- PHP updated to 7.2
- Sentry/SDK updated to 3.0
- Fix double sending of events to Sentry.
- Fix event exclusion ("except" parameter).
1.5.0 released
- Fix message level (debug, info, warning, error) translating to sentry.
- Fix message scope. For now every message has own scope and not affect to other.
- Fix adding additional data (extra context, user data) for exception messages.
- Sentry init will be invoking at application start, and not before log export started.
- Log user ID and IP, if available.
- Added ability to add own context data for messages scope.
- Array export fix if text not contains message key.
- Fix passing client options to sentry.
- Fix error with undefined index.
- Fix bug with sets extra values.
Used sentry/sdk 2.0 package.
Fixed error with extraCallback
- Exception handling refactoring.
- Unsupported HHMV.
- Unit tests.
- Change log.
- Added supporting tags in messages.
- Checking context on instance of
. - New URL of the Sentry website.
- New name of the Sentry composer package.
property in configuration for modify extra's data.
Hello, World!