custom normal mode mappings
+        },
+      },
diff --git a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua
index d79b7744..639127b2 100644
--- a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua
+++ b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/finders.lua
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ fb_finders.browse_folders = function(opts)
   -- returns copy with properly set cwd for entry maker
   local cwd = opts.cwd_to_path and opts.path or opts.cwd
   local entry_maker = opts.entry_maker { cwd = cwd }
-  if has_fd == 0 then
+  if has_fd then
     local args = { "-a" }
     if opts.hidden then
       table.insert(args, "-H")
diff --git a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua
index cf35f510..66eba324 100644
--- a/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua
+++ b/lua/telescope/_extensions/file_browser/picker.lua
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ local fb_picker = {}
 ---@field dir_icon string: change the icon for a directory (default: )
 ---@field hidden boolean: determines whether to show hidden files or not (default: false)
 ---@field respect_gitignore boolean: induces slow-down w/ plenary finder (default: false, true if `fd` available)
----@filed types table: table incl. {"file", "directory"}, (default: { "directory" })
+---@field types table: table incl. {"file", "directory"}, (default: { "directory" })
 ---@field browse_files function: custom override for the file browser (default: |fb_finders.browse_files|)
 ---@field browse_folders function: custom override for the folder browser (default: |fb_finders.browse_folders|)
 fb_picker.file_browser = function(opts)

From 42310aa9aca0e3ced3d999376264521fe8c9abc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Github Actions <actions@github>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 15:12:29 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [docgen] Update doc/telescope-file-browser.txt
 skip-checks: true

 doc/telescope-file-browser.txt | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/telescope-file-browser.txt b/doc/telescope-file-browser.txt
index fc234d1f..3eb3d378 100644
--- a/doc/telescope-file-browser.txt
+++ b/doc/telescope-file-browser.txt
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ fb_picker.file_browser({opts})                      *fb_picker.file_browser()*
         {respect_gitignore} (boolean)   induces slow-down w/ plenary finder
                                         (default: false, true if `fd`
+        {types}             (table)     table incl. {"file", "directory"},
+                                        (default: { "directory" })
         {browse_files}      (function)  custom override for the file browser
                                         (default: |fb_finders.browse_files|)
         {browse_folders}    (function)  custom override for the folder browser