This project contains examples of how to use Resin Golang images on devices supported by All details about Resin Golang images can be found here.
There are two examples in this project. You can select the example by editing
To get this project up and running, you will need to signup for a account here and set up a device, have a look at our Getting Started tutorial. Once you are set up with, you will need to clone this repo locally:
Then add your application's remote:
$ git remote add resin [email protected]:username/myapp.git
and push the code to the newly added remote. To push the code to ARM boards, we need to select native ARM builders for the build by doing:
$ git push resin master:master-arm
To push the code to other platforms, we do:
$ git push resin master
It should take a few minutes for the code to push. While you wait, lets enable device URLs so we can see the server outside of our local network (outyet example needs this). This option can be found in the Actions
tab in your device dashboard.