Releases: newrelic/infrastructure-agent
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.43.0.
- update dependency newrelic/nri-flex to v1.14.0 #1863
- update dependency newrelic/nri-prometheus to v2.21.2 #1864
- update dependency newrelic/nri-docker to v2.0.3 #1869
- update alpine docker tag to v3.20 #1870
- update dependency newrelic/nri-flex to v1.15.0 #1885
- Add new integrations_only agent mode #1875
- Add new multiline parser config param to logging config #1881
Full Changelog: 1.52.3...1.53.0
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.42.0.
- Add support for ubuntu 24.04 (#854)
- Logs are not supported yet for this ubuntu version
- Bump nri-flex to v1.13.0 (#1860)
Full Changelog: 1.52.2...1.52.3
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.41.0.
- support Cyberark on Windows #1853
- update dependency newrelic/nri-docker to v2.0.2 #1846
- update dependency newrelic/nri-prometheus to v2.21.1 #1848
- update Gopsutil to 3.24.4 #1849
- update nri-flex to 1.12.0 #1855
Full Changelog: 1.52.1...1.52.2
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.40.0.
What's Changed
- NR-124592: add Renovates's auto-merge configuration in #1841
- add to System Sample in #1840
- chore(deps): upgrade docker and protobuf in #1844
- chore(deps): bump from 0.17.0 to 0.23.0 in #1843
- chore(deps): update dependency newrelic/nri-docker to v2.0.1 in #1842
- ci: remove debian buster from pipelines in #1845
Full Changelog: 1.52.0...1.52.1
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.39.2.
- logging config: wrapped Record attribute key and value in double quotes #1827
- logging config: Add log warning msg when logging too many files in #1823
- enable FluentBit installation for arm64 AmazonLinux 2023 in #1824
- add new attribute in connect metadata in #1838
- Update dependency newrelic/nri-flex to v1.11.0 in #1839
Full Changelog: 1.51.0...1.52.0
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.39.1.
- update dependency newrelic/nri-prometheus to v2.21.0 #1820
- update dependency newrelic/nri-docker to v2 #1828
- create log files with reduced permissions #1825
Full Changelog: 1.50.0...1.51.0
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.38.0.
- Add sdk temp_dir environment variable propagation #1808
- Exclude integration error logs by default #1816
- chore(deps): update dependency newrelic/nri-docker to v1.10.0 #1817
- chore(deps): update dependency newrelic/nri-flex to v1.10.0 #1818
Full Changelog: 1.49.1...1.50.0
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.37.2.
- Log Container initialization errors #1810
Full Changelog: 1.49.0...1.49.1
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.37.1.
What's Changed
- Enable fluent-bit package for SUSE 15.5 in #1795
- Configurable integrations temporal directory in #1793
- Configurable agent temporal directory in in #1798
- Add parser for integration SDK errors in #1800
- chore(deps): update dependency newrelic/nri-docker to v1.9.7 in #1792
- chore(deps): update containerd dependencin #1802
- chore(deps): update dependency newrelic/nri-docker to v1.9.8 in #1805
Full Changelog: 1.48.5...1.49.0
A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is Infrastructure agent 1.37.1.
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update dependency newrelic/nri-docker to v1.9.5 in #1782
- chore(deps): update dependency newrelic/nri-prometheus to v2.20.1 in #1784
- chore: upgrade Go dependencies in #1786
- chore(deps): update dependency newrelic/nri-flex to v1.9.4 in #1788
Full Changelog: 1.48.4...1.48.5