Open source server framework for realtime games & apps.
package main
import (
type CustomRoom struct {
// Throw in your own room's state!
Score int
func NewCustomRoom(id string) *room.Room {
customRoom := &CustomRoom {
Room: room.NewRoom(id, "custom-room"),
Score: 0,
// Configure your room!
customRoom.Room.ConnectionLimit = 5;
// Hook into room events!
customRoom.Room.OnJoin = customRoom.onJoin
customRoom.Room.OnLeave = ...
customRoom.Room.OnMessage = ...
// Subscribe to a custom event!
customRoom.Room.On("custom-event", func(payload interface{}) {
// ...
return customRoom.Room
func (cr *CustomRoom) onJoin(c *room.Connection) {
// Emit an event to all connected clients
cr.Room.Emit("player:join", map[string]string{
"player_id": c.Id,
// Emit an event to a specified client
cr.Room.EmitTo(c.Id, "room:joined", map[string]string{"message": "You joined the room!"})
func main() {
server := nexus.NewServer(nexus.DefaultServerConfig())
server.Matchmaker.DefineRoomType("custom-room", NewCustomRoom)