Name | Type | Description | Notes |
end_date_time | DateTime | The end date and time of a range of time when usage is tracked. Use this field for reporting; this field doesn't affect usage calculation. Character limit: 29 Values: a valid date and time value | [optional] |
quantity | Float | Indicates the number of units used. Character limit: 16 Values: a valid decimal amount equal to or greater than 0 | [optional] |
rbe_status | String | Indicates if the rating and billing engine (RBE) processed usage data for an invoice. Character limit: 9 Values: automatically generated to be one of the following values: `Importing`, `Pending`, `Processed` | [optional] |
start_date_time | DateTime | The start date and time of a range of time when usage is tracked. Zuora uses this field value to determine the usage date. Unlike the `EndDateTime`, the `StartDateTime` field does affect usage calculation. Character limit: 29 Values: a valid date and time value | [optional] |
submission_date_time | DateTime | The date when usage was submitted. Character limit: 29 Values: automatically generated | [optional] |
uom | String | Specifies the units to measure usage. Units of measure are configured in the web-based UI. Your values depend on your configuration in Billing Settings. Character limit: Values: a valid unit of measure | [optional] |