Simple pub-sub library for enhancing regular JS objects with event interface. No jQuery and no DOM.
To event enable the type you've just created simply use eventy.eventEnable( YourObject );
Let's say you are implementing a car
function Car( type ) {
this.type = type;
To enable it's events just type
eventy.eventEnable( Car );
Next you can trigger any event
Car.prototype.setType = function ( newType ) {
if( newType !== this.type ) {
this.type = newType;
Car.triggerEvent( 'typeChange', { type: newType } );
And you can handle any event
Car.addEventListener( 'typeChange', function( options ) {
console.log( options.type );
console.log( this );
Now you can trigger the event from the instance and handle it from the Type
var car1 = new Car( 'sedan' ),
car2 = new Car( 'truck' );
car1.setType( 'truck' );
car2.setType( 'cabrio' );
You can also subscribe for a specific instance
car1.addEventListener( 'typeChange', function ( options ) {
console.log( 'car1 event:' );
console.log( options.type );