New editor
Print and ship postcards and letters:
- Cropping issue, when you dont touch the cropping area after upload it gets really small
- also for full size image for the full size image
- Its possible for blogger blogs to not connect at all (maybe due to finding the rss feed, maybe add a redo on that if anything fails)
- Still having a checkout issue with some customers
- Build the voucher promo code feature
- build a webhook for woocommerce
- Change the text for "Add custom page here" - make it bigger
Before thanksgiving: Prebuy Get some user feedback regarding bugs () Design christmas ad
- Make the Table of Contents font smaller
- Greyify date and photo icon line in Table of Contents
- Custom page with any text
- Quote page
- New Cover Designs
- Add a banner for unsaved compilations with a link to the login modal
- Add 2 more covers
- Get the thumbnail working for the new cover
- Autoselect the currently selected image when re-opening the image selector
- Persist the crop location when re-opening the image selector
- Add a loader when images are uploading
- Also when the existing images are downloading to the page have some default width and background for the image elements
- New domain with SSL
- Make Add Emails socket event add emails 1 by 1 instead of Promise.all
- Email preview and edit font needs to be bigger when viewing on website
- Estimated page number
- Add EXPAND down arrow icon to collapsed emails
- Change icons to words (EDIT, SAVE, VIEW)
- Add progress bar on top (Add Emails -> Edit Book (50 emails) -> Checkout)
- Remove modal for add emails - Move to add emails progress step
- Remove modal for checkout - Move to checkout progress step
- When adding emails grey out pending emails and show progress (Adding 50 emails) in a notification strip below the navbar
- Cover templates change to icons (thumbnails)
- Move search to a sidebar (See how it works)
- Grey out emails when saving
Pixels to MM: pixels = (mm * dpi) / 25.4 MM to Pixels: mm = (pixels * 25.4) / dpi Source:
subject:isaac after:2013/5/1 before:2013/6/1
UX Notes:
- Next step buttons always in the right of the footer
- Extra actions on the left
- Add the save email button into the header icons and remove it from the fixed footer
- Add a fixed footer to the modal
- Show how many emails have already been added
- Put the add checked emails button there and the done button there
- Add a close button to the modal
- Add an edit link in the Cart page inline with the cart items
- Add a new book button to the left side of the action section
- Prompt before removing a cart item
- Make 1 the minimum quantity for cart items
- If you have no addresses show an address form automatically
- Tell how long it will take to ship in the checkout process
Home page Up to 1000 pages full color only $59 Thats X cents per page!
PDF.js cors:
Setting custom header for the request.!topic/
docker run -it --rm -v /Users/nmajor/tmp:/tmp ubuntu:trusty /bin/bash
-v /Users/nmajor/dev/contracts/Flvid:/var/www
- Rebuild a mini cart thing to display on the compilation checkout page instead of the full cart.
- On the preview page, check for any components with a missing or undefined pdf object.
- Make a request to get those pdfs.
- Maybe show a loading gif that important things are happening.
- Probably disable the approve button until it is finished
- Maybe do some long polling to keep checking until they are all up to date.
- Add email confirmation to users.
- Make the date picker more intuitive. Like make sure any incomplete end date settings jump to the end of the given data. Like if only the year. go to the end of the year. If only year and month go to the end of the month. But keep the start date stuff to go to the beginning of the given data.
- Something jankey when creating an imap account. Like maybe the password isnt saved/cached or somehthing. Then there is some strange behaviour when checking the connection on the edit page.
- Load the price of the compilation on the home page from the product.json
- Need to add the compilation name to the cart item description
- See if it is possible to gzip data when streaming up to the client. It would be great to gzip the emails from searches and any pdf previews, even updated emails or pages, etc...
- Need to add validation to the shipping address for the order model.
- Make sure that attachments are included when getting the raw emails from gmail.
- Optimize the gmail api integration.
- If the query would grab more than 300 emails, ask the user to refine the search.
- Make it so that redoing the search cancels the previous task.
- Need to remove the Isaac part as the default value for the email filter subject.
- I think some duplicates can slip into the compilation emails. Check the select all buttons and take some other precautions to make sure that emails that are saving cant be selected and sent again.
- Error handling for the OrderForm (/checkout/confirm)
- Add nginx to the build to serve static files with gzip
- Need to add a redirect after the checkout confirm and payment processing thing is done.
- Sanitize email body text before save.
- The prod env is not bulding the css. The css is being loaded through the javascript. Maybe need to add a conditional when including the css file in client/index.js
- Let user know when compilation PDF job is queued and waiting for stuff. Maybe make it so that queuing a compilation pdf waits until the emails and pages jobs are complete before adding the compilation-pdf job to the queue. You could attach to the redis pubsub to watch it. That way you could give more accurate progress to the user by showing how many other email and pdf stuff is left. It also solves the problems that compilation-pdf has when it is at a lower priority than the email and page pdf jobs.
- Check position in queue for watched jobs.
