real-time ARGs identification during adaptive nanopore sequencing
RUARGpore is a easy-to-use bioinformatics pipeline to enable real-time identification of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and its host populations during adaptive nanopore sequencing. RUARGpore runs on the local server. It will grab data from Gridion at regular intervals (30min by default), and then perform ARGs identification by ARGpore.
Please read below instructions carefully to avoid unnecessary errors.
python2.7 ### sudo apt install python2.7
GNU parallel ### sudo apt install parallel
sshpass ### sudo apt install sshpass
git lfs ### sudo apt install git-lfs
R and library: plyr, data.table, doParallel, foreach
git clone
cd RUARGpore
bash ./
The will install blast+, Centrifuge and then download SARG database, MetaPhlan2 Markergene database for you.
Next, the users need to prepare database for Centrifuge** and below is the command line to follow
move to the database directory
cd database/
download the NCBI taxonomy to taxonomy/ in the current directory
centrifuge-download -o taxonomy taxonomy
download all complete fungi+bacteria+viral reference genome to library/.
centrifuge-download -o library -m -d “bacteria,fungi,viral" refseq >
download human reference genome
centrifuge-download -o library -d "vertebrate_mammalian" -a "Chromosome" -t 9606 -c 'reference genome' >>
combine all downloaded sequences into a single file
cat library/*/*.fna > input-sequences.fna
build centrifuge index with 4 threads
centrifuge-build -p 4 --conversion-table \
--taxonomy-tree taxonomy/nodes.dmp \
--name-table taxonomy/names.dmp \
input-sequences.fna h+b+f+v
NOTICE: This step will take at least 24 hour to finish, please stay patient :)
The user need to start adaptive nanopore sequencing on GridION/MinION first, once you started nanopore selective sequencing, you could start RUARGpore using command below:
bash $PATH_to_RUARGpore/ > RUargpore.log
Follow the prompts and input the information of:
Enter your sequencing time(h):
Enter GridION IP and the $PATH_to_your_$fastq_pass directory :
[email protected]:/data/usr/20220616_0415_X2_FAT17403_aacfbc92/fastq_pass
Enter your GridION password: (e.g. admin)
Enter No. of threads you intended to use for ARG identification:(e.g. 20).
NOTICE: you should add the ECDSA key fingerprint of your GridION to your known hosts of local server before run RUARGpore, you may simply acchieve this by ssh/scp to your GridION like below:
scp -r [email protected]:/data/usr/20220616_0415_X2_FAT17403_aacfbc92 ./
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 12:4c:78:6e:f2:0e:0b:48:d8:bb:34:78:5b:66:22:2c.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
All output files of RUARGpore are stored in a folder named $out_RUARGpore_$NOWTIME in the working directory. In $out_RUARGpore_$NOWTIME directory the accumulative results for the first $n 30min analysis is stored in $
Main output files include:
$ ARG identification per read
$ taxonomy assignment of all nanopore reads
$ ARGs-containing nanopore reads with taxonomy assignment
e.g. stored ARGpore results of the first 2.5h (5×30min) adaptive sequencing run
If you use RUARGpore in your nanopore dataset analysis please cite:
Hang Cheng, Yuhong Sun, Qing Yang, Minggui Deng, Zhijian Yu, Lei Liu, Liang Yang*, Yu Xia*. 2022. An ultra-sensitive bacterial pathogen and antimicrobial resistance diagnosis workflow using Oxford Nanopore adaptive sampling sequencing method. MedRxiv
last, blast+, Centrifuge, MetaPhlan2, GNU parallel, R, python