actor U as User
participant A as Hasura Auth
participant E as SMTP server
participant F as Frontend
U->>+A: HTTP POST /user/password/reset
Note right of U: new email
A->>A: Generate ticket
A-)E: Send verification email
A->>-U: HTTP POST OK (no data)
E-)U: Receive email
opt Use email redirect link
U->>+A: HTTP GET /verify
Note right of U: Follow email link
A->>+F: HTTP redirect
deactivate A
F->>-U: HTTP OK response
Note left of A: Refresh token + access token
opt Use ticket to customize reset flow (e.g. mobile)
U->>+F: Deeplink w/ ticket
Note left of F: User enters new password
F->>+A: HTTP POST /user/password
Note right of A: Set new password with ticket
A->>+F: HTTP POST OK (no data)
F->>+U: User handling
Note right of U: User notified or logged in