Clickhouse is a powerful data warehouse.
A sample docker-compose is provided. It's composed of:
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Zookeeper
- GoFlow2
- Prometheus
- Clickhouse
- Grafana
To start the containers, use:
$ docker-compose up
This command will automatically build Grafana and GoFlow2 containers.
GoFlow2 collects NetFlow v9/IPFIX and sFlow packets and sends as a protobuf into Kafka.
Zookeeper coordinates Kafka and can also be used by Clickhouse to ensure replication.
Prometheus scrapes the metrics of the collector.
Clickhouse consumes from Kafka, stores raw data and aggregates over specific columns
defined in a schema file.
You can visualize the data in Grafana at http://localhost:3000 (credentials: admin/admin) with the pre-made dashboards.