Scrobble is a wip music tracking and browsing app. It uses the API to realize music tracking and browsing and the Spotify API for additional artist artwork.
This app is very much work in progress and still in heavy development. Im building this app to learn Android development using best practises and also cutting edge technologies.
The project requires a version of Android Studio which supports Jetpack Compose. Currently it is supported by Android Studio 4.2 Canary.
The app uses various APIs to deliver dynamic data. You need to supply your own API keys for and Spotify.
After you obtained the api keys you can provide them to the app by putting the following in the
file in your user home:
# Get these from
lastfmKey = <insert>
lastFmSecret = <insert>
# Get this from Spotify
spotifyAuth = <insert>
Linux/Mac: ~/.gradle/
Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\.gradle
• Dependency Injection: Dagger Hilt
• 1 Activity, no Fragments
• UI Toolkit: Jetpack Compose
• Image Loading: Coil
• Viewmodel: Jetpack Viewmodel
• SQLite abstraction: Jetpack Room
• HTTP Client: Retrofit
• Json Parser: Moshi
• Data loading & cashing: Store
• Task schedule and execution: Jetpack WorkManager