- Create a new folder with the name
- Create the following files
|-- documents
| |-- resume.html
|-- index.html
|-- news.html
|-- about.html
|-- contact.html
On each document create:
- Main title with the document name
- Horizontal Rule
- 5 auto-generated paragraphs (you can use: https://www.lipsum.com to generate random text)
- From each document you should be able to nav to the other documents, example: from index.html you can navigate to news.html, about.html and contact.html
In about.html use the root path to go back to index.html and add a link to resume.html
The contact.html file will have a mailto link with a fake email address and
Contact me
as content. -
Create a link to http://winnipegsun.com in the news.html document. Also open the Sun site in a new tab.
Create a fake resume in the resume.html document. Add a contact link that will navigate to the contact.html file