Convert various sequence formats to FASTA
You may wonder why this tool even exists. Well, I tried to do the right
thing and use established tools like readseq
and seqret
from EMBOSS, but
they both mangled IDs containing |
or .
characters, and
there is no way to fix this behaviour. This resulted in inconsitences
between my .gbk
and .fna
versions of files in my pipelines.
Then you may wonder why I didn't use Bioperl or Biopython. Well they are heavyweight libraries, and actually very slow at parsing Genbank files. This script uses only core Perl modules, has no other dependencies, and runs very quickly.
It supports the following input formats:
- Genbank flat file, typically
(starts withLOCUS
) - EMBL flat file, typically
, (starts withID
) - GFF with sequence, typically
(starts with##gff
) - FASTA DNA, typically
(starts with>
) - FASTQ DNA, typically
(starts with@
) - CLUSTAL alignments, typically
(starts withCLUSTAL
) - STOCKHOLM alignments, typically
(starts with# STOCKHOLM
) - GFA assembly graph, typically
(starts with^[A-Z]\t
Files may be compressed with:
- gzip, typically
- bzip2, typically
- zip, typically
has no dependencies except Perl 5.10
or higher. It only uses core modules, so no CPAN needed.
% cd /usr/local/bin # choose a folder in your $PATH
% wget
% chmod +x any2fasta
% brew install brewsci/bio/any2fasta
% conda install -c bioconda any2fasta
% git clone
% cp any2fasta/any2fasta /usr/local/bin # choose a folder in your $PATH
% ./any2fasta -v
any2fasta 0.2.2
% ./any2fasta -h
any2fasta 0.4.2
Convert various sequence formats into FASTA
any2fasta [options] file.{gb,fa,fq,gff,gfa,clw,sth}[.gz,bz2,zip] > output.fasta
-h Print this help
-v Print version and exit
-q No output while running, only errors
-n Replace ambiguous IUPAC letters with 'N'
-l Lowercase the sequence
-u Uppercase the sequence
% any2fasta ref.gbk > ref.fna
% any2fasta in.fasta > out.fasta # should behave like "cat"
% any2fasta prokka.gff > prokka.fna # only if GFF has FASTA appended
% any2fasta - < > file.fasta # '-' means stdin
% anyfasta genes.gff.gz > genes.ffn # automatically decompresses
% any2fasta 2.fa.gz 3.gff.bz2 - > out.fa # multiple files and stdin
% any2fasta R1.fq.gz | bzip2 > R1.fa.bz2 # 'seqtk seq -A' is much faster
% any2fasta -q 23S.clw > 23S.aln # gaps '-' will be preserved
% any2fasta pfam4321.sth > pfam4321.aln # '.' gaps will become '-'
replaces any characters that aren't A,C,G,T with N (gaps preserved)-l
will lowercase all the letters-u
will uppercase all the letters-q
will prevent logging messages being printed
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