1.1.0 (2022-10-05)
- Added Goerli to supported features - Rinkeby has been depracted with Ethererum moving to Proof of Stake. (3b4c398)
1.0.0 (2022-09-29)
- BREAKING parameter contract_address in TXN endpoints have been changed to collection, token_id has been changed from type int to string to handle long values and enable unified solution across chains (b6dfa79)
- BREAKING: NFTDetails parameter contract_address has been renamed to collection ( to make it more unified with different chain namings going forward) (3073b98)
- BREAKING: NFTs of contract functions SetContractAddress and SetIncludes have been combined into SetParameters (13ef460)
- BREAKING: NFTs_OfAContract has been renamed to NFTs_OfACollection for consistent naming with other blockchains. (3924690)
0.8.0 (2022-09-08)
- Adds Freeze Metadata bool to Update NFT Feature, allowing option to make NFT Immutable (e4f056f)
- New Feature - BURN NFT, allowing developer to burn NFTs minted via custom mint(possible only if the token is owned by the contract owner and the token has not been transferred/sold yet), useful to create timed claim or burn scenarios etc. (7cd1239)
- New Feature : Transfer NFT (c2ce53b)
0.7.1 (2022-09-02)
- on_chain_collection_key + some extra NFT parameters for Solana support. (ae54676)
- Updated Home window with new links to report bugs, view API stats and more. (bd03446)
- Updated NFTs model (9fd830b)
- BREAKING: continuation loop in Nfts of Contract Feature is set by using an incremental page number (int) (6eb9bd5)
- Error Ignore for deserialize Json in case of unsupported metadata parameters - for All Data features (NFT Details/Contract/Account) (fe1b6fd)
- Fix for properties field as List + parameter additions (dfad5be)
0.7.0 (2022-08-30)
- New Feature - Update NFT / Dynamic NFTs. Useful in making evolutionary NFTs/ -Game NFT Assets like characters, fusions, evolutions - pokemons, potions, game character utilities etc. (c6cf6da)
0.6.0 (2022-08-19)
- Asset downloader minor additions - now having a public vars for last Get Image and last Content type (d9567b1)
- New component Transactions Data | of a collection / contract providing info like transfers mints burns sales etc - Solana + EVM (78c8b3d)
- New component Transactions Data | of an NFT - Solana + Ethereum (b2eea29)
- NFTPort home window updates with new example projects (a1a2479)
- Solana support for NFT Details component (4e6871d)
- Solana support for NFTs of a contract (8561f5d)
- Solana support for NFTs owned by an account component (7f979aa)
- Solana support for Transactions of an account feature (720616c)
0.5.1 (2022-07-23)
- Adds continuation parameter to NFTs of Account Feature Allowing to query accounts with many NFTs (4950e04)
- Adds continuation parameter to NFTs of Contract Feature at .SetContinuation() (cee68e0)
- ConnectPlayerWallet feature adds a new public function ConnectThisToNFTPortWalletConnect making feature more composable with other wallet connect sdks for unity. (537e39d)
- New member function in Asset Downloader, OnCompleteReturnLinkedNft() action returning Nft class with Texture2D ( NFTImage) attached in Nft.Assets.Texture when passed an Nft with it + Stop() fn to stop any in progress downloads (d93ce27)
- changes in AssetDownloader.GetImage Feature optional parameter field, allowing to pass full Nft class instead of just Nft.Assets. (7cdec35)
- Connect Player Wallet Mock wallet overiding bug fix (5a19adc)
- GLTF-Utility dependency for playground sample is changed to gtlFast. (26f4729)
0.5.0 (2022-07-08)
- Easy Mint via File upload : Mint any in-game procedural NFTs to any wallet with single call. (8bdd1c0)
0.4.1 (2022-07-04)
- New SDK readme (ac10099)
- Player wallet connect can now also be used from a button inside unity (0501954)
- Player wallet connect now also provides users connected network ID at Port.ConnectedPlayerNetworkID. (add3604)
- Player wallet connect supports editor mock for development (38ca195)
- Updated home window plus go to dashboard link (f612772)
- Updated home window with hide API option (9020054)
- Ready Player Me avatars for Playground sample
- Custom dependency check and tool for Playground sample for unity Input System (e51027b)
- Custom dependency check tool and updated window for playground sample (6dda1fa)
0.4.0 (2022-06-10)
- Adds feature - Transaction Data | Account (e32f4d1)
- Adds new metadata properties in NFT class including cached_animation_url and royalty etc,/ for transaction feature set. (f66aab8)
- Adds NFT Data | NFT Details feature (74d6ba1)
- Null value handling for all NFT Data features while Deserializing data (fac3856)
0.3.1 (2022-06-03)
- Adds newtonsoft Json as external dependency solving any library conflict errors (290c81a)
- Style updates and Feature Spawners : NFTPort Features now available in Component and Game Object Add menus (8e33d74)
0.3.0 (2022-05-31)
- Added Product | Fully Customizable minting Feature (bf00946)
- Adds NFTPort Custom Mint Sample - Playground (cd99a2c)
- Overall style updates (b5320ab)
- settings window updates (6fc2e9a)
- Style updates (d4417db)
0.2.2 (2022-05-25)
- Tooltip' is not valid on this declaration type error
0.2.1 (2022-05-24)
- Fixed Corrupted images and .metas (05abcbf)
- Fixed Corrupted images in PlayerConnect + WebGL sample (18b3e41)
- Optimized home window user settings (7128cd0)
- Updated Metadata Upload feature with API compatible format and metadata standards (83938c1)
0.2.0 (2022-05-19)
- Missing meta files for NFT's of Account (d3a3155)
0.1.1-preview (2022-05-09)
- Fixed feature NFTs of Account.
0.1.0-preview (2022-05-06)
- Added Asset Downloader : NFT Image from IPFS/Web2 + Examples (ff34a2c)
- Added Mint NFT with URL (915cb7b)
- Added NFT's of a Contract + Updated ownership Data example (ada6509)
- Added NFT's of an Account + Sample (32aa587)
0.0.1-earlyalpha -2022-03-21
Provides starter pack for NFTPort API endpoints in Unity3D. Early release.
- NFTs owned by an account
- NFTs of a contract
- EasyMint via URL file
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.