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Tommaso Negri edited this page May 8, 2021 · 9 revisions


All the commands availble in the extension.

Types of commands:


These commands are available through the Extensions menu and the Command Palette.

Open Alternate File

Switch between controller/models/etc and their respective test files.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.openAlternateFile

Open Latest Migration

Open the latest migration in the project.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.migrations.openLatest

List Migrations

Display a list of all the migrations in the project and let the user open the selected one.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.migrations.list


A wrapper for rails db:migrate.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.migrations.migrate


A wrapper for rails db:rollback.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.migrations.rollback

Search Documentation

Display a list of documentations to search in and ask for research terms.

The search will use the feature of DuckDuckGo.


Rails Guides

Open the Rails Guides website in your favorite web browser.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.documentation.openRailsGuides

Rails API

Open the Rails API website in your favorite web browser.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.documentation.openRailsAPI

Rails Forum

Open the Rails Forum website in your favorite web browser.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.documentation.openRailsForum

Turbo Reference

Open the Turbo Reference website in your favorite web browser.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.documentation.openTurboReference

Stimulus Reference

Open the Stimulus Reference website in your favorite web browser.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.documentation.openStimulusReference

Extension Wiki

Open the Extension Wiki website in your favorite web browser.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.documentation.openExtensionWiki


These commands are available through the Editor menu and by right-clicking in a text document.

ERB Tag Switcher

Quickly switch between <%, <%= & <%# with a single shortcut.

Select a text to wrap it in ERB tags or just use ⌘-shift-> to create a tag and start typing the expression.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.erb.tagSwitcher

Command Palette

These commands are available only through the Command Palette.

Reload Extension

Force the extension and all the correlated services to reload.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.reload

Reload About Rails Sidebar

Force the About Rails sidebar view to reload itself and all the data.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.sidebar.aboutRails.reload

Kill Puma Server

A wrapper for pkill -9 -f 'rb-fsevent|rails|spring|puma'.

You can use this command for killing al the leftover processes that might cause issues after for example a Nova crash.

ID: tommasonegri.rails.commands.pumaServer.kill

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