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Arithmetic sentence parser


Let's start with a simple grammar for evaluating arithmetic expressions using multiplication and addition only as follows,

Expression -> Expression + Expression
            | Expression * Expression
            | ( Expression )
            | number
number -> [0-9] { [0-9] }

where capitalized words indicate a non-terminal expression and non-capitalized indicate terminal symbols.

Note: Curly braces indicate optional rule

However, the above grammar is not adequate because it does not prioritize the order of operations for the multiplication. We can modify the grammar so that whenever + operator is encountered, we look for multiplication operator.

Expression -> Expression + Term
            | Term
Term -> Term * Factor
        | Factor
Factor -> (Expression)
        | number
number -> [0-9] { [0-9] }


Let's try the above grammar on a string 3 + 2 * (1 + 6). We get

                (number 3))))
            (number 2))
                        (Factor (number 1))))
                    (Factor (number 6)))))))

Because the grammar has the following production Expr -> Expr ..., we can end up infinitely recursing the production because of left to right parsing of text. We can eliminate it by introducing symbols before the recursion so that each production consumes at least one symbol as follows,

Expression -> Term Expression'
Expression' -> + Term Expression' | Epsilon
Term -> Factor Term'
Term' -> * Factor Term' | Epsilon
Factor -> (Expression) | number
number -> [0-9] { [0-9] }


Let's add negation as well. Then, the full grammar for an arithmetic expression using subtraction and division is as follows,

Expression -> Term Expression'
Expression' -> + Term Expression'
            | - Term Expression'
Term -> Factor Term'
Term' -> * Factor Term'
        | / Factor Term'
Factor -> - Factor | ( Expression )  | number
number -> [0-9] { [0-9] }

Haskell implementation

The data declaration follows from the definition,

data Expr = Number Int 
    | Add Expr Expr 
    | Sub Expr Expr 
    | Neg  Expr 
    | Mult Expr Expr 
    | Div Expr Expr deriving Show

This allows us to account for any possible production of grammar.

We will use Either a b data type that allows to return Right b for correct parsing of a text or Left a for an error message.

Haskell makes it intuitive to apply rules based on a grammar. In addition, we use a tuple (Expr, String) to keep track of parsed symbols and text to be parsed.

For example, the first rule that we need to apply is for Term in Expression -> Term Expression',

parseExpr (x:xs) = case parseTerm (x:xs) of
    Right (lexpr, s@('+':ys)) -> parseExprExt (lexpr, s)
    Right (lexpr, s@('-':ys)) -> parseExprExt (lexpr, s)
    Right (expr, ys) -> Right (expr, ys)
    Left err -> Left err

Once, the term is extracted the proper symbol is consumed, + or -, and we look for another term. The reason we need extension parseExprExt is to start with a left expression and continually form a binary tree that represents an order of operations.

Add functions

We can add the following rules to to represent a function expression. Factor is modified to have name production for a variable name. We also need to add FunctionExpression as one of the productions of Factor, for cases such as f(g(3) + 5). For the function definition, arguments can be treated as a list of strings but for function exressions, such as f(3+3), we need to treat them as list of expressions.

FunctionDef -> name ( name {, name } ) = Expression

Expression -> Term Expression'
Expression' -> + Term Expression'
            | - Term Expression'

Term -> Factor Term'
Term' -> * Factor Term'
        | / Factor Term'

Factor -> - Factor | ( Expression )  | number | name | FunctionExpression

FunctionExpression -> name ( { Expression {, Expression } } )

name -> [a-Z] { [a-Z'] }
number -> [0-9] { [0-9] }

We define function definition and expression to differentiate between creating a function, e.g. f(a) = a + 3, and for evaluating it, e.g. f(10) or f(f(10)).

data FuncDef = FuncDef String [String] Expr deriving Show

data Expr = Number Int 
    | Var String
    | FuncExpr String [Expr] 
    | Add Expr Expr 
    | Sub Expr Expr 
    | Neg  Expr 
    | Mult Expr Expr 
    | Div Expr Expr deriving Show

The challenge is now to disambiguate between name and FunctionExpression because both start with an alphabetic letter. We can determine that by parsing for FunctionExpression and if unsuccessful backtract.

To evaluate a function expression, we form a map where an argument in the function definition, that is FuncDef "fname" ["arg1", ...] ..., is mapped to an evaluted argument from function expression, that is FuncExpr "fname" [3, ...].

Use parseDef or parse so that whitespace is eliminated, otherwise other functions will error out.

Currently recursive functions will not evaluate because it will recursively call the function itself, e.g.

> parseDef "f(a) = f(a-1)"
FuncDef "f" ["a"] (FuncExpr "f" [Sub (Var "a") (Number 1)])

Lastly, we add main function so that expressions can evaulated. We assign using let expression, e.g. let a = parse text, so that we can use IO String as String in our functions. For example,

main = do
    text <- getLine :: IO String
    let up = map toUpper text :: String
    putStrLn (up :: String)

The handler function recursively calls itself to prompt user for an expression. In addition, each time a function is defined it is added to a function map.

We can run main inside the interpreter as follows

*Main> :main
"Enter expression, e.g. 3+3 or f(a)=a+2 or f(3)"
Press Ctrl-C to quit
λ> f(a) = a * 5
λ> f(10)
λ> ^CInterrupted.

Or compile using ghc

$ ghc -O2 Parser.hs
$ ./Parser
"Enter expression, e.g. 3+3 or f(a)=a+2 or f(3)"
Press Ctrl-C to quit
λ> f(a) = a + 3
λ> f(10)
λ> ^C