A make-shell module for the Google Cloud SDK, or gcloud
is a modular interface for making nix derivations intended for use by the nix develop
command. It has it's own lengthy WHY document.
I wrote this module to scratch a small itch I had when working on a bunch of projects were all deployed to Google Cloud, especially on Google Kubernetes Engine. Once this module existed I could write a module that defines shared settings, and have project-specific overrides this:
# gke.nix
{pkgs, ...}: {
gcloud.enable = true;
gcloud.extra-components = [ "kubectl" "gke-gcloud-auth-plugin" "skaffold" ];
# For each project:
pkgs.make-shell {
imports = [./gke.nix]; # DRY!
# project-specific options
# For example, a project which also uses pubsub:
pkgs.make-shell ({pkgs, ...}: {
imports = [./gke.nix];
gcloud.extra-components = [ "pubsub-emulator" ]; # merges cleanly with the components in gke.nix!
packages = [ pkgs.openjdk ]; # necessary for the emulator to run
First make sure that you've installed make-shell
in your flake.
Then, add gcloud
to your flake inputs. Maybe they'd look like this:
inputs = {
gcloud-nix.url = "github:nicknovitski/gcloud-nix";
make-shell.url = "github:nicknovitski/make-shell";
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs?ref=nixos-unstable";
Then, add the shell module to your shell's imports. It'll look something like this:
devShells.default = pkgs.make-shell = {
imports = [inputs.gcloud-nix.shellModules.default]; # add option declarations...
gcloud.enable = true; # ...and definitions!
# or, if you're using flake-parts...
make-shell.imports = [gcloud-nix.shellModules.default]; # shared imports for all `make-shells` attributes
make-shells.default = {gcloud.enable = true;};
The options which this module declares are documented the OPTIONS.md file. Although if you know even a little nix, I bet you can read the declarations directly from the module itself.
See example/flake.nix.