During capstone time you will have 3 meetings with your mentor. These meetings are NOT a time for you to talk about broken code. They are a time to reflect on your progress and set easily attainable goals to make sure you will be finished with your project by the MVP deadline. Below is an outline of what you should have done before each check in:
- This is your first check in
- Purpose: to outline and agree on your capstone MVP.
- Preparation for this meeting:
- Completed wireframes
- A github project with your application planned out - cards written by feature, lots of detail in each card
- Some sample JSON that matches your ERD - put this in a data ticket
- A working API get request. If you plan to use another API you need to demonstrate the ability to connect to this API and return data back. Use the react-setup project we made. Add a component with an axios call to demonstrate that you are able to hit your API and return back the data you need. NO EXTENSIONS in time will be granted for this. If you do not have a working API call on this date then use of your API will be a stretch goal and not part of your MVP.
- At the end of this meeting you should have:
- A list of your MVP goals
- An ordered list of your stretch goals
- A set of goals to complete by your next meeting
- This is your second check in
- Purpose: To make sure you are still on track for getting to MVP by 12/19/2020
- Preparation for this meeting:
- Complete the coding goals from your first check in
- Be prepared to talk about any difficulties you see coming up.
- At the end of this meeting you should have:
- A good sense of if you are on track or need to work hard this week
- A set of goals to complete by your next meeting.
- This is your final check in
- Purpose: To determine what (if any) remaining code you need to write to be at MVP for Saturday.
- Preparation for this meeting:
- Complete the coding goals from your second check in
- Be prepared to talk about any difficulties you see coming up.
- At the end of this meeting you should have:
- A solid understanding of what you need to finish to be at MVP
- A list of remaining things that need to be completed for your MVP demo on Saturday.