- Monitor and update email and page pdf jobs and push up completed pdf objects to the client after jobs are done. Client should be updated throughout the process.
- ERROR: when entering my CC info and getting the year wrong, it wouldnt let me change and resubmit. Clicking submit again did nothing. Maybe has to do with the touch attribute of the fields.
- Need to redirect back to the /checkout page if cart or checkout info is missing when loading the /checkout/confirm page
- Make a big button to "Get started by creating an email compilation" for the dashboard if user has no compilations.
- Combine the emails page and the pages page into a compilation customization page. Call the page "Edit"
- Add loading gif to new compilation form.
- Add loading gif when populating compilation emails and pages
- Add loading gifs for dashboard lists.
- Add loading gifs to login form
- Add loading gifs to registration form
- if you switch compilations or create a new one then the compilation emails dont reset. Like you see the emails from the other compilation. The same probably happens with the pages.
- Account kind selector links need to be restyled.
- Make a compilation wrapper component to load the compilation emails, pages, page map, everything the compilation needs on fresh page and in component did mount. Maybe show loading gif until all things are loaded. Also make sure to set all compilation state related stuff to be blank while loading the new data. (This should automatically fix the issue with blank page numbers in the table of contents.)
- Need to add the correct page numbers to the bottom of the email pages.
- Load images in email previews
- Generate the finalized pdf
- Make sure registration logs you in.
- Reconnect the socket after login, registration, and logout.
- Auto redirect to dashboard after login and registration.
devDependencies "react-addons-test-utils": "^0.14.7",
******** CHECK THIS OUT ********** Redux form helper:
// This might be a better html to pdf lib (PROBABLY NOT)
// Possible option
// This one looks good but not used often and github link is dead
// Looks like most of these libraries are just wrappers around this pdftk utility
// Example pdftk merge command pdftk A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf cat A B output -
// Looks like there is a problem with pdftk on MacOS.
// Gmail API Docs
// Google API Client Library
// Google API Auth Library
// -- Google API Manager info
// Authorized origin:
// Authorized redirect URI:
- Military people may also be interested in it to compile their emails whilst away from home or their families emails while whey were away
- Personal email newsletters
- Messages over time with family or loved ones
**** Maybe a better lib for pdf generation
- - How to add page numbers to a pdf with pdftk
- - Good stackoverflow thread with good options for adding pages to a pdf
**** Reduce pdf file size:
// Good overview of the basic principles of storing hashed passwords
SAMPLE VALID CREDIT CARD NUMBERS Credit Card Sample Number Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111 MasterCard 5500 0000 0000 0004 American Express 3400 0000 0000 009 Diner's Club 3000 0000 0000 04
db.orders.getIndexes() db.orders.dropIndex('responses._id_1')
PageView when page changes CompleteRegistration on registerUser action InitiateCheckout when user clicked checkout page when viewing the cart AddToCart on addCartItem action Lead on createCompilation action Search on getFilteredAccountEmails action Purchase on createOrder action ConnectAccount when user clicks button to connect a gmail account AddEmails on addEmailsToCompilationEmails
Joseph Higgins - [email protected] - August 3rd Susie Stroud - [email protected] - August 2nd Ann Bailey - [email protected] - June 21st Suzee Anderson - [email protected] - June 14th Julie Wolf - [email protected] - June 1 Tanya Bowerbank - [email protected] - May 31 Alicia Waterlyn - [email protected] - May 31 Jordan Wouden - [email protected] - May 28 Letitia Powell - [email protected] - May 25 Gayla - [email protected] - May 25
New Sessions
Page Views Visitors Compilations Created Compilations Edited Tmp Users Created Users Created
--- Email Account bug
[TypeError: Cannot read property 'token' of undefined] TypeError: Cannot read property 'token' of undefined at /var/app/server/util/googleAuth.js:158:30 at new wrappedPromise (/tmp/node_modules/newrelic/lib/instrumentation/promise.js:156:20) at Object.searchMessages (/var/app/server/util/googleAuth.js:157:10) at model.googlefilteredEmails (/var/app/server/models/account.js:151:21) at model.filteredEmails (/var/app/server/models/account.js:126:17) at /var/app/server/events/index.js:90:24 at wrapped (/tmp/node_modules/newrelic/lib/transaction/tracer/index.js:184:28) at Promise.linkTransaction (/tmp/node_modules/newrelic/lib/instrumentation/promise.js:295:65) at Promise.wrapped (/tmp/node_modules/newrelic/lib/transaction/tracer/index.js:184:28) at __NR_wrappedThenHandler (/tmp/node_modules/newrelic/lib/instrumentation/promise.js:471:26) at run (/tmp/node_modules/babel-polyfill/node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.promise.js:66:22) at /tmp/node_modules/babel-polyfill/node_modules/core-js/modules/es6.promise.js:79:30 at flush (/tmp/node_modules/babel-polyfill/node_modules/core-js/modules/_microtask.js:18:9) at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:419:9) at process._tickDomainCallback [as _tickCallback] (node.js:389:13)