v 0.3.0
- Initial Beta Release
v 0.4.0
- Updated scrollbar styling
V 0.5.0
- Fixed Scrollbar issue
V 0.5.1
- Added min version to JSON file to allow updates
- Support for Code Folding (https://github.com/thehogfather/brackets-code-folding)
V 0.6.0
- Updated Quick editor styles
- Updated matching tag highlights
V 0.6.5
- Added support for code folding plugin
- Show Whitespace (https://github.com/DennisKehrig/brackets-show-whitespace)
V 0.7.0
- Changed matching bracket styles
- Changed error highlighting styles
- Added Changlog
V 0.7.2
- minor adjustment to make the text not squished up next to line border.
- added 3rd tire color for sudo classes
- support for brackets documents-toolbar (https://github.com/dnbard/brackets-documents-toolbar)