To configure basic settings that the AWS CLI uses to interact with the Gateway, follow the steps below:
- issue a secret with neofs-s3-authmate tool (see NeoFS S3 Authmate)
- execute the command
$ aws configure
after you enter this command, the AWS CLI will prompt you for four pieces of information, like in this example (replace with your own values):
AWS Access Key ID [None]: 5g933dyLEkXbbAspouhPPTiyLZRg4axBW1axSPD87eVT0AiXsH4AjYy1iTJ4C1WExzjBrSobJsQFWEyKLREe5sQYM
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: 438bbd8243060e1e1c9dd4821756914a6e872ce29bf203b68f81b140ac91231c
Default region name [None]: ru
Default output format [none]: json
NOTE: To specify the IP and the port of the gate, append
--endpoint-url https://%IP:%PORT
to your commands.
To view the list of the buckets in the NeoFS node, to which the gateway is connected, enter the following command:
$ aws s3 ls
At this moment, the gateway supports only canned ACL and doesn't support the setting of location constraints.
To create a bucket, run the following command:
$ aws s3api create-bucket --bucket %BUCKET_NAME --acl %ACL
where %ACL
can be represented by a hex encoded value or by keywords public-read-write
, private
, public-read
If the parameter is not set, the default value is private
NOTE: Bucket creation uses async-poll approach.
status can occur if the AWS CLI makes multiple attempts (see details in docs). This status means successful bucket creation after several tries. When the operation has not been completed in the entire wait time, timeout status outputs. Timeout does not always mean failure of the operation: success can be checked later by bucket getting/listing commands, or by repeating the creating command (previous success will result in the status mentioned above). It is worth clarifying that the final success of the bucket creation is not guaranteed after a timeout error.
To delete a bucket, execute the following command:
$ aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket %BUCKET_NAME
To view the list of the objects in a bucket, run:
$ aws s3api list-objects --bucket %BUCKET_NAME
To upload a file into a bucket in the NeoFS network, run the following command:
$ aws s3api put-object --bucket %BUCKET_NAME --key %OBJECT_KEY --body %FILEPATH
where %OBJECT_KEY is the filepath of an object in NeoFS
To upload a dir into a bucket in the NeoFS network, run the following command:
$ aws s3 sync %DIRPATH s3://%BUCKET_NAME
To download a file from a bucket in the NeoFS Network, execute:
$ aws s3api get-object --bucket %BUCKET_NAME --key %OBJECT_KEY %OUTFILE
where %OUTFILE is the file to store object content.
To delete a file:
$ aws s3api delete-object --bucket %BUCKET_NAME --key %FILE_NAME