This connector builds the REST API and provides a means to access Salesforce's resources. A client can utilize the REST API to manipulate Salesforce (SF) objects. For instance, to perform CRUD operations on an Opportunity object or to query and retrieve data. Salesforce Connector:
- Provides the standard set of Rest APIs to manipulate one specific object of SalesForce Opportunity.
- Track the status and the number of each status Opportunity.
- Manipulate the object Opportunity.
- Build a standard Rest client to apply Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL).
- Login to the Axon Ivy
- Click Starts in the Axon Ivy menu to open the Full Process List
- On the Full Process List, click on ChartDemo.
- A simple chart for statistical analysis:
- On the Full Process List, click on ListDemo.
- Opportunity Overview:
- Click on the Add New button:
- Add new Opportunity:
- Click on Opportunity Name to view details:
- Opportunity details:
- Opportunity details Activity:
- Click on the icon Pencil to Update an Opportunity:
- Edit Opportunity:
- Click on the icon Trash to remove an Opportunity:
- Delete Opportunity:
For a client application to access REST API resources, it must be authorized as a trusted visitor. To implement this authorization, utilize a Connected App and employ the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow.
Important steps
- Create a Connected App to generate the necessary authentication information.
- Configure authentication providers for your application.
- Activate the required settings in OAuth and OpenID Connect settings to facilitate secure authentication.
- Set up Named Credentials to manage and secure access to external services.
The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are retrieved from the Connected App and placed in the variables.yaml
Authentication information is set up as a global variable and can be updated anytime.
Variable name | Note | Example |
salesforce-connector.auth.subdomain | The domain that Salesforce provides to consumers for authentication | axonactive3-dev-ed.develop |
salesforce-connector.auth.clientId | Consumer Id | 3MVG95mg0lk4bathQF4Z_F1GcZZPr8ztvo29c53HhwOXnCKBkP8LkxHnb5KlydXj3Oomw0VHsY |
salesforce-connector.auth.clientSecret | Consumer Secret | 56C6CA448B49032828FE4C4DF16D1AF4804B8CC734E066B255A5B31A |
salesforce-connector.auth.useAppPermissions | OAuth2 Grantype | true (client_credentials) |
salesforce-connector.auth.url | Salesforce Rest URI | |